Sunday, May 30, 2010

The success of Doors Open is measured in the number of visitors and attractions that take part in the May weekend event across Toronto. This year marks the 11th Doors Open and I know that standing in line waiting to get into some of the 140 plus buildings means that Torontonians are really enjoying this chance to see places that they normally wouldn't be allowed into or otherwise have to pay to get into.

Besides Toronto City Hall I also went to the National Ballet School. Not only do the students take ballet training they also go to school and live on site. Besides the full time ballet students there are about a 1000 people a year that take ballet classes throughout the year. The school was difficult to take pictures of because the students have to practice on Saturdays and you couldn't take photos showing students - so pretty much a washout for a photographer like me.

So onwards to Historic Fort York with some colourful uniforms as soldiers march and practice with their muskets.

Later I make it to the CNE and the Horse Palace. I watched an expert cowboy show some amazing skills that were originally used to herd cattle in Portugal. I don't think the Toronto Police Mounted Unit put on a show but they did have one of their horses out for introductions to the public.


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