Sunday, October 31, 2010
Here is one more scary
Labels: fall, Toronto, zombie, zombie walk
Labels: Amazing Arts, Coolpics, sydney exhibition
Honda 750 Shadow Phantom The family of Honda motorcycles made by Honda since 1983 to appeal to the U.S. market. The Honda Shadow Japanese manufacturers try to build a second motorcycle Cruiser V-Twin. The VT500C 1983 A, 491cc liquid cooled V-Twin OHC with speed-6, move the shaft-driven. It was in the early Honda Shadow Candy Wineberry Red or black outline drawing on each fuel tank and rear
Labels: Honda 750 Shadow Phantom
Honda 750 Shadow Phantom The family of Honda motorcycles made by Honda since 1983 to appeal to the U.S. market. The Honda Shadow Japanese manufacturers try to build a second motorcycle Cruiser V-Twin. The VT500C 1983 A, 491cc liquid cooled V-Twin OHC with speed-6, move the shaft-driven. It was in the early Honda Shadow Candy Wineberry Red or black outline drawing on each fuel tank and rear
Labels: Honda 750 Shadow Phantom
Honda 750 Shadow AeroDo you find the right mechanics and whether DYI OEM motorcycle parts are motorcycle enthusiasts, can be a daunting task. At least some of the costs at every turn by doubling the price of what you need to have that dealer trying to get into your pocket book. Motorcycles, high performance cars that require basic care and advanced throughout the year. No one shop, and I want to
Labels: Honda 750 Shadow Aero
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Periksalah busi 1.000 km pertamadan setiap 3.000 km selanjutnya. Ganti busi setiap 6.000 kmMengabaikan perawatan busi akan mengakibatkan mesin sukar dihidupkan dan berkurang tenaganya.Bila busi digunakan dalam waktu yang cukup lama, elektroda sedikit demi sedikit akan aus terbakar dan akan terjadi endapan arang di sekitar bagian dalam busi.Sesuai
Demi keamanan pengendara, periksalah selalu kondisi dan setelan rantai sebelum memakai sepeda motor. Pada pelaksanaan pemeriksaan berkala, pada tiap 1.000 km, periksalah kondisi kemungkinan kerusakan rantai berikut ini :1. Pin kendor atau terlepas 2. Mata rantai rusak. 3. Mata rantai macet atau oblak 4. Melampaui batas pemakaian atau aus 5. Setelan
Motor starter atau awam lebih mengenalnya dengan dinamo starter, sangat membantu kemudahan untuk menghidupkan mesin. Pada kondisi bagaimana pun, motor dapat dihidupkan dengan menekan tombol
Suzuki New Shogun 125 yang mengadopsi mesin tipe FL 125 telah mendapat beberapa penyempurnaan pada dapur pacunya. Antara lain, minimnya getaran dan bunyi mesin, perpindahan gigi yang sempurna, peningkatan performa mesin, irit bahan bakar dan rendah emisi gas buang. Untuk mendukung kelancaran kinerja teknologi pada mesin ini, dianjurkan untuk melakukan
Kecepatan dan Jarak HentiBila pengendara sepeda motor ingin menghentikan kendaraannya, pengendara menarik atau menginjak pedal rem. Tapi kendaraan pastinya tidak akan langsung berhenti namun butuh jarak lebih jauh dari titik pengendara tadi mengerem. Jarak ini disebut jarak berhenti. Jarak berhenti artinya jarak yang dibutuhkan kendaraan untuk berhenti
Went to dinner at Mokuren a Japanese restaurant just now.
This is my first time visit after it open few months back I think.
It was located along Kizuna nearby Tesco area.
The food was tasty while the price was ok too with no service or govt tax; and the waitress is actually a sweet Japanese lady :P
Labels: dinner, ipoh japanese food, japanese food, mokuren
Bimota DB6RFuel control: Desmodromic control valve. Lubricating System: Wet Sump. Cooling system: air. Gearbox: 6 speed. Transmission type, Final drive: chain. Clutch: Dry multi-disc clutch with hydraulic system operates. Exhaust system: 2 in 1 in 2, inox steel. Chassis and suspension, brakes and wheels. Rake (fork angle): 24.0°. Front suspension: 50 mm Marzocchi fork in a small tin fully
Labels: Bimota DB6R
Bimota DB6 DelirioSomehow does not seem true. Tach needle bouncing off the specified pastor and I grab the clutch last less attached throttle upshift before the return to a standstill. Inches with the legs from a family of four doors to my right, and a large truck filling my horizon, it's not how to expect the first few miles will be riding the new 2007 Bimota DB5 Delirio. With 2D Tesi 60,000 $
Labels: Bimota DB6 Delirio
Bimota DB6 DelirioSomehow does not seem true. Tach needle bouncing off the specified pastor and I grab the clutch last less attached throttle upshift before the return to a standstill. Inches with the legs from a family of four doors to my right, and a large truck filling my horizon, it's not how to expect the first few miles will be riding the new 2007 Bimota DB5 Delirio. With 2D Tesi 60,000 $
Labels: Bimota DB6 Delirio
Friday, October 29, 2010
JANGAN SERING DIBONGKAR 2010-10-15 21:49:13 Bongkar karburator udah jadi ritual wajib saat servis. Tapi, kata Erwin Oey, mekanik Honda Aries Motor, ritual ini tak usah kerap dilakukan. Ada cara lebih efektif dan mudah."Servis karbu sampai bongkar cuma diperlukan jika ada jalur bensin mampet. Dan,
Melebihi New Smash & Setara Shogun 125 Ada anggapan sinis terhadap harga motor segmen low underbone yang kerap dikaitkan dengan produk paket murah. Ada kesan, biar harganya terjangkau beberapa bagian komponen terpaksa dipangkas atau diturunkan kualitasnya. Bahkan desain yang disodorkan pun ala kadarnya. Ah..,
Bisa Boros Rp 400 Ribu Karet kolor kendur paling kedodoran. Tapi, lain ceritanya kalau rantai keteng alias cam chain yang kendur di Suzuki Shogun 125 dan dibiarkan, siap-siap aja keluar duit lebih dari Rp 400 ribu. Penyakitnya menjalar karena bisa sampai kruk-as. Akan menghemat kalau sudah lebih dulu ganti
Modal Rp 34 Ribu! Banyak pengguna Suzuki Spin 125 penasaran untuk meningkatkan akselerasi. Misalnya Triyoga Arya yang suka bongkar Spin 125 sendiri. “Ternyata ukuran piston Spin sama dengan Smash. Sama-sama ukuran 53,5 mm. Cuma beda bentuk di bagian atas aja,” kata Yoga."Karena bagian atas
Cegah Kabel Spido Putus Kabel spidometer Suzuki Spin 125 gampang putus. Kejadian begini biasa terjadi pada pemakaian kisaran di atas 7.000 km. “Teman-teman di Spinner ngalamin pas di 11.000 km ke atas. Sampai sekarang masih terus dilacak anggota klub Spinner,” beber Dwi Indra ‘Black’ Saputra,
Kenali Dua Penyakit Utama Masalah di karburator vakum bisa dirasakan saat melintir grip gas. Ada ciri utama waktu throttle diurut dan menunjukan bagian mana yang bermasalah. Kalau diambil secara umum, penyakit karbu vakum ada dua. “Akibat pegas (gbr. 1) dan karet membran (gbr. 2). Biasanya karbu yang sering
Jangan Lupakan Terminal Aki yang ditulis accu atau baterai sumber listrik dan gas yang mudah terbakar. Sifat ini yang bikin pabrikan motor menyimpan aki di tempat aman. Karena tempatnya tersembunyi membuat kita malas ngecek. Padahal aki butuh perawatan yang mudah. Tak sesulit mengurus aki-aki, alias orang uzur.Indikasi aki tekor terlihat
Auto makers show off electric cars and hybrids at 2010 Geneva International Motor Show
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Ford Endeavour:
With its looks and difficult transition, to fly four-wheel drive, and groups seeking the way to the fire. This is the performance of this car Ford macho. 3-liter turbo diesel engine of 154 horsepower and was mated to the engine exhaust Transmission: five-speed automatic. The car, and administrative and operational support to off-road dynamics are very impressive.
Ford Fiesta:
Spirited and quick to respond with the avant garde role of technology, and the Feast combines high stability with exceptional ease of driving. In India, this car is available with a choice of Ford's 1.6-liter petrol variants and diesel engines 1.4 liters. Manual five-speed transmission allows gear shifts and a clear and accurate. Compact luxury sedan from Ford, and stables and administrative support and operational comfortable interior and safety features also the highest. Acceleration and ride quality is satisfactory.
Ford Fusion:
This car Ford have the appearance of bold and practical. However, the automakers did not receive very many numbers of this model and it has been speculated that the car had to walk slowly out of the market. Ford claims that this car is smaller and lighter with the latest engine from the car maker. Sad but true, some time from now, we may not see this form, and a wide and stylish around.
Ford Icon:
Ford and the icon is the charm, which occupies Indian roads. Bumpers and sports, and finish a check and polished, roomy interior and smooth functioning just draw people toward it. DuraTorq TDCi engine capable of churning power of 67 bhp. Efficiency of the diesel engine delivers fuel mileage year 17,9 kmpl while the gasoline engine delivers fuel economy for the year 11,65 kmpl. Even after 4000 rpm, the car does not show any sign of vibration, but are those the company. The engine roars and cool for young drivers bold. This has been a Ford car competitive enough to other rivals in the same segment.
Ford Vigo:
Finally, we come to the most popular new car from Ford, and Vigo. This is the latest darling of the Indians. It is available in both petrol and diesel variants and was very reasonably priced. It could be all the quality, content and generous dimensions can be found in Vigo. They are very high safety with features such as access and benefit-sharing with the brakes and dual front air bags. It is worth mentioning that the Ford Vigo phone also comes with a Bluetooth interface. This was the car fully capable in capturing the Indian mind and grabbed quite a few high as far as sales are concerned. Although new, is already among the top-ten top-selling models in India.
So that, in administrative and operational support for Ford cars that are already in the car market of India. The Ford Focus, Ford Mondeo, Ford Fiesta hatchback is still prime minister in the country, and the ways in administrative and operational support.
Labels: Ford
Marque Hummer already have a torrid time recently with the slump in U.S. sales this year led to a strategic review which saw the closure of four assembly plants.

Labels: HUMMER, hummer prices, hummer wallaper, jeep car
Labels: Amazing Arts, craft, money origami, Origami Arts