Friday, October 22, 2010

The 2010 Zombie Walk returns to the streets of Toronto, starting at Trinity Bellwoods Park at 3pm and winding it's way along various roads until it hits Christie Pits. Hide your brains and bring out the blood. I asked Thea Munster (pictured below) if she had gotten married yet - you may remember that she got engaged during last years Zombie Walk, and she said that she has been too busy to get married so far this year.
People were having fun gathering in the bowl in Trinity Bellwoods Park. Some of the outfits, costumes and makeup were out of this world. Use of special contacts has been increasing at every event that we attend.

After milling around and everyone taking lots of photos of the zombies they gathered around the stage for a few contests including best scream, best zombie walk and best costume. Then a little after three the zombie crowd headed out to Dundas and there route which ended at Christie Pits. They did do a little diversion to their planned route, heading up Bathurst instead of Borden, but the zombies and the crowds of people had great fun watching the bloody spectacle. This was another successful Zombie Walk and it was great fun to watch and take pictures of everyone.

And after the jump you can see many more of my pictures of the excellent makeup and costumes worn by some of the participants.

After the park the streets of Toronto were over run with the many varieties of zombies, guided by the Toronto Police and the UMBRELLA Corporation keeping all the brain dead zombies alive, I mean, safely dead.


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