Saturday, February 5, 2011

Silahkan baca kumpulan sms valentine, ucapan dihari valentine terbaru 2011, sebentar lagi hari kasih sayang tiba. Apa salahnya kita mempersiapkan dan memilih ucapan yang terbaik buat orang yang kita sayang. klik CTRL + D untuk menyimpan posting ini di browser kamu. Agar nanti jika kamu membutuhkannya dapat dengan mudah membukanya kembali :)

Sms Valentine Bahasa Indonesia. 

Di mejaku ada sebuah pena, seperangkat komputer, setumpuk berkas-berkas,
secarik memo, dan secangkir kopi. Di dalam laci ku ada sekantong cinta, akan kubawa pulang untukmu.
Selamat Valentine. Terima kasih pada ibumu yang telah melahirkan
kamu sehingga membuat aku bisa mengenal orang sebaik kamu.
Setelah semua yang kau berikan selama ini, rasanya terlalu pelit jika hari ini
aku tidak mengucapkan kata cinta padamu. Selamat hari Valentine.
Kukirimkan rasa sayangku padamu, bersama 14 digit voucher Simpati
bernomor 1234567890123. Selamat hari Valentine.
Tuhan memberikan rasa cinta dalam diriku, dan aku memberikannya
padamu. Please yach, jangan diberikan lagi pada orang lain.
Bersama SMS ini, kami sampaikan rasa sayang yang tulus. Demikianlah
SMS ini disampaikan, atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.
Selamat hari Valentine.
Hari ini aku diomelin sama bos, dikomplain oleh klien,
macet total di jalan, komputer hang berat.
Semuanya tidak membuat aku lupa menyatakan cinta padamu.
Selamat hari Valentine.
saYang di malam valentine ini
Aku ingin mengatakan sejujurnya
Aku sangat mencintai dan menyayangi
teman mu yang ganteng/cantik itu
Hari yang indah tanpa ada hadirmu
akan menjadi hari yang sangat suram
tempat teindah tanpa ada kehadiranmu
akan menjadi tempat yang buruk
malam ini malam valentine
malam ini malam kasih sayang
malam ini juga aku tersadar
bahwa aku tak mencintaimu
Maaf, hari ini hanya ada satu SMS untukmu. Selamat hari Valentine.
kukirimkan bunga untukmu “valentine’s day”
.._.;88m a8___,8″”_”8
______”8,am888i”‘___ 3,mm”
______,8″___8″__ 3.m888″
_____,88P””””” 3I888888
______88.’_,mm””____”8I88″m,,mm’” 8
______”8_m””_________”I8 “”‘

Sms Valentine Dalam Bahasa Inggris 

Love is not an exam to pass or fail,
Love is not a competition to win or loss,
But love is a feeling in which you care for someone more than yourself…
I m enthralled by ur beauty,
mesmerized by ur charisma nd spellbound by ur love.
No wonder I am alwayz thinking abt u.
I wish 2 celebrate every Valentine with u. Happy Valentine’s Day!
If there were no words
No way to speak
I would still here you
If there were no tears
No it to feel inside
I would still feel for you
And even if the sun refuse to shine
Even if all ends ran out Love
I would still have you here
Until the end of time
All I need is you my VALENTINE.
MAD FOR ONLY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i ve searched my heart for dawords 2 say just how much u mean 2 mi.
u r al of God’s Blessings rolled into dreams,
my desires,my evening,my sun,my evening walking moment,
my hpes en my fears,mydisillusion, my contentment,
my joy nd my tears. But most important of all,
i tank God when i pray bcoz u mke every moment my VALENTINE DAY.
All I wanted was sum1 2 care 4 me
All I wanted was sum1 who’d b there 4 me
All I ever wanted was sum1 who’d b true
All I ever wantedwas sum1 like U…
softly d leaves fo memories wil fal,
i’ll pick them up & gather them all,
coz 2day, 2moro & til my life is through
i’ll cherish having sum1 like u!
As days go by, my feelings get stronger,
To be in ur arms, I can’t wait any longer.
Look into my eyes & u’ll see that it’s true,
Day & Night my thought r of U..
In life luv is neither planned nor does it happen 4 a reason
but when d luv is real
it becums ur plan 4 life
n reason 4 living..! Happy
Valentine’s Day!
Ur precious love has
turned my life completely around,
I feel lik Im wlaking but
my feet dont seem 2 touch d ground..!! Happy
Valentine’s Day!
I have liked many but loved very few.Yet no-one has been as sweet as u. I’d stand
and wait in the worlds longest queue.
just for the pleasure of a moment with u.
Luv meanz to see someone with closed eyez,
to miss some1 in crowd,
2 find some1 in every thought,
to live 4 some1, luv some1, but sure tht sum1 is ONLY one!
Love is like a CD track
That links our hearts together
Dont ever break that CD coz
That wud break my heart too
No poems no fancy words
I just want the world to know
that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart.
Happy Valentine’s Day
You mean more 2 me than u will ever know.
Thankyou 4 always being here for me, sweetheart.
I love you more than any thing!!! Love alwayz.
Happy Valentine’s Day
When i look at you,
i cannot deny there is God,
cause only God could have created some one
as wonderful n beautiful as you


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