Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Video President Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic shoplifting pen became hits on YouTube. Although Uploaded on April 10 last, the video lasted a few seconds it shows the president conveniently take a pen in front of him and enter into his jacket pocket.

The president, who is famous for its controversy deny the existence of climate change science, caught on camera shoplifting a pen when a state visit to Chile. In the video, it looks Klaus admire the fountain pen, nodding her head for a moment, and not long after his hands and then in action behind the desk. He did not even care when the President of Chile Sebastian Pinera spoke in front of the media.

Video itu sudah mencapai 1,4 juta hits. Tak berapa lama kemudian juru bicara presiden Republik Ceko bernama Radim Ochvata mengatakan jika pulpen itu adalah hadiah.



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