Sunday, May 22, 2011

92 Ford F350 Diesel

92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_1%

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  • doobs22
    Apr 11, 11:11 AM
    If you have the time and interest I would highly recommend reading this:

    Thank you -- and on to a foolish day I go...

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • fiercetiger224
    Mar 28, 08:53 AM
    "I think and hope that people are going to understand. There is as price for being an early adopter and your points and feelings are valid (Penello said when referring to gamers IGN suggested would be angry about the new system). But whenever you innovate and change, you have to face this situation. Your same old system is still perfectly valid."

    "We could never have done this before, to bring HMDI and 120 GB to the system when we launched in 2005. The reason we didn't do it before was because the HDMI standard wasn't complete. It takes time to develop these things. We started the console earlier than Sony did and when the HDMI standard wasn't done. At the time we were developing, this stuff was in transition."

    ******* off you couldn't have in HDMI in 2005. MS really irks me with this move. I wanted a god damn HDMI port.... :mad:

    I agree. There was already PLENTY of TVs with HDMI connectors in 2005! THE ORIGINAL HDMI SPEC was back in 2002!!! :eek:

    Is it just me, or does Microsoft think that us consumers are stupid? Obviously they don't care about the current 360 owners. I can already feel the anger that you guys have...As for me, I'm actually pissed off for you guys. I mean, I've waited all this time to get one, and now I can get an Elite model. But, that means that people who have gotten a 360 a year before...Man... :(

    More options to piss of the current customers eh?

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • Caris
    Jan 6, 05:27 AM
    Here is my current desktop on my new MBA.

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • heisetax
    Nov 10, 10:20 AM
    Oh please. word opens in like less than a second and I only have a core duo and 1.5gbs of ram.

    I only have 1 GB with my MacPro. Excel & Word only run slowly if I'm also running Parallels Desktop for Mac at the same time. Add in FireFox & you'll find out how slow virtual memory can be big time.

    At those time I'm not sure I can wait until those FB DIMMs come down in price to a more reasonable, affordable level.

    Bill the TaxMan

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • Doctor Q
    Jan 10, 04:57 PM
    Pretty good photo for a 2-megapixel iPhone! ;)

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • shikimo
    Jan 19, 02:23 AM
    All i have to say is iLife 07 has to be pretty good if were still waiting for it.

    yeah, I hope so...but don't you sometimes feel like that's how they get us? Wait and wait and wait, and by virtue of the wait itself the product becomes better? The lack of MACS at MACworld is a perfect example. All of us dedicated mac (that is mac computer) users excitedly jabbering for months about new MBPs and minis ACDs and octo-core pros and iLife and iRocket and iWorks etc. and what do we get? Zilch. Nada, except a couple (admittedly cool) devices that don't do a thing for the computing experience. I use macs cuz they work better, and there are things to like about Apple as a company...but sometimes they make me feel like a lonely, caged, under-informed and taken-for-granted subject in a giant marketing experiment.

    OK so that's a bit dramatic, but y'all know what I mean??

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 19, 08:52 PM
    Well, that was a nice 8 hours wasted....

    I loved it. Portal is one of those events in computing life. I never game these days except for Portal, Katamari, and UT99.

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • andershoeg
    Apr 26, 01:11 PM
    I have the 11". While it IS a very nice machine, I can't really get used to the size of the screen. My eyes gets tired looking at it. I also have an iMac 24", another story, another screen. And I have an iPad. The couch-surfing is done with the iPad, and my eyes don't get tired looking at that screen. So as much as I adore the look and feel of the Air, I can't really get used to the screen. So I am really thinking about selling it, and maybe later buy a 13" Air or maybe a MBP. Tough decision, ,'cause the 11" is a beauty.....maybe my problem is the lack of glasses on my nose :p
    B.r. Andershoeg

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • Mattstkc
    Mar 24, 11:56 AM
    wonder how this effects people(me) with a 4-5 week window that ordered last week ?

    I know I'm in the same boat, ordered the 16th of March, ship by April 20, Deliver by 23rd, at least that's what it says right now. Hoping to get bumped up..

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • OdduWon
    Oct 19, 10:05 PM
    well, to call this a zune killer may be over kill :D

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • Eidorian
    Jul 12, 07:04 PM
    I say keep the Core Solo Mac mini around. I know it's a few dollars less then a Core Duo but we need something to round out the $500 area again. The markets are really segmented at $499, $999, $1499, and $1999.

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • maclaptop
    Apr 29, 12:12 PM
    Unfortunately I was too poor to really benefit from the soaring AAPL stock. Even if I had bought a 100 shares back in 2000, I'd at best made $30K profit by now. Nothing to cry about.

    The flip of it, is you have great Apple products to enjoy :)

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • ravenvii
    Jul 29, 10:08 PM
    Sadly, I remember reading an article a while back that said the number one import beer in the U.K. was...Budweiser. Not the Czech version, but the Anheuser-Busch version. There also stats showing how much their sales were going up, while sales of Guinness were down all around the U.K. It was very depressing. All those lovely beers to import from their own back yard, and Budweiser is the number one import? I haven't seen any numbers on the rest of the EU, though.

    I... don't understand.

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • phuong
    Oct 21, 12:19 PM
    iPod PRO

    im wondering, if it is that big of a screen and that slim, how long can the battery last?

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • snberk103
    Aug 21, 11:00 AM
    Prohibition? Thank Gawd there are no leftovers from that up here.


    That's not technically quite accurate..... a number of current Canadian fortunes were started by running our legal booze across the border. A transfer of wealth that went south to north for a change.... :D

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • relimw
    Oct 19, 11:13 PM
    Google's greatest assests are their data-collection/data-mining libraries. The rest of it is crap (scientific term!).
    Actually, their stock isn't too bad... $426.06/share :eek: Apple was only at $79/share :rolleyes:

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • imutter
    Apr 26, 09:16 PM

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • Electro Funk
    Jul 12, 08:05 PM
    It is a good deal of greed that separates those who are happy to buy something at $c and sell it at $c + $p from those who decides it is not even worth their while unless $p = 20% * $p...

    do you buy clothes? ever bought a used car? how about dinner out at a restaurant?

    Some Customary Markup Percentages for Retail Businesses:

    New cars 15%
    Used cars 75%
    Electrical Appliances 30%
    Clothing 50%
    Trend Clothing 59%
    Crystal Ware 60%
    Gifts and clocks 55%
    Food Retailers 45%

    92 Ford F350 Diesel. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • OrangeSVTguy
    Mar 14, 11:44 PM
    Wow :eek: Sure hope it's gonna be under $250.

    Too bad it's EVGA...

    Apr 26, 11:53 PM
    The front is just so ugly.

    May 1, 10:31 AM
    Now I'm a second class citizen in my own country

    It's no longer your country. :(

    What on earth are you two on about? :confused:

    Apr 13, 06:19 PM
    Agreed. We would gladly pay $300 a license to upgrade each of our current FCP seats to 64bit and not have to interrupt our pipeline.

    OK Affirmed now you make a more sensible argument. So you are upset that Apple changed the paradigm and f---ed your work flow and pocketbook?

    Apple is not microsoft or avid and not so much into supporting the status quo - I imagine you know that. So perhaps you should just lick your wounds and file this under "to be expected." Or perhaps Final Cut X will surprise you by fitting better than you thought into your existing pipeline and return to you, in a short time, the amount of money you have to invest to implement it.

    Mar 10, 06:55 PM
    Thanks to Jahala and Yaris. Ordering some new ramma tonight.

    Nov 10, 10:34 AM
    I think it's pretty damn impressive considering it's emulated. :eek:

    No. Rosetta is a binary translator. It's not an emulator. It's still impressive work.


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