Wednesday, May 25, 2011

pictures of funny animals with captions. funny pictures of cats with

  • funny pictures of cats with

  • kuryack
    Jan 4, 03:50 PM
    new month, new wallpaper...


    pictures of funny animals with captions. animals middot; captions middot; funny
  • animals middot; captions middot; funny

  • DoFoT9
    Mar 2, 05:26 AM
    I don't care if it's hard to read most of the stuff on the desktop. The pic is just nice to look at :)'s_revenge.html

    Anne has certainly cropped up on my radar as of the last few days too.

    Also, ignore the song Bowtie says is playing. I'm not listening to that.

    lame excuses are lame. photoshop out those balconies please!

    nice storm.


    pictures of funny animals with captions. Funny animal pictures with
  • Funny animal pictures with

  • Reach9
    Apr 11, 11:01 PM
    Thanks for pointing out the obvious!
    Steve Jobs said so himself.. 2011 will be the year of the iPad 2.

    pictures of funny animals with captions. Funny+animal+pictures+with
  • Funny+animal+pictures+with

  • lordonuthin
    Aug 24, 05:57 PM
    So I got the GTX 480 and was messing around with getting it running without any luck. I'll have to spend some more time with it and getting windows installed on the 980x machine. I tried swapping it with a gt 260 but it didn't want to run, it was getting errors.

    pictures of funny animals with captions. Funny animal pictures with
  • Funny animal pictures with

  • tribulation
    Oct 19, 08:11 PM
    I definitely agree about the UI inconsistencies throughout Mac OS X. It's getting pretty ridiculous actually. With all the apps looking different, it is SO completely un-mac-like. I understand the need to differentiate the consumer vs pro apps (ical vs final cut pro), but none of the consumer apps match each other, and then the Finder contradicts them all.

    The problem just seems to be getting worse. Is it really that hard for Apple to just follow their own HIG?

    pictures of funny animals with captions. funny pictures of dogs with
  • funny pictures of dogs with

  • mandoman
    Sep 27, 07:16 PM
    I love almost everything about the new design - small size, clip, and aluminum, but I HATE not having the usb connector built in. Last thing I need is another stupid cable/dock. Firewire to ipod cable, usb to ipod cable, cell phone charger, usb to mini usb for camera, etc, etc - Ugh, when will the cable madness end! The beauty of the old design was that it was all in one.

    So, I spent my $50 ipod battery settlement towards a refurb 1st gen 1GB shuffle... I did consider a nano, but I really want the autofill feature of the shuffle. Can't wait to get it!

    pictures of funny animals with captions. funny animals with captions
  • funny animals with captions

  • BigPrince
    Jan 13, 08:26 AM
    I'm back from San Francisco....

    It was a great trip. Really good to meet up with you all.

    Next year we'll have a more formal meeting set up.


    Sorry, I missed you all. I had a very busy week. In conjunction with Macworld, I wanted to see SF and I went to visit Cupertino to visit Apple HQ. And I wanted to take advantage of everything the conference had to offer. Hope everyone had a good time and I already plan on being there next year.

    pictures of funny animals with captions. Non-Cat Animal Captions
  • Non-Cat Animal Captions

  • brianbobcat
    Jan 4, 11:49 PM
    Wear black armbands with a white Apple logo on them :)

    Rocketman, does that mean that you're going to the FCP Power Tools workshop or the keynote, or both? I actually do have a black sweatband that I could wear if I remember to bring it. I plan on getting in line for the keynote early, so look for the 18 y/o idiot wearing the black armband.


    pictures of funny animals with captions. Daily Awww: Cute animals +
  • Daily Awww: Cute animals +

  • Tomar
    Sep 29, 04:59 PM
    How do people like this app/hardware versus the slingbox?

    pictures of funny animals with captions. plastic-animals-with-funny-
  • plastic-animals-with-funny-

  • twoodcc
    Aug 26, 09:14 PM
    All is well now, I have a bigadv unit started on it as well as gpu folding. I took some fiddling around trying figure it out but it's cranking now, should see results soon. It did run one normal a3 unit in very quick time and the gpu is hitting about 14k ppd which is slow :p but I think the cpu is hogging all it's cycles.

    I'll need to figure out how to adjust things to get them both running at best speed. And when the weather gets cooler I can try oc'ing this rig as well as the other 2 rigs.

    glad you got it working! if you think the cpu is taking away from the gpu, then run -smp 11 in your case (12 logical cores right?) that will give a little to the gpu (i have 8 logical cores, and on one machine i run -smp 7 to give to the gpus)

    yeah you gotta overclock to get the real points

    By the way - I feel like a traitor running 3 (legit) copies of windows for a mac team, Ubuntu is still on some of the disks but not running on anything now. At least I have Mac OSX running on the Mac Pro with maybe another Mac Pro coming next year... sometime...

    i don't feel bad really. i still use macs everyday, just not for folding right now.

    dang you would really put up some points if you got another mac pro!

    pictures of funny animals with captions. Funny Animals With Captions
  • Funny Animals With Captions

  • theBB
    Sep 12, 08:24 PM
    I'm actually a bit interested in this. Mind posting a link? My brother's been wanting something like this, and I think I might get this for his birthday over a shuffle because he likes having a screen.

    pictures of funny animals with captions. Rate This Picture and Caption
  • Rate This Picture and Caption

  • peharri
    Nov 3, 09:44 AM
    Not quite true. UMTS uses W-CDMA as it's underlying protocol. W-CDMA is a mixture of CDMA and, to a lesser extent, GSM technologies.

    W-CDMA is just an air-interface standard. It's not a mixture of anything. It was originally designed for the Japanese FOMA system and was subsequently adopted by the 3G GSM people.

    It is a CDMA air interface, but it's unrelated to IS-95, the popular US standard used by Sprint and Verizon that's frequently called "CDMA" as if the terms are interchangable. It doesn't contain any GSM, and it doesn't contain any IS-95. It is, however, like IS-95, a CDMA system, and UMTS, which uses it, is a version of GSM.

    pictures of funny animals with captions. with captions” /gt;lt;/agt;lt;br
  • with captions” /gt;lt;/agt;lt;br

  • acslater017
    Apr 11, 10:19 PM
    iOS 5 for the iPad will be out this fall is my guess.

    This is why I'm tuning in to WWDC - iOS 5 and hopefully a surprise or two for Lion!! This will be a huge summer for Apple. :D :apple:

    pictures of funny animals with captions. Cute and funny animals
  • Cute and funny animals

  • sebgreen
    Mar 8, 04:35 PM
    Can anyone tell me what kind of RAM I have to buy for a late 2008 MBP? On Crucial it won't tell me because their website thinks that this machine only supports 4 GB... Can I just get the 8GB RAM kit for the mid-2009 MBPs?

    I didin't get my ram from crucial, but I did use that spec from their site for the ram. Just match the spec of the ram and you should be fine.

    I just got 2 of these:

    pictures of funny animals with captions. SCARY ANIMALS - PART 1

  • JFreak
    Jul 12, 05:43 AM
    Heck why stop there? Why not make it water proof, fire proof, hurricane and tornado proof, and even lightning proof :p

    Why not make it idiot proof? Like if you do suspicious things with your computer, it would say "User error. Replace user and press key when ready." :D :D :D

    pictures of funny animals with captions. category: Funny Animals
  • category: Funny Animals

  • farmboy
    Apr 6, 11:10 AM
    I would be happy if they could just make Excel 2004-2008 formatted spreadsheets display properly in 2011. Very tired of resizing columns and fonts to get what we had before.

    pictures of funny animals with captions. Funny captions {Part 3}
  • Funny captions {Part 3}

  • iJawn108
    Nov 13, 08:09 PM
    It's normal for the fans to run on full power during the firmware update. I assume that's the noise you heard, right?That happened as well the one im refering to came from the speakers.

    pictures of funny animals with captions. Funny Bug
  • Funny Bug

  • dlamin517
    Mar 1, 07:21 PM
    First screenshot of my new mba

    pictures of funny animals with captions. funny animals with captions. want stuff funny animals; want stuff funny animals. shecky. Jan 11, 04:34 PM
  • funny animals with captions. want stuff funny animals; want stuff funny animals. shecky. Jan 11, 04:34 PM

  • rahrens
    Oct 18, 09:59 AM
    What planet are you from?!?!

    2-5% market share is "fine" as long as you don't need developers, application programs, component parts for new products (why should Intel, Ati or NVidia sell any of their "hot" new products for very long to such a tiny niche market!), compatibility with other electronic devices (TiVos, printers, cameras, etc.), ... the list goes on and on! (And don't even get into gaming, which still drives alot of computer sales!)



    I don't know, but Intel seems to be selling Apple all the processors they want, and even are working with them to produce special applications for Apple's needs, NVidea seems to be selling cards to them, too...

    Apple has been even more compatible with periperals then Windows ever dreamed of, tho TiVo for some reason IS a hold-out. But then there have always been companies that held out, and Apple gets by just fine.

    The gaming market is one Apple apparantly isn't concerned about yet, and probably won't be for a while, at least until they are well into gains in the consumer market... which has more potential than the gamers do.

    So, yeah, 5% IS fine, which has been Apple's position for quite a while, after all, aren't they making money for their shareholders hand over fist?

    What part of "record sales" isn't clear?:rolleyes:

    Dec 2, 08:38 PM
    I might repeating the reply because I haven't read the entire thread yet. But you need to install MS Windows Media Player for the Mac.

    Apr 20, 10:10 AM
    Sorry for the n00b question but does this mean Motion is dead or they'll sell is separate to the FCP package?
    No one knows. Apple reps specified that the preview was just for FCP X and info on the other apps will come out in the future.


    Apr 18, 12:54 AM

    Only leopard users will be able to use "ilife 07" ?!?!?!?

    Apr 29, 09:08 PM
    Sorry, mate, but I think you're missing the point.
    For a company like Apple losing a prototype and it ending up in the hands of a tech blogger months before its release was probably a big blow. But that damage is now done, nothing more they can do about that. The only thing they get to decide is how to handle the matter now with respect to the felony (probably) committed by the finder and Gizmodo. Are their interests best served by getting the police to bash down this guy's door and confiscate the tools of his trade? Apple is a corporation owned by its shareholders and upheld by passionate customers who buy things at a premium because they feel good about them and the company that makes them. It doesn't get to throw a tantrum. It has an image to consider. What's to be gained by tearing up this blogger? A deterrent for similar cases in the future? Give me a break. The next guy who gets his hands on a prototype will just be a bit more careful not to show his face in the video and claim it was sent to him by an anonymous source. That's all.
    So, yes, it was a felony. But it still lacked style and class to go after the felon like that. And style and class is what Apple is all about.

    Apples hand was forced once the device was sold to Gizmodo. I don't think I missed the point at all. If you don't address the selling of a prototype device that your company has spent millions of dollars developing, then that would be irresponsible to your share holders. The method to go after someone who has stolen, or paid for stolen property is to contact the police. I as a share holder of Apples would expect nothing less then them using law enforcement to go after these criminals.

    Apr 7, 03:19 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    This pisses me off. It's a horrible example of decadence and wastefulness. Thing of all the energy and effort that went into making this device. From the mining of the metals to the labour to shipping it across the ocean. The truck that drove it to its final destination. If you've ever given any care to the environment, this should make you mad. Imagine explaining this to someone who has nothing. It went through a long journey. Did nothing. Now it's landfill. Sickening.

    This is utterly depressing.

    I don't get you guys. If holywood destroys lots of cars and buildings and all kinds of stuff to make movies, just to entertain people it's ok... but if somebody destroy an iPad for the same reason (entertainment) than it's an horrible example of decadence and wastefulness... :confused:


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