Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A wise and sagely woman once posited that heaven is a place on a Earth. And if that’s true, then hell is just two exits down on the left. Oh, it exists, do not doubt it. It’s real, it’s right here and I have the goddamn pictures to prove it. Literally. These are images damned by God.

His Coming Shall Be Foretold

His Shadow Shall Block the Sky

The Earth Shall Bleed

His Servants Are Among Us

Beware His Little Messengers

On a Fiery Steed He Rides

In His Unholy House

The entrance to hell is a labyrinth. A vast, snaking maze of caverns bathed in fire, where the lost and the damned wander, uncertain and afraid, for untold eons. The fires burn so hot and for so long in those twisted, screaming caves that the rock itself melts and drips down like water. The burning liquid passes through skin like air; it fuses to bone.



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