Saturday, May 7, 2011

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  • treblah
    Aug 3, 11:25 AM
    How Do You Make A Yonah MBP Run @ 2.33GHz? You Don't. It's Merom Inside.

    I see that you misunderstood the context of the 2.33Ghz but you are still incorrect. You can buy a 2.33Ghz Yonah today, its called the T2700. I know there are not any T2700's in a MBP but Apple could have done so if they wanted.

    Now, back to your 1.67X Battery life…

    Straight from a "Merom vs. Yonah" AnandTech article ( released earlier today:

    Here there's no difference between Core Duo and Core 2 Duo, which in the mobile world is important. If Intel isn't going to give us any more battery life, it had better not take any away.

    In our final battery life test, the Core 2 Duo T7600 actually falls behind its Core Duo counterpart by 2 minutes, but the margin of error for battery life tests is usually at least 1%, so overall battery life is essentially identical.


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  • gnasher729
    Aug 12, 05:34 AM
    I also think Apple will leave the MB with Yonah. They will want product differentiation and price differentiation.

    So I think they will drop the price to <$1000.00 for MB and re-design MBP to provide enhancements similar to MB but with faster Merom CPU's and higher price than MB.

    To be honest, I bought a MacBook and I am happy with it; it has best price/performance ratio of all the Mac notebooks and I didn't want to spend too much money (just bought it for fun). But if Apple tried to sell a MacBook with Yonah while selling MacBook Pro with Merom, where I know exactly that they could get Merom chips at the same price as Yonahs, just for "product differentiation", I would tell them to stuff it.

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  • rwilliams
    Apr 26, 04:16 PM
    Big deal. I use two platforms (Mac OS X and iOS) that aren't dominating the market, yet I feel that both have the superior user experience and the superior software. As long as both keep providing those two things, I'll be a happy customer.

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  • RalfTheDog
    Apr 7, 10:38 AM
    Apple is one greedy corporation that just loves to attack.. typical of the coming corporate takeover of humanity.

    How is this an attack? Apple can't make enough devices to match demand, while RIM will have a hard time selling the few units they do make. If RIM had people lining up every morning to get an rPad, they would have an issue.

    You are not supply limited if you can't sell what you make.

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  • ucfgrad93
    May 4, 02:27 PM
    Am I sensing doubt from the "fearless leader" already? I'd suggest you quit your whining and focus on the task at hand. Your decisions have already cost the group a healing treasure.

    That was kinda lame, so I ordered you this book. I had it sent overnight to you. Enjoy your reading.

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  • Clydefrog
    Sep 15, 05:15 PM
    Please don't mess with the keyboard. The Macbook keyboard wouldn't suit the Macbook Pro.

    agreed, the keyboard would look FUGLY.

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  • BC2009
    Mar 28, 11:13 AM
    The iPhone 4 is already dated relative to other phones on the market. To have a phone on the market for 18 months without an update is insane.

    You're missing something here.... The iPhone actually gets updates over its lifespan rather than promises of updates followed up by the requirement to buy a new phone in order to install the latest version of an open Android operating system on a closed manufacturer's phone. All-to-frequent updates make buyers feel like they have been tricked, especially when they cannot upgrade their phone to do the same things the new phones are doing because the manufacturer prevents it.

    Not to mention that most folks have 2 year contracts and don't like to pay the penalty to upgrade early. The notion that 15 months between upgrades (not 18 months -- if you are counting June 2010 to September 2011) is not bad at all -- especially to the masses who are not early adopters. The iPhone 4 is still holding its own against the competition and its better than it was when it released because of software upgrades. It still does many things better than phones that have released since (like take better photos). Heck, I am still using my iPhone 3GS and I still love it because it gets new features every few months and has even improved on performance.

    Do I think a dual-core 1Gz iPhone with 1GB of RAM would stack up better statistically against the competition? Yes. Do I think that phone will do more things and be faster? Yes. Do I think 3 months will matter all that much in the long run? No. If it means some vast improvements are coming (including LTE) -- then I am willing to wait 3 months.

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  • cadillac1234
    Mar 29, 11:04 AM
    Upshot: buy it from Amazon, they use one copy and tout "free storage"; upload it to Amazon's storage, they have to store that copy independent of any other duplicates.

    That will be their pitch. Value added cloud service. There really is no difference now for Android users between buying a mp3 or movie from iTunes or Amazon.

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  • WildGuess
    Apr 7, 09:31 AM
    They can have my screen. It only bleeds on the edges. Still enough real estate for a seven inch model.

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  • rmwebs
    Apr 21, 03:56 PM
    Funny to see you are basing a $4000 computer purchase on a $79 piece of crap-KEA furniture - LOL. I'm with you on Yea Apple!

    Nothing wrong with a good ol' bit of Ikea long as you stick with the higher quality (I.E non particle board) stuff they are decent...minus the assembly instructions...they should be burnt!

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  • modul8tr
    Mar 27, 03:10 AM
    Also, Gruber later clarified that his guess was not the "iPad 3" per se, but an additional iPad model of some kind, such as possibly a retina display.

    I get Gruber's line of reason here, but in the long term it doesn't make sense to me. If we get an additional iPad this September with a Retina Display, what happens to the 2012 iPad? Will it simply receive a bump in resolution, but lack Retina?

    All (newer) iOS devices other than the iPad have some form of Retina Display. All iOS devices have an A4 chip (which will become A5 this year). iOS 4.2 unified the iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch lines. Clearly Retina is the one missing feature that's coming to iPad. All iPads.

    To me, it makes more sense that Apple would wait until they can build these in bulk, and sell them at the same price point, than to introduce a new top tier $800-$900 iPad (assuming that's what it is) with a Retina Display. Will it have 3 tiers of memory as well and two flavors of 3G? With those options we'll easily see it surpassing the price of a Macbook or Macbook Air. Not quite sure a device that expensive will spur Holiday sales. If we lived in that reality, people would be receiving Macbook Airs like they were stocking stuffers. But Apple's Q1 numbers show us devices that expensive don't move in the numbers that iPods, (subsidised) iPhones, and iPads do.

    The only way this makes sense is if this "additional" September 2011 iPad, has other super features that warrant it's "special" release. An iPad Pro for example, with more memory, even more power, and Thunderbolt. Or if Apple decides to move the iPad introductions to Q1 and do away iPod special events. If iPods are intro'd at this new event, it would be in passing.

    New yearly lineup :

    iOS event - late March / mid April

    iPhone event - June

    iPad event - September

    iPod / AppleTV (quiet release) - September

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  • rerelease
    Apr 23, 04:34 PM
    Wish Apple did something towards resolution independence and not make images bigger and bigger. :confused:

    You could argue that when they pump all consumer Mac resolutions up to the limit of human perception, resolution independence becomes sort of moot.

    Of course, a fully scalable OS would help accessibility, but for many consumers a retina screen would be an excellent "one size fits all" solution.

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  • Erasmus
    Aug 4, 07:11 PM
    Centrino is the name of Intel's mobile platform - the chipset, wireless capabilities and a mobile processor - originally the Pentium M, but now its replacement, the Core Solo/Duo.

    The budget name is Celeron.

    Ugh! Damn names that all sound the same...
    How am I supposed to remember that?
    Well, anyway, I find it annoying. It's called Core Duo, and companies should not change the name on a whim.

    Another thing I find annoying is that places like Domayne, Harvey Norman, Dick Smiths, etc, never mention what graphics card is in their computer. Granted, they all no doubt have integrated GPUs, but I would think the graphics card is pretty much the second most expensive computer component. Don't some high end graphics cards price upwards of a grand? that's more than these damn computers cost!
    No doubt the world keeps saying Macs are too expensive. A Mac is advertised in a magazine, but they never mention they have graphics cards in them worth many hundreds of dollars, and are instead compared to integrated graphics systems, which come out looking better (more RAM, bigger screen, bigger HDD, etc.)

    At least Macs seem to win out in Graphics and CPU speed.

    End of Grump.

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  • Full of Win
    Apr 5, 01:14 PM
    Don't give in Toyota!

    Its our devices, and if we want to modify them for our own use, so be it.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 16, 10:52 AM
    I too am interested in the display and related resolution questions.... A 17" MBP for used for video editing would make much more sense with a HD screen ie >1920x1080 (Sony already sell a 1920x1200 machine has a blu-ray burner too...)Oh, and one more thing... it's got a Core™ 2 Duo inside!:eek:

    (but no OSX:p )Albeit only running at 2GHz and Windows XP Media Center Edition w/Update Rollup 2 :pSome people have requested more info on the res. independence thingy. I know Tiger has a manual way of Fonts settings and zooming, but with a DPI even a bit over 120, Tiger would really look bad.

    With resolution independence, you have the ability to scale anything up and down, thsu delivering evrything the size you want it, at a much higher resoultion, thus resulting in richer image and also the capability of showing 1080p on portables and viewing way larger pictures at full screen.;)

    That's pretty much all I know, but I'm sure there will be much more stuff awaiting us...:DGreat. But you seem to imply in your previous post that res independence is a feature of Leopard. If so, how do you know this? Link please? We need resolution independence tutorial links. Anybody please? I'll start with a Google:

    Wikipedia - Resolution independence (
    The Unofficial Apple Weblog On Resolution Independence (
    Apple Developer Page Resolution Independent UI (
    5.20.05 Ian Griffiths Blog Resolution Independence in OS X Tiger (

    Thank you Google. :)

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  • acslater017
    Apr 18, 02:57 PM
    couldn't Samsung simply get back at Apple by NOT making Apple's stuff? I mean, come on.

    It's a two-way relationship. By "getting back" at Apple, they'd probably be giving up their biggest customer.

    All of these companies are interconnected. They support each other when it's beneficial, they attack when it's beneficial. The "wars" between game consoles, HD discs, and other competitions make strange bedfellows...

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  • madhatter61
    Mar 26, 11:43 PM
    The upgrade timing of ipad2 caught the key competitors by surprise. They had designs based on ipad. the dual core processor was an easy one to anticipate, but the dual chip GPU with the unexpected graphics performance boost via the Power VR SGX 543M2 with double the memory and other technical goodies makes the iPad2 a first class upgrade. As the software developments come along ... I would expect this design to certainly carry well into next year. There is no way Retina is feasible and a quad core is just way out. A lot more "I want" than practical in a business sense. Hardware always comes first, then the software. The apps developers are just getting started with this new stuff... and the rumor (which is all it is) that iPad3 will be here is 6 months just is pure foolishness. But the media hype just keeps chewing this idea ... Give it a rest... how about some realism. The gaming performance and the interfacing with the big Screen TV is much more likely to grow very rapidly... it is already beginning to show.

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  • aptar
    Sep 16, 07:36 PM
    I am curious tho, if people placed their orders now and lets say the new mbp comes out on the 19th, then how will they adjust the specs and price for the one you ordered and the one that ships? Will they contact you ahead of time or just send you a similar spec based on your price?

    Any ideas? :o

    I ordered my iPod literally the day before the changeover. They then emailed me with the option of keeping original order (with new pricing) or changing to new one (and lose student rebate option). They have a 'transition' page and everything to make your decision, so I would assume they'd do the same with active MBP orders.

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  • Benjy91
    May 6, 07:58 AM
    GL on getting people to start making ARM binaries for windows 8 which only runs on tablets who happen to be extremely unsuccessful. If Microsoft makes an ARM version of windows 8 for tablets only, then windows-based tablets will be even deader than they are already.

    On a side note: All current ARM processers are designed for very compact and tight spaces where power efficiency is THE most important thing. Regular laptop/desktop CPUs are not, to the same extent anyway. ARM has yet to show us what it can deliver in that area, so who knows. We'll just have to wait and see.

    Windows is making a version of Windows that works on ARM and the regular processors, so ALL the software works for it. They wont be separate versions.

    Apr 5, 02:17 PM
    Companies have a right then to make money on it and Apple cannot actively try to cut off the ability of another company to make money off the Iphone legally, its called restraint of trade, a federal law.

    Yes they can. There is no protection under law for making money off the ineptitude of other companies. Apple is entitled, and expected to fix bugs. When those bugs get fixed, an avenue for jail breaking gets closed. Companies that see their revenue stream dry up are just screwed. That's life.

    Jail breaking happens because Apple screwed the pooch on security. That's all.

    Nov 5, 08:26 AM
    Sophos provides solutions mainly for large corporations. Its as legitimate as it can get. Whats good about is the small foot print their software takes. So its all business and no nonsense "turbo meters" etc. like with Intego Virus Barrier. Honestly I have no idea why they are giving away Home version for free. The business solutions are expensive. Then again if you really want to sell to corporations it makes sense to give people free home versions to gain presence and goodwill. After all those free Home version using people work in corporations...

    From this comment I can tell you have had absolute NO EXPERIENCE with the product.

    We have had it in our company for 10 years and it's absolutely non-intrusive and hassle free.

    Please don't generate noise if you don't have any relevant experience.


    Nice! Thanks for the I take it this is better than Symantec's product? I used to like their corporate product for Windows, but it got AWFUL as of version 11, so I'm hesitant to install the OS X version (we've got a site license) so it's nice to have an alternative finally!

    Apr 14, 11:45 AM
    You can always donate to the federal reserve. Don't let me stop you!

    Yes, I want to donate to the Fed ( (so that my money can go lie on a Cayman island beach, since I never will be able to).

    Mar 28, 11:34 AM
    If the next gen isn't released this summer, I'll probably be going with the bionic. I'd like an iPhone, but I'll need whatever I get in July, and there's no way I'm signing a 2 year contract with a phone that's already a year old.

    Apr 7, 11:39 AM
    Ha ha! Way to go Apple!!!! Kill the competition any way you can!!

    Apple is doing everyone a favor saving them from the mistake of getting a RIM tablet.

    I'm sure Apple appreciates your enthusiasm to kill the competition. I have no doubt they will repay your gratitude by allowing you to pay more for their products.


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