Saturday, May 7, 2011

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  • seedster2
    Apr 25, 09:57 AM
    Call me naive (or perhaps paranoid) but I've been assuming my location is being tracked since I bought my first smart phone years ago.

    I never understand these things.

    It's like asking a burger "did you steal anything?"

    The answer will either be silence or it will be no.

    Even if Apple were using and collecting tracking locations to build up databases of customer movements, they are not going to shout "YES WE ARE TRACKING PEOPLE"

    It's just a silly question to ask, what do you think they will say?

    If Apple want to be seen to be squeaky they have a simple answer, put a setting in the iDevices options to turn off location tracking/storage.

    Pretty much sums it up. I knew these companies would be gathering information for advertising or marketing purposes long ago. I dont care what snarky answer SJ provides, I will assume they are collecting the data and move on with my life. Apple and Google are both for profit corporations so I Im not foolish enough to think one is more honorable than the other.

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  • Jon the Heretic
    May 6, 07:47 AM
    I can't think of a worse idea!

    If this happens, my 25+ year love of the Mac ends. Only the 68K--> PPC transition was smooth and effortless. The Intel transition was worth it for native Windows support but painful and costly.

    I have already pledged never to upgrade to Lion -- bunch of useless features in exchange for a big upgrade cost of my Macs? No thanks; keeping useful expensive apps outweigh useless new features any day.

    IF they go to ARM, tha that that's ALL folks! After the dreadful Intel transition, never again will I follow like an Apple-scented Sheep (first lost all of my Classic apps, then my Carbon apps, and now all of Rosetta apps???) You can't trust Apple to maintain Intel compatibility beyond a few years, and my apps have a much longer life than that. I AM NOT MADE OF MONEY!!! Bite me on so many levels.

    I like my iOS devices---but if this happens, my next laptops/desktop will be Windows 7-based. PCs are better media hubs anyway for iOS devices since Apple doesn't fleece you by forcing you to have the latest OS and hardware like they do with the Mac just to sync your iPhone/iPad. I'd prefer to keep my Macs but I am already passing on Lion on my MacBook and 24" Intel iMac; I would be more than fine with passing on new Macs as well and saving a wad o' money. I have plenty of iOS devices to play with.

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  • McGiord
    Apr 10, 05:17 PM
    Agreed. Anyhow, writing math with ascii characters sucks, however you put. Most people who aren't used to see math in ascii see / as a ______ and not as a direct translation of � or (...)^-1. Other than the people who blindly follow PEMDAS and think multiplication has a precedence over division, like our lovely math teacher did a couple posts above, I think the poll would tend a lot more towards 288 if the question was posted with TeX (or another proper form).

    I think this poll has more to do with how bad math can be written in plain characters than it has to do with the average person's understanding of math. Hey, I got it right, but I spend a lot of time using math and do see it a lot in plain characters, but I know most people aren't engineering students.

    Well Paolo, what is your answer?

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  • EricNau
    May 3, 01:34 AM
    I don't think so, and I'm not being sarcastic.

    Temperature is a great example. Celsius and Kelvin are fantastic for science and engineering for obvious reasons, but when it comes to everyday uses, Fahrenheit makes more sense. It's very intuitive to think of numbers on a 100 scale. That's why when you're looking at the weather or taking someone's body temperature, it's easier to get a grasp of what is "high" or "low." Fahrenheit is also more accurate for casual uses because it can express smaller changes more easily than Celsius.
    I think I have to disagree. It may be easier for Americans to grasp the "highs" and "lows" of the Fahrenheit scale, but any European would have a different concept of high and low. Also, the difference in Celsius units is rather insignificant. For example, the difference between 37 and 38 degrees Celsius is 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, hardly a noticeable difference when it comes to weather forecasts.

    The metric system also lacks easy naming schemes for everyday sizes. Recipes, for example, would have to be written out in ml rather than cups or spoons. In such a situation, base 10 is not helpful at all because recipes are rarely divided or multiplied by 10. The metric system could in fact be worse for such applications because cutting 473 ml in half is more of a pain than cutting 2 cups in half (and yes, while recipes could theoretically be modified to be in flat metric ratios, the fact is that there are far too many recipes in existence already for that to be realistic in the short-medium term).
    I'm not so sure. If a recipe calls for 2 tablespoons, is it not just as easy to measure out 30ml? Might using one graduated measuring "cup" be easier than a series of various-sized spoons and cups? For dry goods, grams are easily measured on a scale. With practice and experience, it's quicker and more precise than measuring exactly three cups of leveled flour: you can just sift the flour into your mixing bowl until the scale reads 375 grams. Indeed this method uses less dishes, too.

    Are there really any benefits to the Customary scale, or do we just perceive benefits because it's what we're used to? And if the latter is the case, why make American students learn two systems of units when one fulfills all needs?

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 25, 10:33 AM
    There's a black Escalade parked outside with a guy in a suit and sunglasses. I think there's an Apple sticker on the rear window? :eek:

    Someone, please call Jesse Ventura! Help!

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  • bowens
    Sep 11, 01:24 PM
    this is probably old news but meh, what the hell:

    Nobody else seems interested, so they must have already seen it, but I have not. That's pretty interesting.

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  • Lesser Evets
    May 4, 02:45 PM
    I'm outraged.

    OK, not really, just wary of not having an OS disk in case of problems. It'd have to be followed by the merest physical back-up device in the mail, just in case. The current packaging of OSX is ridiculous; it might be good for the noobs, but I throw away everything but the disk the moment the box opens. I'd rather get a tiny USB key in a plain, brown rapper.

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  • andiwm2003
    Aug 7, 02:10 PM
    Pretty impressive specs, aside from the fairly hopeless 7300GT graphics card.

    The internal design - the hard drive slots and the memory - seems particularly well thought out.

    The Mac Pro will be my next computer. Time to configure one and see how much it would cost.

    wow, it took a full three (3) posts till somebody complains about the GPU. that seems to be the only constant thing that survived even the intel transition.:D

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 2, 10:37 PM
    Interesting. I see your point and quite frankly I agree, I do however believe that Apple will announce it because the chips are definately out and running, Apple wants to stay ABOVE cutting edge, so why wouldn't they announce the chips?Yeah, what would be the best thing Steve could do Monday is to announce an across the board shift to Core 2 immediately. I don't have the courage to predict this will happen. But it would be the coolest thing in a long time if it does. :cool:

    I agree with you it would make the most sense to just do it all at once instead of incrementally - esp since it's only FIVE MONTHS 'til the January 9 SF MacWorld SteveNote where the OctoCore Mac Pro will likely be added above the Quad - maybe even the Leopard release.

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  • Kalach
    Apr 21, 02:56 PM
    wow! a redesign to the mac pro would be great :D

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  • damienvfx
    Sep 15, 07:56 PM
    I sure hope so in the form of a 1GB stick wiht the other slot empty. :cool:

    I just went to configure one (makes me happy while I'm waiting) and 1 GIG ram stick was what came with the laptop as the standard option.

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  • Burger King
    Apr 25, 09:13 AM
    I'm guessing silence, since burgers don't talk. ;)


    I do and No I didn't steal anything!

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  • 0815
    Apr 5, 02:56 PM
    I travel internationally weekly, and EVERY international iPhone carrier is bound by their arms and legs just like AT&T. It's Apple's way or no way. Want to advertise iPhone? MUST be Apple's advertisements. Want to offer iPhone? Must include visual voicemail as Apple wants it. Want to sell iPhone? Must be at Apple's prices with apple's terms.

    Want to break the contract with Apple? Must turn over your first born child. It's the same story in every country. I am very well traveled, and I'm very familiar with iPhone in other countries. I bought both mine in the UK, FYI

    even google disagrees with you - they wish in the meantime to have forced more control over the carriers (as they already admitted in the public) :D

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  • wovel
    Apr 7, 12:13 PM
    Apple is extremely proactive. Which means they have a plan in place. When competition does something good that fits with their plans, then Apple can add it as a line item to their existing plans and assign it to a specific iOS release.

    The competition on the other hand is defining their plans and goals completely based on what Apple does or what Apple's critics are saying. They do not have a very long-term vision of where they want to be and are by-and-large reactionary to what Apple is doing.

    I will say that Google does indeed have a long-term vision, but not for Android's features. Google's long-term vision is to do anything they can to ensure they sit in between the user and the information on the Internet so they can advertise to them. They see Facebook as a major threat in this regard as well as Apple. Google's long-term plans are being disrupted by these other major players. Android/Honeycomb is a reactionary attempt to correct for some of that.

    Good to see some people get it. It is weird how so many people here that think things like the Tab,Xoom, and Playbook will inspire Apple to keep improving. I am not sure how companies that are releasing products that will all be ranked by independent reviewers as similar or inferior to the iPad 1 will inspire Apple to do anything. They can't even inspire consumers to buy them.

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  • MacRumors
    Mar 29, 08:33 AM (

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  • alent1234
    Mar 28, 09:58 AM
    They also will start having 3GS users come off of AppleCare contracts.

    Nobody will buy a new iPhone if their's breaks after AC is up ...knowing that maybe in the Fall we will see an iPhone5.

    Again, leaves to much of an 'open window' for defections based on frustration, etc.

    ...and as pointed out already by others... I agree, iPhone4 is already a dated design. delaying will just erode Apple's lead in the ever growing mobile hardware market.

    Everyday another competitors comes along... it is no longer 2007... their lead is not what it use to be.

    us 3GS users have been eligible for upgrades since last month

    i was going to wait for the iphone 5 but my 3GS had water damage so i went over to android

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  • mBox
    Apr 24, 05:32 PM
    ...This said, it could potentially make macs more expensive in the future....on what basis? has the iPhone and iPad gone higher in price as it progressed?
    Our budget for a MacPro is almost a quarter of what it used to be 3 years ago :)

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  • April Dancer
    Jul 31, 05:49 AM
    couldn't they just release it as an UNLOCKED phone, sell it on their site and allow us to use it with who ever?

    I really think that would be the best and most sensible option. Sell it sim-free, put it on the shelves in the AS next to the iPods and it'll fly away... the first one into my pocket! It might affect sales of the Nano (but it's all Apple sales so...) but it won't touch the high end iPod. I'm keeping my 5G and replacing it with the fabled all singing all dancing 6G if it ever materialises.

    My contract is up next month and I was eyeballing the SE W850 but if there's going to be an Apple logo on any phone soon, I'm having it. Sad I know but hey!

    Mind you, how long will it take to get to the UK? I'll probably be able to complete another year's contract before then!

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 26, 02:15 PM
    Well done Android and Google.

    Now do me a favor, fix the damn operating system and the ecosystem associated with it.

    Apr 20, 05:25 AM
    Wirelessly posted (iPhone : Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I am happy for this, this means when my upgrade happens, iPhone 6 will be a HUGE one :-)

    The only problem is now your upgrade will be more than the 2 year mark if they decide to bump the iPhone refresh cycle to the fall.

    Aug 7, 03:13 PM
    My house is not wired for ethernet. Which means, I would have to snake a wire through 3 floors, drill holes in the ceiling, etc etc. Its sooo much easier just to have airport. I have 3meg internet service and I cannot tell a difference between wired and wifi. My wireless will hit ~10mb/s transfer if I'm moving a large file from one computer to another. Obviously, that 10mb/s is faster then my 3meg internet service. My internet service is the bottleneck, not the wireless. difference in speed.

    Second, I have BT keyboard, mouse, and phone. I use BT all the time. Sure, I can just order the option. However, that means I cant just run to my local apple store and pick up a Mac Pro. Its absolute crap that a ~$600 Macmini has these options standard, and yet Apples $4000 top of the line machine doesnt. Unacceptable.
    I couldn't agree with you more. I'm almost in the exact same situation you're in and it doesn't make sense to me either. I've always felt the pro machine should incorporate everything a consumer model carries, plus pro features.

    However, they're still pretty slick machines and I'm looking forward to getting one.

    Jul 30, 06:23 PM
    and by now, that photographer has been killed ... or more likely been fired by Apple :)

    Amazing Iceman
    Nov 2, 04:50 PM
    I wonder if it will work on the newer models that are made out of Aluminum, or only the older plastic ones?

    they should update their icons.

    Sorry, but it will only work on the models made out of Aluminum-Kryptonium Alloy. :(

    So plastic is out of the question; sorry! :eek:
    Just Kidding!!! :D
    Didn't you read that it is a Universal Application requiring OSX 10.4 or higher???
    Your Mac could have a paper case and as long as it meets those requirements it will work!

    Apr 7, 10:02 AM
    I wonder if this affects HP's Touchpad. HP has deep pockets as well though.


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