Jun 14, 01:20 PM
Yes, BestBuy has the capability of adding lines, and modifying accounts that have existing foundation accounts attached to them. They just do not have the ability to add new foundation accounts to your account. Does that answer your question?
Yeah. Thank you for the quick response!
Jun 10, 07:57 AM
With Android phones available on nearly every street corner, this is a good strategy to try to get more iPhones out there, even though they're tied solely to AT&T. If Apple keeps expanding the number of distributors, they're bound to sell more iPhones. AT&T must be happy.
%IMG_DESC_3%You know nothing of this country and yet you keep posting your ridiculous views on what happens here.
I think I possess the necessary knowledge about the USA in order to qualify for writing in this thread.
Perhaps you could describe how your country is being detrimentally ruled by Brussels. What are they doing to your country that you find so harmful?
They give the big corporations influence on how my country is to be governed. Like in a plutocracy. The last thing they did to my country was imposing a Data Retention Directive on us. Albeit not totally equivalent to the Patriot Act, it opens up for surveillance of private internet and telephone communication. Not only by the police and the government, but also private organisations. Poland experiences more surveillance now than they did under communism 20 years ago, btw. The people's rights to privacy (which is an essential part of their right to freedom) has been sold for 30 pieces of silver.
Oh, and I forgot about the excuse they have made for the directive. The reason is the danger of serious crime and terrorism, which necessarily will be the result of their own sloppy border-control and ditto policies related to immigration (esp illegal imm.). Anyone who has opposed the way illegal immigrants are being handled, has been labeled "racist".
%IMG_DESC_4%While a neat technology, it's a bit of a stretch to really call this "glasses-free 3D". Unlike the 3DS, where actual illustion of depth is present, this is just changing the perspective on a rendered 3D object on the screen based on head position. The image that the left and right eye sees are the same, thus no actual "3D" effect.
May 4, 08:39 PM
Has anyone else had their events in iPhoto totally screwed up by this update? It took 10 events and turned them into about 50. :(
May 2, 08:52 AM
Still a few differences. Have to factor in more things.
Mac Pro two network cards.
No bluetooth on Dell Precision T3500?
You can add these and still save over 1000$ over a Mac Pro.
Seems the Dell Precision T3500 power supply is 525 watts where the Mac Pro
is 980Watts. As far as I could find.
But you can't even run two higher-end GPUs in the Mac Pro :rolleyes: It doesn't really matter how big the PSU is when you can't use its power. It's not like the 525W isn't capable of running the Dell T3500.
Have to factor in Heavy duty aluminum case vs thin sheet metal & plastic. Mac Pro cases are not cheap.
And the Dell would still end up being around 1000$ cheaper.
%IMG_DESC_7%i dont care what its made of, as long as its not plastic coated..
Aug 7, 04:51 PM
It's going so slow, i'm 46 minutes through it but it has timed out a million times.
I wonder how many people are watching this keynote right now...
Apr 22, 12:39 PM
I am still waiting for a Wired subscription. I am NOT paying $5 per issue.
%IMG_DESC_10%is anyone seriously worried about this?
%IMG_DESC_11%ender land
Apr 12, 11:09 AM
As you said in a previous post, you wanted to drag them into the modern age. Who are you or anybody else to judge who is "modern" and who is not? The standard for criminal punishment should be conformity to the law and not conformity to the current fashion.
There are so many reasons they could have used which would have made sense and had my support. But this reason is NOT one of them.
%IMG_DESC_12%Another question based on a difference I see to Katrina - why am I not seeing any animals? After Katrina there were lots of rescued/abandoned dogs etc. Are pets not so prevalent in Japan?
And a lingual question - why the use of the word 'prefecture' all the time? As in Chiba prefecture, why not just Chiba? Isn't it unecessary, like saying 'Caifornia state' or 'Los Angeles city/county' all the time?
PS. I didn't see USA right at the top the chart at first. Maybe a big arrow to point it out. Anyway, how is Finland and Sweden etc healthier than Australia and Greece, do they not get more colds and flus than we in warmer countries?
Aug 2, 03:34 PM
I think they should add a "buy a new mac" button on the crash dialogue that takes you to the online apple store. Maybe even a splash page that says "Old mac crashing too much? Try one of these new babies!"
I'm glad your not in Apples marketing department. :p
Oct 17, 12:02 PM
and when people realize that to get the most out of Vista they will need a new machine (anyone with a CPU more than 2+ years old). I see 10% US market share within 5 years. :)
One can always hope. But when has this ever NOT been true for a Microsoft operating system? Windows 95 ran poorly on computers released when 3.1 was out. Windows XP had compatibility issues with many Win 98 boxes. Etc, etc. This has always been true for them. The only difference now is how long XP has been out without being significantly updated.
Dec 4, 04:37 PM
Then will you address the thousands that wanted the EV1 at that time?
Perhaps it was people with money, or say, people with the future in mind.
And not profits based on fossil fuels, and planned obsolescence.
Would those 1000s of people still wanted an EV1 if GM was charging enough to break even on them? Or charging enough such that within 5 or 6 years GM could turn it into a profitable business? Or was it a case of government forcing a company to make a product that nobody wants to pay the real price for and then sell it at a loss? Heck if you think ANY vehicle could make money with "thousands" of sales, you don't pay enough attention to the auto industry. You could put the most sincere person with the greenest of intentions at the top of any company, but if they can't make money doing the green thing, it's not going to be a company for very long.
Look, I've been developing and building electric vehicles for 5 years, don't think I'm not aware that some people have the future in mind and have enough money to do the right thing. But these things need to make economic sense if they're gonna do any substantial good in the world.
Dec 2, 02:13 AM
So you could theoretically build and conceal tracking stations all over the place and thus monitor these short-range transmissions. Wouldn't it be simpler just to hide cameras all over?
That's it, I've had enough crazy talk for one night!:p
Dec 2, 02:21 AM
Are they serious? I can track someone from as far as 600 feet away, just using my eyes.
It would be impossible to spy one someone if you had to remain within 60 feet of them at all times...
Exactly. Its basically a very close proximity detector.
What you see here is classic:
1) iPod is famous
2) I want to be famous
3) Tell the media the iPod will help stalkers kill you
4) Profit
%IMG_DESC_18%I would for sure get one.
Oct 18, 04:08 PM
Am I alone in thinking this would be the coolest and most useful application of wireless?
I mentioned this exact same thing a few days ago. Bandwith should not be an issue for streaming one audio track at a time. Imagine the iPod HIFI with that: carry your iPod in your pocket and it streams to the nearest iPod HIFI. If you have more HIFIs, you can walk around in the house and your music follows you eveywhere you have an iPod HIFI. You could as well use headphones, but streaming music and having sterile-making emitters in your pockets is so much cooler, isn't it? ;)
May 4, 09:50 AM
Found my answer. The CPU is replaceable. Now if I only had a couple thousand $USD and some courage....
Apr 26, 02:39 PM
Well if I get one for the wife, I am sure I will get laid plenty!!Now the new debate. Will a black iPhone 4 or a white iPhone 4 get you laid more?
Those of you with MBs or MBPs with heat issues - get Fan Control Pref Pane.
It works, I have a RavA MBP2Ghz that runs cool to the touch, even when maxxed out running BOINC.
No problems here with the update - beeped instead of flashing lights, then a progress bar, reboot and a dialog box after startup that said the firmware was successfully updated.
Apr 15, 08:33 AM
Very wrong there and that will only cause more problems. They do have the right to confiscate it. Just give it up and get it back at the end of the day but don't bring it back again.
Schools always have police around so it could easily be taken away but why would a school have the right to take something away. I never had this problem in college but in high school they tried to take my iPhone and I wouldn't let them. I said they have no right to take it, they called the police down to the class I was in but by the time they arrived the school days just barely ended. Everything turned out ok.