Free Wallpaper for DesktopReleasing on MAS is posible in some sort of .DMG, .IMG Image ready to burn on DVD or copy to USB Key, Look at Xcode 4 for example. Apple may put detailed instructions on how to do it on the MAS description page.
The question is: How Much?
Abstract Background by YurokWhy not?
If they come out on the 12th, and the promotion ends on the 16th (in Canada), then they should qualify..
Wallpapers Free. Start ReadingApple is a business whose mission is to sell phones, computers, and software. You as a customer buy those products, but they are designed by Apple. If you have a problem with Apple establishing a standard across its products to ensure quality, then you can just stop using them. That easy, just stop buying Apple products and stop using them, period.
If Apple weren't so controlling Toyota wouldn't need to have this app in the jailbreaking community.
Sure, some of apple's rules are good - i.e., no private API calls, but others, utter garbage - its SJ's ego shinning through.
free photoshop tutorialNew macbook pros will be made of tungsten maybe? :p
That would be great, and after a year of using them we can all enter strongman competitions. ;)
Elegant abstract wallpaperThey do have more of these in stock, but I was wondering if you have used their services before. it seems a little weird that they would offer it at such a low price, and they do not use paypal.
I don't know how they do it at such a discount, but mine just arrived a day early in fine shape, so at least in my case they came through fine.
I'll try it out this afternoon.
free wallpaper backgroundAll I want from WWDC is a Merom MBP. Well...Leopard too. :)
A free wallpaper describing aThese smartphone stats are quite interesting. We have a open plan office and when I look around me I see about 5 iPhone 4's, 3 iPhone 3GS's and 1 android. :rolleyes:
Also look at how much money Apple has in the bank now in relation to their smartphone market share...
Free 3D desktop wallpaper,This does sound logical to me, its a combination of the lines and i am sure would make it convenient for sound and media pro's whom also have other rack equipment like massive disk arrays and audio equipment(them hings with blinkie lights in sound studios :P ).
Download Free Wallpaper:kavika411
Apr 15, 07:28 PM
Why focus your perspective on gaining wealth?
Aren't there more important things than that in our brief lives?
Good lord. Where on earth did itcheroni suggest there.is.nothing.more.important.in.his.brief.life.than.gaining.wealth?
I believe the single sentence you quoted/responded to of his was this:
your perspective would change completely if you ever decide to invest or trade.
Or was that simply the strawman rhetorical question of the day ... err ... hour?
(Feel free to reply with an emoticon.)
bright free yellow designThat issue could have been largely solved if they had just faced a standard high end GPU with the intake facing towards the back and the exhaust on the side. But Apple is too vain to put a vent on the rear of the iMac to accomodate the intake of a high quality GPU, let alone a slim exhaust vent on the side.
If they had simply used a standard GPU like that it would have opened up quality gaming on the Mac and made it simple to upgrade to newer cards so that people didn't have to chuck the entire computer every time they wanted a new video card.
I'm sure you are right.
Given a bit of good design work on Apples part, when I say good design I mean, technically good as opposed to artistically good.
And in conjunction with Nvidea/ATI (personally I still like Nvidea as they seem more on the ball with Tessalation and Cuda programming for offloading CPU work onto the GPU)
A "Spread out" design, given the large rear metal surface are of an iMac and a few very neat vents to pull in cool air using a slow well designed fan, from the side or bottom and exhausting the warm air on the other side/top could be well within technical possibilities. And would address the weak spot Apple have had for a decade or two.
But, as has been said, Apple seem to fear this market as they seem to think they can't compete, and if you know you can't compete it's best not to enter the race. They want to go for poorer quality graphics, or we can use the term that sounds better than that.
The casual gamer.
Quite why this Apple created concept to cover their weak point should be happy with less quality/detail is unsure to me.
It's like saying people what watch films all the time and enjoy them should have the best picture quality we can deliver.
However, those who just watch the occasional movie should be happier with a lower quality image.
Kind of a strange concept when you think about it. and really we should all accept it's just a created excuse to excuse away a weak area as I said.
But, as you quite rightly said. Apple are too vein to spoil, in their mind the cosmetic look of an iMac by adding in cooling slits to allow for higher end graphics cards.
A shame really as if they had taken graphics a lot more seriously 15 or 20 years ago, they could be kings of this sector now.
wallpaper/ackground forMultimedia
Sep 17, 01:45 AM
well i just placed my order for a 15" MBP 2.0 base model w/ an iPod 60GB
i chatted with a rep and pointed out that i have 14 days to return. i have 30 days to submit the iPod rebate (which requires a upc cut from MBP box)
so my status shows ship date of the 19th and arrival of the 26th!
so kinda in a pickle with dates but the 60GB will only cost me $120 in the end.
BTW, Im a first time mac buyer even though ive used em for years at work!
http://static.flickr.com/81/244990126_78cbf5958d.jpgYou couldn't buy the new 80GB iPod at the new lower price of only $349? Man you are buying an obsolete inferior iPod. That is plain lame short sightedness. :eek:
If I were you I would phone back and insist on the new 80GB model for sure.
wallpaper background (3deputy_doofy
Aug 3, 11:01 AM
I'm impatient now. Must... have... new MBP w/C2D.
Download these free wallpapersIt's not *that" deceptive... they did include "US smartphone usage" in the headline.
I'll bet you money they include Android tablets in the same chart if an Android tablet ever actually sells significant numbers. And it IS deceptive because they did not point out that the chart is completely different if you included all Apple iOS devices, whereas if you included all other Android devices besides phones the chart wouldn't change.
Free Mobile Phone Wallpapers,I hope that the free iPod nano educational deal is still in effect if new iPods are released this week.
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May 6, 01:34 AM
I'm using an older PowerPC G4 and I'm proud of it :D
Another thought... if this rumor is true, wouldn't this be a great time to buy stock in ARM?
About the ARMH stock not necessarily MANY positive bullish things are already priced into the stock price. ARM is trading at a P/E Ratio of about 105 and that's AFTER a recent pullback of 10% or so. Just to put things in perspective Microsoft's P/E Ratio is about 10 Intel's is about 11 even Apple's P/E Ratio is under 17 and they have HUGE growth.
Edit: Full Disclosure I am long ARMH, MSFT, INTC, AAPL
Black Background wallpaperApple is an American company and MacRumors is a U.S. based forum.
Oh, right, so that justifies arrogance, parochialism and chauvinism. Carry on then.
free wallpaper backgroundBootstrapMetal
Aug 4, 11:21 AM
I do not believe that Apple should wait to announce their new 64 bit systems. They should (and could) give promos of complete overhauls of their entire Mac lineup. (Final propaganda for iMac Ultra)
I think that Apple should concentrate on getting lots of switchers. Apple probably care about us old "maccies", because, of course, it is very rare for a mac user to change to using the Operating System That Must Not Be Named.
I therefore think Apple promoing iMacs, Macbooks, MBPs, MPs, MMs, etc. would be in their best interest, as potential switchers would know that Apple intends to bring out cool machines as soon as they can, if not immediately. Sure, it would impact on initial sales, as no-one would buy any of their computers between then and the shipping date, however, Apple would catch many fence-sitters who would otherwise bite the bullet and buy a much cheaper (and much more pathetic) PC after Steve's Keynote.
Wining Switchers should be Apple's goal now.
Like someone else said, That is exactly my case! I am carefully awaiting a Core 2 Duo version of the iMac. It's the only thing holding me down right now.
Free Christmas WallpaperAidenShaw
Mar 29, 03:08 PM
Prayers for our Japanese friends!!
No, "best wishes" for our Japanese friends.
"Prayers" to the flying spaghetti monster are a waste of time - put the people of Japan into your thoughts, don't involve some ficticious deity.
A free wallpaper with aMobileme is certainly worth more than free. Apple doesn't scrape your emails and other data to target adds at you a la Google.
Well, maybe they will make it free and they will make it exactly like Google.
Have you thought about that?
Jul 30, 02:20 PM
Blah Blah Blah..... how many times are we gonna hear about this elusive Apple iPhone???????
Darrin Bell
Jul 30, 12:28 AM
crap. :( I just got a new phone.Same here. I just got a LG cu500 from Cingular to use as a mobile broadband modem. I have one month to return it, which is proof that Apple will come out with a G3 phone/ipod/can opener in 32 days.
Mar 29, 09:40 AM
Just remember part of this is that if you buy Amazon digital products they are added to cloud service and they not counted towards the limit. That for me makes the 5gb or 20gb less to worry about. Same price itunes and amazon but free hosting in the cloud as a backup who would you choose?
This is a very exciting prospect. You want 2 dogs fighting it out to make each other better.
good morning Wclyffe.
question on your comment about BlueAnt. I too have used BT Blueant and loved it. When I got the iPhone it would not, however, recognize my contact list, BUT would let me talk and listen to a phone call I originated on the iPhone.
With the tomtom dock, if the BT isn't acceptable per the above comments, how would I use the BlueAnt?
With the car kit I assume handsfree dialing still requires either holding iphone button and doing voice dialing or favorite list or contact list. BlueAnt of course allowed one touch button and "call so and so" command.
Appreciate clarification.
Have you done anymore review of the Navigon car kit?
Is it an iPhone 3Gs? I have no problem with Voice Control recognizing my contacts list. I just press the button on the BluAnt and voice control is activated. Not sure why that isn't working for you.
I think we just do not pair the the iPhone to the dock via bluetooth, but instead pair the BluAnt that way. The GPS chip should be connected to the phone via the dock connector. Right?
Yeah, that makes sense which is why I'm going to likely keep my BluAnt for calls as its so easy to hit the button on the visor and use Voice Control. I can't believe its as easy using the car kit, but we'll see.
No, as the Navigon is just a simple mount with no electronics (GPS chip, bluetooth, etc).