gold plated desert eagleWhile you're over here thinking "I can't do bootcamp with ARM" Apple is thinking "Bootcamp will be obsolite when we get done here" :apple:
Or Apple might be thinking that Bootcamp will work just fine on ARM when Windows 8 moves to ARM as well.
Or this rumor could just be a negotiating ploy to keep Intel from thinking of raising prices on Apple.
Or both.
DESERT EAGLE WALLPAPER GOLDTo illustrate your point, PalmOne (if that's what the PalmOS Group is called this month...) is doing the aforemnetioned ground-up rewrite of PalmOS now (it should be available to devs soon if they're on schedule) and it's based on Linux. Stable, massively featureful, full PalmOS 5 backward-compatibility, and futureproof.
Yet the hardware arm of Palm has said it might not buy the new sytem from the software arm. I have to imagine this has to do with posturing/playing the good little beoch to Microsoft. We know what happens to companies which partner with Microsoft... that they have proves prima facia that they're unequipped to run a company.
I hate to keep dragging my personal employment history into the discussion here, but this is *hardly* the first time this kind of factor has been in play.
I worked for what was, until (talk about timing!) April 1st of this year, a fully-Sony-staffed technical support facility. We provided tech support for Sony computers, monitors, CLIÉ PDAs, WebTV, Satellite tv, TVs, DVD players, VCRs, phones, all the Business and Professional stuff, etc. Yet (with the exception of B&P), our facility competed for tech-supporting our products with other tech support agencies out there, including our own out-sourced tech support partners.
Sony frequently would not include their own subsystems (CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, writers, etc.) in their own products because they wouldn't (some say "couldn't" but I don't buy that) let themselves have their own inventory cheap enough in a lot of cases. Heck, for that matter, it wasn't until sometime in early 2004 (basically 1 year and change before we all got kicked out) that they switched from 500MHz P3-based Hewlett-Packard desktop computers as our actual "agent workstations" to 3.2GHz P4-based VAIOs. For that matter (and yes this is a rant, but it's also pertinent to this aspect of the discussion) it wasn't until like the last year-and-a-half, maybe not-quite-two-years of our operations that they managed to get more than a handful of current-model Sony computer products into the building AND into the hands of those of us doing the tech support. (The reason for this largely relates to the fact that we as the "tech support" division were the red-headed step-child, and basically a money pit, and we had to actually *buy* our own products at regular retail prices from our manufacturing divisions, instead of them sending them to us.) Now, make of that what you will.
I go into this to basically say that it doesn't surprise me to see any company playing the "house divided" strategy. The only problem is that it is a losing strategy. Whether religious or not, people should at least look *this* up in the Bible as a basic, common sense 101 lesson on how not to run your personal life or your business. Ah, but I digress...
CS Addons: Desert Eagle soundGood God Apple, whatever!
CS Addons: Golden Desert EagleNext Tuesday
Sep 15, 07:07 PM
Of course MBPs are being updated... I BOUGHT ONE TODAY! :rolleyes:
Cross your fingers.
Desert Eagle With ScopeDon't panic
May 6, 03:36 PM
Com'on lads! we are waisting precious time.
i just need one volunteer to split off, or one volunteer to lead the group so i split off.
it really is worth to do this as it cuts down on unproductive turns, which means lees varmints to soil our weapons with.
50+cal+desert+eagle+goldPlease site sources of when has Apple cared about staying ahead of an artificial market. I am trying to think of a time and they never really cared. They bring out what works when it works and that is why they do so well without having to have 100 products out all the time.
Every company cares about the market, and the market is very real. Basic economics, a college course should suffice. Apple is no different. Otherwise, why did Apple add Retina Display? Why did Apple add an A5 processor on the iPad 2? Why did Apple push for A4?
Apple always compares themselves with the competition, it's illogical to think that Apple doesn't care about the market.
Regarding the OP, i'm really hoping for a larger screen, or something which will entice customers, Apple wants to get everyone even people with iPhone 4's to upgrade.
Gold Desert Eagle Disassembledhobo.hopkins
Mar 29, 02:20 PM
Can I just say I am amazed at some of the responses on this thread. Typical American and often I must admit British protectionism coming straight out like a bad smell. Without these so called "3rd world" workers Apple would be a lowly player. Firstly Japan is not "3rd world". It is one of the most developed countries in the world, and has some of the most adept and intelligent people on this planet. Secondly, the term "3rd world" and "1st world" is offensive. The proper term is developing and developed world. Thirdly, I am sure that we will all be fine if we dont get a few iPod batteries or glue. People have died over there and continue to die because of this tragedy. This is surely more important than a load of old microchips. Sorry. Rant over.
I agree that we will "all be fine" if the world faces iPod touch shortages. It doesn't mean that we shouldn't be upset about it - can I not care about the people who lost their lives or had their lives turned upside down AND a company that will face problems? The two are not mutually exclusive.
call of duty 4 gold desertThey can have my screen. It only bleeds on the edges. Still enough real estate for a seven inch model.
Apr 26, 02:48 PM
I like to come here every once in a while, checkout the logic behind some of the comments. More interest in the psychological aspect of the comments.
You might be interesting reading this (http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/intersection/2011/04/25/is-reasoning-built-for-winning-arguments-rather-than-finding-truth/). MR makes so much more sense after having read it.
Find more desert eagleiOS uses services from a company called Skyhook to help with location tracking. they use GPS and wifi access points to pinpoint locations faster than GPS.
Apple stopped using Skyhook a while back, I think around v3.2 or something. Let me check. Yes, that was when Apple changed (http://techcrunch.com/2010/07/29/apple-location/) to using their own WiFi and cell databases.
Agreed. Google's darling Android doesn't just track cell towers. They've found it recording wi-fi networks near the user as well and transmitting that data... like every couple of minutes.
See above. Apple does something very similar. Whenever an app requests a location using GPS, the phone also scans for nearby cell towers and WiFi hotspots. That info is sent up to Apple to build their database.
Why does Google need to know this?
Same reason as Apple. While on this topic, let's hit the wayback machine:
Before the iPhone came out, Google was secretly collecting cell location info via any phone with GPS and Google Maps. Mostly Windows Mobile phones, I would think.
Good thing, too, because the iPhone debuted without GPS and was pretty much useless in that respect. Then Google unveiled a version of Google Maps using their cell location database, and suddenly the iPhone and other phones without GPS reception were useful after all.
Yet I use Google every day, but I at least know they're watching me.
Yet you didn't know Apple was. Ignorance is bliss.
Except that neither cares about watching YOU. They're watching for cells and hotspots. Sorry, they're more important :)
Ok, here's the information that's actually known about the consolidated.db file:
1) It records the locations of nearby wi-fi access points and cell towers.
2) When location services were originally added to the iPhone, the file had a different name and was stored in a different location. (It was moved as part of the multi-tasking updates.)
3) The purpose of the file has been explicitly spelled out by Apple *from the beginning*. It is used *by* location services to calculate your current position in order to be able to display your position faster than would be possible solely using GPS. (It's part of the Assisted GPS process.)
4) There is absolutely no evidence that the file's contents are ever transmitted to anyone. It exists on the iPhone, and in the backup(s) of said iPhone.
That's almost all correct (*). It's just a receive-only cache to speed up locating and use less battery and network resources.
(*) WiFi and cell are not part of A-GPS. The A in A-GPS on the iPhone is about receiving satellite information from an assistance server on the 'net.
eagle-gold desert novfunwithamar
Apr 20, 01:52 AM
http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/20/iphone-5-shipping-in-september-with-faster-processor-similar-look/)
Reuters reports (http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/20/us-apple-iphone-idUSTRE73J0OE20110420) that the next generation iPhone will start production in July and likely shipping in September.Reuters cites three people "familiar with the matter". The brief news article also claims that the new iPhone will have a faster processor but "will look largely similar to the current iPhone 4". No other details are provided, but the timeline is in line with recent rumors about the iPhone 5.
The faster processor will likely be the Dual-Core A5 processor that was introduced alongside the iPad.
Article Link: iPhone 5 Shipping in September with Faster Processor, Similar Look (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/20/iphone-5-shipping-in-september-with-faster-processor-similar-look/)
useless update without i 4" screen up i feel ....
im jealous of other 4" phone models..... please apple bring out a 4 " model;)
Free Pistols Desert EagleIf the wait ends with aluminum enclosure, 4" screen, and LTE I will be psyched. Wait well worth it I would think.
Golden+50+cal+desert+eagleHmmm... I think I'll go jailbreak my iPod touch now.
Maybe then I can get a toggle switch for wifi on my home screen. :rolleyes:
Toggles for settings that you can get to with a single swipe across the status bar.
Eagle especially gold tigerIf someone in my group had sent me a quick email with this equation I would expect to see-
(48/2)(9+3) or 48/[2(9+3)]
This is even more important when the equations I was using were a lot more complex!
Step back a bit. Someone in your group would actually send you an expression that was full of constant numbers rather than reducing that to the answer?
As s a physicist by training I hate it when the meaning is bled out of an expression, by rote plugging in of numbers. Engineers love to do this kind of thing and take a perfectly nice equation, lump a bunch of stuff together and take a few implied logs for good measure and think it still has meaning. :p
I'd expect anyone who knows what they are doing to send something like x/y(a+b) rather than 48/2(9+3). Preferably with an extra pair of parens/brackets to improve clarity. Or send you TeX $\frac{x}{y}(a+b)$ or even code if this was a numerical exercise. This would assist in your sanity checking if, for example, you saw that x was a distance, y was a time and a and b were also times and you knew the expected answer was a distance you'd know that (x/y)*(a+b) was meant. If you were looking for acceleration you might go back to the author and ask, "did you mean (x/[y*(a+b)])?" instead of taking the original expression at its face value.
In the absence of context and any other information the answer is 288.
Desert+eagle+gun+goldwill only upgrade if the coolest features of iOS 5 can't be run on 3GS...otherwise, i'll wait another year for iPhone 6.
DESERT EAGLE WALLPAPER GOLDIt's just the way you are holding your iPhone.
.50AE Desert Eagle 3D - GUNIsn't it about time they update their .Mac offerings too?
gold desert eagle picsitcheroni
Apr 15, 12:38 PM
Essentially my theory is (and it's not really mine but I've forgotten who deserves credit for it) that as tax rates drop, wealth concentrates and becomes less mobile. The free market ceases to operate because bargaining power, knowledge, and resources are all on one side, eventually causing 95% to be at the whim of the remaining 5.
This was essentially the status quo in places like pre-revolution France. It predominated societies until the reforms of the 20th Century. It was only then that we saw incomes improve for the masses. The historical record clearly shows that higher marginal tax rates are good because they don't allow the rich to rest on their laurels while at the same time helping out the unfortunate (who are then able to more fully participate in the economy).
If you remember the name of the economist, please let me know. There are a lot of differences in perspective I have, I can tell just from your brief description, but I would like to learn the finer details of the theory.
Was it an economist or someone who actually understands economics? :D :p
a desert gold caldoing BoxKnightWRX
Mar 28, 10:05 AM
It's the usual geek misconception of what a device needs. They are all about checklist items. And thus they are missing the fact that a major paradigm shift is occurring in this world where the far larger non-tech audience is now buying tech toys. This audience does not know much about specs, and cares even less. All they care about is cost (Apple is right there in phones), how their apps work (just great on the iPhone), choice of apps (no one has more choice than Apple), and what they have read or heard about (Apple is the advertising leader).
So geeks will continue to stamp their feet and pout about checklists that Apple is "failing" at. The rest of the world will keep happily using their amazing iPhones.
And you're missing the fact that it's the Geeks who write the apps that work on the iPhone.
If the geeks decide the larger customer base elsewhere is more enticing, then you'll start hemorraging developers. Same if the geeks decide that their new project is going to be aimed at more robust hardware.
In the end, it's all tied together. The specs are an important part of the device, even if the person buying it has no clue what they mean. Developers are Apple's main focus (or should be) as far as iOS goes, and some of the lay people here chanting on and on about paradigms seem to be ignoring it.
So? Do any of those phones have 1/10th the user experience of the iPhone? Who is standing in line for them? Do you question the speed of the electronics in your TV set? No because it does what it's supposed to do.
I was talking about Developers, not users. While you may not care your iPhone has a single core SoC, ChAir software might for their next game and decide to simply forgo releasing it on iOS. Again, we're at a tipping point right now, Android has gained fast and offers devices right now that outperform the iOS devices, which might put Apple on the back burner.
Especially considering that their user base, while not on a single handset, is right now bigger or close to being than iOS's.
From a developer's perspective, Android is looking good right now. If these trends continue, iOS won't be looking as good as it used to.
Ok, I'll try this question, which is a fair question...............
Everyone says again and again, Apple does not aim for the high end.
If we put Mac Pro's to one side as they are the proper PC's of the Apple Mac world.
Let's speak about iMac's
They are Apple mass consumer, man/woman in the street computers.
They type of customers who just want to enjoy their computer and be able to get the jobs they want done in a nice and easy way.
I think that's a fair statement.
Also, as has been said, over and over and OVER again, these customers, that the iMac's are aimed at, are not Nerds, Not Tech Freaks, Not spec junkies.
They are just normal people who probably don't want to be worried about specs and to be honest as long as it looks nice and moves smoothy on screen, don't care what's inside the case.
Given this. If these "typical consumers, who don't care or really know about specs" are today, looking at their current 1920x1080 screens, or 1920x1200 screens, and they cannot see the individual pixels from their normal, let's say two feet away viewing distance, then what on earth would be the point in increasing costs, and slowing down an iMac by lumbering it with a higher resolution screen?
What is the point, for these consumers, to increase the screen resolution when they can't make out the individual pixels currently?
Sep 11, 07:59 AM
Must stop rubbing the credit card, its about to melt. Be still my precious, only 28hrs to go.
[EDIT] Rubbing knees now, seem less important to have knees rather than a working credit card.
M. :D
What are the odds that Apple Stores will offer to upgrade the Yonah processors in the MacBooks, iMacs, and Minis to the Merom chips (for a fee, of course)?
I'm guessing they won't do this, but I thought I'd ask.
Apple doing it.. um None really
but i bet there will be other companies that will be willing to do the upgrade
http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/05/07/mobileme-to-become-a-free-service/)
Not really significantly faster than the G5 Quad. Maybe 50% faster at best. As owner of a Quad G5 my motivation would be more about the 6 bays and the FW 800 on the front than the speed. :)
The G5 is almost as fast per clock cycle.
Apple COULD have released quad G5 3ghz instead, but they want us to use Intel.
The whole Intel project is beacuse of no G5 laptop.
Stupid IBM. I do not like X86, the play plattform.
But, I have changed all my PPC macs to Intel now.
Macbook pro, Macbook, macmini and today a Macpro.
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