Oct 25, 01:38 PM
The chip alone doesn't really distinguish the macbook from the macbook pro. In the wake of the first wave, the pro was upped in GHz just a bit so that no model was slower than a macbook, but for that period of time they use the same exact chip but were obviously not the same computer. The fact that the pro has better display real estate, a dedicated graphics card, the aluminum shell, 2 firewire ports, a slot for an express card, a double layer superdrive and now support for 3GB of RAM make a seriously big difference when compared to the macbook's hardware. simply adding C2D wont make it equal to the pro at all. also, how much more overhead does apple actually see compared to what they'd make if macbooks had core 2 duos in them?
I agree. They don't distinguish them with different processors, just different clock speed ranges. MBP from 2.16 to 2.33 and MB (I would guess) 2.0 to 2.16.
%IMG_DESC_2%This one is for the materials science geeks on this forum. I had a look back to this patent where Apple was researching Carbon fibre shells:
I was also looking at how long they've been working with Liquid metal:
And it seems to me that they are pursuing BOTH technologies with equal effort. It seemed strange to me that they would put so much effort into to two technologies when they would likely only use one for cases/structural requirements.
And then I found this excerpt from a book which describes how to fuse carbon fibre with metal alloys to create a sandwich which is similar to the first patent l linked to above.:
The (carbon) fiber layer is laid down carefully in the proper orientation on top of a metal foil and then covered with another metal foil. The metal-fiber sandwich is then compressed (the foils help retain the fibers in place) and heated to above the melting point of the metal. This heating with compression causes the metal foils to melt and infuse with the fibers, thus wetting the fibers and distributing the metal throughout the structure.
Based on all this, my guess is that apple is making some kind of fusion casing material that will be mouldable like liquid metal, have the extra strength of carbon fibre, and have the strength/weight properties of both. That would also explain some of the "darker" metal/liquid metal pics that have been floating around.
What do you think?
%IMG_DESC_3%Now watch: Apple will introduce the iTunes movie store this year, but Lions Gate films will be missing.
%IMG_DESC_4%Small White Car
Apr 11, 03:24 PM
This 3D tech is not as cool as it looks in these videos. Both your eyes receive the same image, so your brain knows its not 3D. Nothing will look like its "popping" out of your screen at you.
Well, considering that nothing is "popping" out of Youtube at me right now I'd say that it'll be exactly like it looks in these videos!
%IMG_DESC_5%I am a developer and I see nothing but iOS sales ...
See this blog post with stats.
Exactly. I love how this report has everything broken down by manufacturer and OS, yet when they show their chart of typical usage (texting, downloading apps, web) they lump all devices in together as one!
Oh, really? Android users download apps at the same rate as iOS users do? I don't think so, but for them to reveal this fact would go against their mission, which was to show Apple stagnant and Android surging.
I saw some stats right here on MR several months back that showed the majority of Andorid users don't even surf the web on their devices, and Android has only about 20% of the web presence that iOS had, and at that time the "marketshare" was just about at parity.
Apr 28, 04:56 PM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)
What i find hilarious about people being afraid of the gvernment statement is that if the gov wants ur info, they will take it. Apple really isnt the people to be afraid of. If the gov wanted totrack you, bitch they will. They dont need phones to do it either. They will make a new day of the week just to make you gone.
The State department, FBI, NSA, CIA etc can track your through the central phone company with out a warrant in less then a few minutes, they even have private satellite channels, i just wanted to mention this becuase some use the police BS claiming that its good to find perpetrators using a iphone, no its not, to legally prosecute someone you need a warrant from the district attorneys office or hard evidence like a video to indict them.
Even cops use police jammers and dont need iphones, also they listen in on the phone lines before they actually respond to a call, these so called APPLE TECHS posting here to back up apple as the new big brother are clearly accomplices in what might be a cooperate espionage in my opinion, the only justification i can think of for Apple to of risked facing violations more serious then Google and Facebook which are (free services), we paid for these devices which is also a huge difference. , now everyone wants to know if these apps who collected emails and political views last year where apples own developers indulging on spying.
Apr 28, 10:15 AM
Shouldn't leaking trade secrets be some sort of civil contract violation, rather than a crime you can be arrested and jailed for?
You'd think the right thing to do would be to fire and fine them. What is putting them in jail going to accomplish?
No, leaking trade secrets is a crime. What confuses many people is that trade secrets are usually kept secret by contracts; for example my employment contracts forbids me to tell people about future plans of my company, so telling the world would indeed be a breach of contract. But that contract is really what keeps the information secret: If I was allowed to tell you, then it wouldn't be a trade secret anymore. And therefore telling you would be a breach of trade secret and a crime.
On the other hand, people think they are allowed to leak trade secrets because they didn't sign an NDA: If it is a trade secret, then you are not allowed to leak it (for example if someone who _was_ under NDA told you about it). But if a company is careless, then things that were supposed to be trade secrets may stop to be trade secrets.
Not my point. I was reffering to working conditions in China and that these poor workers just do not quit thier jobs if they do not like them and get another job in another factory.
If anyone doesn't like their job, they can quit, they can stick it out, or they can try to improve things. What they cannot do is commit crimes. And who says that these crimes where committed because someone was unhappy with their job? More likely just a case of greed.
%IMG_DESC_8%It always makes me wanna live in the US when things like this happen!
Yikes, don't get carried away now! :eek: :p ;) :D
Apr 11, 10:53 PM
I'm waiting for iPad 4 September 2011
%IMG_DESC_10%Whoa, how do you even hold onto a windshield wiper at speeds like those?
%IMG_DESC_11%John Stewart drives me crazy most of the time with his rantings and extreme bias, but this time...
AWESOME!!! He is so right! This was very well done... Hopefully, the MacRumors post yesterday is true, and the new 4G comes out soon after the WDC!
I will have to post this on my blog.
Glenn Beck has extreme bias.
Stewart attacks both sides fairly equally, it's just that those on the fringe right give him more material to work with.
%IMG_DESC_12%Anybody else pick up some canned applause lingering after the real stuff at a couple of points in the keynote?
If so... that is mega lame.
%IMG_DESC_14%w00t, keynote is streaming beautifully now. i <3 staying up.
SHH! Don't tell them that!
%IMG_DESC_15%Why not just link the picture instead of link after link after link?
Have you ever seen us actually put a pic on our homepage? ;)
May 1, 04:25 PM
Dell Precision T3500
Intel Xeon W3530 2.8GHz
3GB 1333MHz DDR3 ECC
256MB ATI FireMV 2260
1TB 7200rpm hard drive
Price: 1389$
Mac Pro
Intel Xeon W3530 2.8GHz
3GB 1066MHz DDR3 ECC
1GB ATI 5770
1TB 7200rpm hard drive
Price: 2499$
The ATI FireMV 2260 costs 120$ on Amazon so price wise it is similar to ATI 5770. You can add a lot beefier GPU and still save a fortune compared to Mac Pro.
Still a few differences. Have to factor in more things.
Mac Pro two network cards.
No bluetooth on Dell Precision T3500?
Seems the Dell Precision T3500 power supply is 525 watts where the Mac Pro
is 980Watts. As far as I could find.
Have to factor in Heavy duty aluminum case vs thin sheet metal & plastic. Mac Pro cases are not cheap.
Apr 11, 04:47 PM
I'm not arguing that this isn't 3D. I'm arguing that this video is deemed as glasses-free.
Did you actually think about what you wrote, before you wrote it?
Clearly, in the video there were no glasses of any kind involved (in the video you posted the gentlemen only used glasses because they were a convenient way to attach the IR sensors to his head). So, if you aren't arguing that this isn't 3D, and it clearly uses no glasses, what exactly is your argument?
I don't know about anyone else, but at the 1 min mark where the "targets" are being shown, they definitely look like they are protruding/jumping off the screen. I certainly don't have any experience or knowledge of this technology, but as far as I am concerned that is 3D.
You are not alone. Even in the video that Mooey posted the guy clearly states how the targets appear as if the are out in front of the screen.
May 5, 08:25 AM
Because you were becoming irrationally exuberant - I thought that you needed some balance ;) .
I also wonder about this Intel diagram:
http://www.geekwithlaptop.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/intel-thunderbolt-3.jpg(click to enlarge)
If this applies to the Imac TBolt ports, then the two TBolt ports in fact share bandwidth from the single PCIe x4 connection. The combined max throughput of the two ports would be no better than that of a single TBolt port.
Another moot point, though, since no TBolt devices can be purchased.
Why would it be shared? There are 8 empty lanes so couldn't there be two x4 slots for TBs so both get their own?
TBH the 27" IMac is sounding very tempting with the double TB and SB
why on earth is the HDD not sata-3
i was planning on copping an IMac for my family home, as my parent and sisters love my MBP - but i really do not care if the IMac CPU is 10-15% faster, when the hdd only links to sata3 - as i would of put an owc ssd in!
Guess i will wait for a 2012 re-fresh when apple finally recognises sata-6
i hope, rather than giving us TB - which i love, but at this point in time is a little redundant as there is no TB equipped peripherals available - hopefully a next gen apple cinema display with OLED and TB would also get my cash!
You can get Thunderbolt SSD once the enclosures start to arrive in a month or two.
Nov 13, 10:35 PM
this sux, i have a PowerMac G5 Dual 1.8GHz and i have wake from sleep issues in the last 2 months or so...
it's really pissin me off cuz i thought it was some of the peripherals i had plugged in but ive had nothing hooked up to it and it still has issues. grrrrrr :mad:
Apple fix the PowerMac wake from sleep issues tooooo *waves fist in air*
ahhhhhhh :eek:
*sigh* :(
anyone have the same issue!?
Audio podcast started before the keynote was finished:
Sep 12, 08:32 PM
yes, There are lots of reasons why people get bod mods.
I personally dont worry about society, wether I fit in or if I should try to stand apart.... etc There are people who do have that mentality though.
If it makes me happy thats the only reason I do something, Its my life so I dont care what society thinks, I dont worry about social norms, Designer clothes, fancy cars etc, If I like a meterial object I buy it (not caring if its from Goodwill or Nieman Marcus), if I want to pierce myself because I want to accentuate my eyes and brows and if it will make me happy I will.... I live my life by my rules, and dont care about trying to seperate myself from the heard.
I hope you understand what I am getting at.... Im not very wordly
i understand what you are saying, but thats because i live the same way, and if someone cant accept me for who i am, oh well their loss (just glad this new person in my life likes my additions). Piercings and tattoos are not a fad for me, nor are they just simply a form of expression. they are me and who i am. every piercing is different, as is every tattoo, similar maybe.... and i plan on more of both, and i will end up drawing the majority of my tattoos in the end, and they all have significance. the piercings will remain for years to come if i have my way.
i dont do this to fit into a particular crowd, i do it for my own pleasure, and to improve upon myself, to perfect myself, and i dont care what society or anyone else things. i dictate my life.
Dammit Cubs
Mar 29, 12:29 PM
They should change their slogan from Nokia: Connecting People. To Nokia: Suing People.
yup thats what im talking about. :eek: :confused:.......................:D
was my reaction lol
I think we most likely held it down too long.
From http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=303364
Hold down the power button until the power indicator light flashes, then release it. A long tone will be heard, then a gray screen with an Apple logo appears. There is a progress bar under the logo. As the progress bar moves, your firmware is being updated.
I'm not sure what part of my post implies that I think this issue is of no concern. I am skeptical, however, that the poster I was replying to will actually find many "fun" ways to exploit it.I'm sorry for my mistaken interpretation.
Perhaps we should help Antares by thinking of new and inventive ways to use this tracking ability. They don't have to be evil purposes.
For example, it would come in handy when planning a surprise party. "The sensor at the gate has been tripped - everybody needs to take their hiding places!"
Or it could be used to track shoes stolen at the gym. When you come running out of the building saying "which way did the thief go?", somebody who routinely tracks everyone near that building would be able to say "they went thataway!"
Or how 'bout a customer recognition system at the shoe store? When a customer walks in wearing transmitting Nikes, the store clerk can check if they are a repeat customer, see a display of their name, and say "Hi, Mr. Smith. Welcome back!" with a big smile. That could help make another sale. If their shoe ID wasn't already in the computer when the customer made a purchase, they would note it for the next time.