wallpaper vista. wall vistagnasher729
Apr 18, 04:08 PM
Obviously you mean Samsung is biting the hand that feeds them as they are ripping off their biggest screen component customer.
You are right it is dumb for Samsung to have done that, and I am sure the people who run the screen business are pissed as hell at the idiots in the cell phone and tablet division who pissed off their best customer.
I think they are all adults, and they keep these things very separate. If someone said to their colleagues in another department "don't buy screens from Samsung, we are involved in a lawsuit" or "don't sell screens to Apple, we are involved in a lawsuit", the answer would be "are you mad? They are our best supplier, I don't care about any lawsuit" or "are you mad? They are our best customer, I don't care about any lawsuit".
Indeed. Apple spends less on R&D than many of their competitors.
1. It is not what you spend that matters, it is what you results you get.
2. How efficient is the money spent? Apple brutally cut R&D on stuff that doesn't turn into products.
3. A lot depends on how you classify your cost, which in turn depends a lot on your tax laws.
wallpapers vista hd. hdI dunno, i still think its a stupid idea, not to mention how expensive it will be.
Resolution Vista WallpaperSockRolid
Apr 22, 01:02 PM
Last I heard, Apple was going to use non-Apple gear in their NC data center. That was just a rumor of course. But if there really are rackable Mac Pros on the way, I wonder if Apple could use them in NC...
Vista Desktop WallpaperDTphonehome
Jul 30, 09:53 AM
Who'd get a mobile phone on an ESPN or Disney network anyway? Free sport clips or Mickey Mouse backgrounds?
Google is your friend.
Jul 30, 11:44 PM
So far is Flip phone 3 candy bar 0. I like the flip phones long before they where a fad and I will contine to like them after the fad wears off. I didnt go back to candy bar when they where back in again. I stuck with the flip phone and contine to like the flip phone for the advatages I listed above.
I don't think the flip phones are fads. Look at all the phones on the market, and the most of them are flips. The most desireable ones are usually the flip phones and have been a while. I remember the first Nokia candybars were extremely popular but those never had that good of features and were cheap. In my opinion, flip phones are more durable (in most cases) and look better.
Vista Suite Wallpaper PackWannaGoMac
Mar 28, 10:06 AM
As a 3gs owner, I will not buy likely buy a new iPhone without seeing how ioS 5 actually runs on it.
1920*1440 Vista wallpapernuckinfutz
May 8, 05:39 PM
I meant it might happen, it's just a thought.
Well they did kill itools so in the end they'd have to kill the whole MobileMe brand.
Luckily the Apple today is cash rich compared to the Apple 8 or so years ago. We certainly should be expecting more from Apple.
Windows Vista wallpaperCapt Underpants
May 6, 12:20 AM
I can't see them making another architecture transition. The switch to intel was enough...
Vista Ultimate Wallpapersjasonforisrael
May 8, 03:29 AM
Steve Jobs tweeted a few days ago that MobilMe was going to be free for Mac uses.
lol if you think ceoSteveJobs (who posted that tweet about mobileme) on twitter is the real deal, then perhaps you should read some of the other tweets. stuff like "I don't care what you think of me. You care what I think of you", "Number of apps in iPad commercial: 42, number of black hands: 0", and "Why charge 80 for Apple earbuds? because someone somewhere will pay for it"
dog wallpaper came onto thejohneaston
Apr 18, 05:06 PM
targeting the Korean companies, "Galaxy" line of Android-based smartphones and tablets.
Company's. If only people knew how to spell.
Title: Vista Dream WallpaperIn this topic, people pretend to be IP lawyers to justify their own pre-held positions. Fun.
With regards to the actual topic, Apple would not win in court, but Samsung will settle for a not insubstantial sum. It really is that simple.
hd wallpaper vistaare people not expecting merom to go immediately into the macbook as well? i don't see a reason for apple to purposely gimp their best-selling notebook when a merom chip is supposed to cost the same as its yonah counterpart.
That same was when the Yonah was introduced, not now. That means that there would be a cost difference for APPLE.
Bill the TaxMan'
Wallpapers vistaNebulaClash
Apr 25, 10:20 AM
I still don't get the outrage of many people.
I can think of four reasons for outrage:
1. People who are scared by the media and do not think it through enough to see the media have it wrong.
2. People who like to stir up trouble for the sake of trouble.
3. People who hate Apple and use any excuse to blast them, true or not.
4. People who are paid to provide misinformation against Apple.
the whole wallpaper set isnuckinfutz
May 7, 11:15 AM
Making it free would be a smart move by Apple. It would help bond iphone users more effectively to Apple ecosystem.
At the moment, I don't use the MobileMe service (though I'd like to have findmyphone and perhaps back to my mac services) but if I had it free, it would be a thing that would make it less likely that I would switch to RIM/WIN7 or Android.
Does anyone know if the Windows version of this similar service bundle is free?
The download for the Mobileme control panel for windows is free. It's very basic but all people really need is to link with Outlook contacts and Exchange. Everything else can be done me.com.
Over Time – Vista WallpaperWasn't there a decent price difference between the PB 12" and the 15" but had the same processor? I have no idea. I'm really just asking because i'm curious.
Yes, but the difference in price has been smaller. But then there is no 12" or 13" MBP available and the 15" have additional differences, which could justify a price difference.
I guess they will introduce Meroms a bit later into the MacBooks, but not too long after the MacBook Pros (unlike the iBooks which got the G4 about 2 years after the Powerbooks).
Up to 73 Vista HD WallpaperYou do realize everything you said is untrue, right?
That's par for the course for him. It'd be a page one story if he ever WASN'T spreading FUD.
I don't see any location consent popups on my iPhones here.
Are you serious? You're not looking very hard. Or at all.
Vista Landscape Wallpaper PackBoomchukalaka
Mar 28, 11:52 AM
Let's not forget that pre-iPhone smart phones were updated every couple of years (hardware wise, maybe some aesthetic changes if anything.) We'd see a refresh at CES, then a couple years after CES it would suddenly be on the shelves, probably with the same CPU, maybe a bit more RAM and the next version of Palm OS / Windows Mobile (Remember those? LOL).
Finally... bad move Apple? Really? You mean like, Apple should have decided to go back in time and prevent the earthquake and tsunami or something? Everyone is debating whether or not this is a "smart move" by Apple. If this is true, they don't have a choice! Supply constraints are supply constraints, there aren't other chip manufacturers without seriously sacrificing the iPhone's performance and reliability, and therefore it's reputation. For those of you unaware, this rumor, if true, is the result of a massive natural disaster that recently occurred in Japan, where a number of iPhone components come from! Yes they are assembled in China, but as the article stated, Chinese manufacturers aren't getting their parts from Japan like they usually do around this time.
It's crazy, people are freaking out talking about abandoning iPhones altogether because heaven forbid anyone wait a couple more months for something! I mean, it's what you want, but instead of waiting you'll "settle" for something else? Am I the only one who sees that flaw in logic? Maybe I'm biased because I didn't plan on being an iPhone 5 customer (no upgrade for another year and a half, so I'll be an iPhone 6 buyer), but I still think this whole conversation is silly. Apple is releasing much faster than anyone else had in the past, maybe not now, but had in the past, and Japan is a little inconvenienced right now, just in case you haven't watched the news.
Also, on Apple's hardware being outdated when it hit the shelves. It always had. I had a 1GHz phone when Apple released there 600 and something MHz iPhone (first gen). It finally hit near 1GHz (but not quite) with the iPhone 4, when there were ALREADY 1GHz phones out for a while (Droid Incredible, etc.) The software trumps the hardware, it's efficient enough it "feels" fast, that's why people buy iPhones, not because the hardware numbers are higher than on the competition.
+1 - possibly the smartest comment posted here
The effects of the earthquake and tsunami and power supply problems in Japan now will affect manufacturing across many industries, steel, automotive, and electronic component production chiefly among them. Apple will not be the only company to experience these issue.
vista wallpaper 02 Free VistaI purchased the TOMTOM app early on and paid $99 for it. One week later, I found it posted in the App Store for $49.99 and today, a couple of weeks after that, the price is $59.99. I have searched the App Store site, iTunes Store AND the Apple site and do not understand how to find a Customer Service Link to ask about a refund for the difference in price. Does anyone know how to reach Customer Service for the APP Store? Thanks in advance...
also you're mixing two different Apps ... if you purchased the TomTom app early on fro $99, then you purchased the USA + Canada app ... the $59 app is USA-only ... so in effect, you're actually negotiating the purchase of a different app
your USA + Canada version is $79 currently
i agree w/ wclyffe, good luck ... they don't make it easy
not sure it'll work this late after you originally purchased, but you might ask for your "one-time, no questions asked" app refund ... then repurchase the USA only version, if that's what you're interested in
hd wallpapers vista. wallpaperI would buy a Palm Treo BUT their GUI needs a lot of work.... it is very ugly and this could be the reason that they have found it "difficult" to get people to like their smart-phones. If Apple comes out with an iPhone (and I hope they do) it would blow anything Palm can come up with out of the water. Apple is well known for well designed products and if the iPhone's GUI is even half has nice as the GUI in Mac OS X it will be way better than the Palm Treo and all those Windows Mobile devices.
Aug 7, 04:57 PM
The NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT is cool with me. It is actually based on the same chip the GeForce 7600 GT is, just with 4 Pixel Pipelines disabled.
Exactly. And here's to hoping it doesn't have a fan so it is quiet. :)
Apr 20, 09:01 AM
Now I will celebrate a change of brand while Jobs and company hunts for answers. :)
If buying a different brand of phone means you wont feel the need to come on these boards telling everyone how bad Apple are, then you definitely wont be the only one celebrating....
Al together now.. Hip Hip Hip .... Hooray!!
Jul 21, 03:02 PM
Now all the MBP's need are new enclosures, and I'm sold!
MB's aren't going to get Merom so soon because they've only been out for a little while (as opposed to the MBP's) and I think there needs to be a bigger differentiation between the MB's and MBP's.
Apr 10, 05:49 PM
Anything can be confusing and "ambiguous" if you throw enough uninitiated at a situation. It's just that people that lack proper knowledge or training would rather say something is "ambiguous" than admit that the problem lies with them.
Always blame somebody else for problems, never yourself.
Pretty much
You get 288 if you know what you are doing and do not make the necessary assumptions that you have to make in order to get 2
Having passed through college or any math class doesn't prove anything, even that someone is working in a particular field doesn't necessarily make it an expert in the subject.
When your job relies on solving equations and manipulating them, you can bet it does as far as understanding the fundamentals of solving equations
Math is a language we engineers, scientists, economists, etc... are fluent in.
To us this is not-ideal delivery method, but it has a definite meaning.
Looking at the thread, I think there is a clear dividing line. Native math speakers: scientists, engineers, programmers, etc... say 288. Others who are effectively non-native speakers may interpret 2 due to their lack of fluency.
I agree
If the person who wrote the equation meant 2, he would need to rewrite the expression with () encompassing the entire denominator
When dealing with equations, you can not guess what is implied. You have to use a consistent framework and follow it verbatim.
Nov 27, 02:46 PM
i would love a Tablet. but somehow i doubt that its going to happen.