Dec 7, 09:49 AM
I assume the info is stored then uploaded to AT&T when the phone is back in service. I think this is a great idea but lets hope they act on the problem areas.
%IMG_DESC_2%Android US market share grows by 7% but the top Android OEM's marketshare didn't change much. So does that mean it's the "smaller" OEMs (HTC, rebranded phones) sales that are accounting for the Android growth?
Apr 16, 03:02 PM
Sadly, this recommendation has a lot of merit. I don't know about the UK, but here in the states, the pre-college school system is systemically boring. Hardly a day goes by that my kids are not skilled-drilled and tested so schools can prove they are "teaching" the kids.
Well here in New Zealand you need to get NCEA levels from high school in order to get any job, so studying to get those NCEA levels is pretty important :)
%IMG_DESC_4%I'm still skeptical about this coming out in 2011. MobileMe/Cloud Service have been rumoured since last year and nothing has come of it...
Mar 29, 07:37 AM
I think besides the too-short range, another issue that killed the EV-1 was the gigantic size of the battery pack, which really limited the interior space of the car.
However, with the arrival of modern lithium-ion batteries, they've drastically reduced the size of the battery pack so you can get vehicles like the Nissan Leaf, where you can actually seat four people and the vehicle size is quite reasonable.
Another big problem that plagues electric cars to this day is the very long charging times needed; I've read that a number of companies are working in improved Li-On battery designs and ultracapacitor batteries where the charge time at a commercial DC charger is--brace yourselves!--only five minutes. With that little charge time, even if the vehicle is limited to 100-120 mile range it becomes a viable option as a replacement for the internal combustion engine for urban driving.
%IMG_DESC_6%So that's it? Nobody else from MacRumors is planning to be there? :confused:
%IMG_DESC_7%Not working for me - I'm getting "Router incompatible" even though Elgato says the Apple Airport Express is fine.
"Ensure NAT-PMP and UPnP are activated." Didn't realise I'd need an IT degree...
%IMG_DESC_8%it's about time to include torrent technology into Quicktime, that would be a feature !
%IMG_DESC_9%Those seminars come up periodically. I think they're just on an automatic reload when it comes to the right time.
Apple won't give anything away before an event, especially not days before. The best leaks come a few hours before the event kicks off.
Cheers for the quick reply. You have a good point.
I'm desperate for a new "Mac Pro" (like some others) and so I'm sepculating a lot these days :) .
%IMG_DESC_10%I pre ordered mine on the 15th at Best Buy around 6. The man there said I was guaranteed an iPhone on launch date and that they would call me a day or 2 before the launch date to schedule an appointment. I get no phone calls on the 22nd and none so far on the 23rd. So I go to my local Best Buy to check out what's goin on. I see the same guy and he is on the phone with an upset customer and I knew what I was in for when I saw that. After taking a break from the call to help me out he explains that he remembers me and that I pre-ordered. But he says they got a lot less phones than they expected. He told me about 80. And then he told me they only got 30 in stock. Also, he would not speculate when they would get their next shipment. If I didn't get on the list, then I feel sorry for the people who pre ordered a few days after me. He said I was #80 or something for just June 15th.
After reading all these stories, I think somethings up at some of these stores. I've read that people have been moved around on the list, not being called, ect. I think some employees could have put friends and family or even took bribes to be put on higher parts of the list. Either way, this Best Buy situation is ridiculous. Apple probably set up lower stock for just this time so people buy from them next time.
I guess the usual "pictures or you're lying statement" isn't applicable here... But on side note, today's word of the day is:
Pronunciation: \ˈlī-bəl\
Function: noun
(1) : a statement or representation published without just cause and tending to expose another to public contempt (2) : defamation of a person by written or representational means (3) : the publication of blasphemous, treasonable, seditious, or obscene writings or pictures
Apr 26, 12:20 PM
Did you notice the double slots at the top where the front facing camera and ear speaker are?
I wonder what that is for. My Black iPhone 4 does not have that.
%IMG_DESC_12%Cool, my friend said his computer had strange start up problems, this probably fixes them.
%IMG_DESC_13%Interesting app. Unfortunately the place where my phone drops the most also has a funky gps issue. My iPhone usually says I'm located anywhere from 10 to 20 miles away (and yes, it has the pin point orb thing and not the you're in this general area circle). So I can report the problem but AT&T will get some random spot in the city and not the actual position.
Same here—I’ll have to set my location manually. (But I think the GPS issue is not due to my location, but due to an Apple bug. Lots of people on Apple’s boards have had it, starting with OS 3.0.)
I’m hoping this app proves to be of some use (not that we’ll ever know) OUTSIDE of big urban centers. AT&T does keep expanding their coverage in small cities and rural areas, and therefore they must be making decisions on where to spend. Having reports come in from a given location may effect those spending priorities.
So my friends who live in a dead zone will be the subject of AT&T outage reports from me. Likewise some rural relatives. Who knows—the nearest tower may get an upgrade (or whatever) sooner as a result of reports like mine. All of the above do have a trace of signal within a block, but it peters to nothing at their actual house. So close and yet so far.
(EDIT: I’d say AT&T’s online zoomable maps (http://www.wireless.att.com/coverageviewer/) are very accurate in reflecting these little local dead zones, too. Must be geography. So get taller towers please :) )
%IMG_DESC_14%Bye Bye Baby
Oct 15, 03:23 AM
Hey thanks for that. even though I live near Christ Church. It soulnds tricky- but I'll get there!!! Do they do tax exempt for non-Brits. Just in case you know off the top of your head!!!
Unfortunately there is no Apple Store, though there are three Starbucks. But if you need help (or to know you are not the only macuser in Oxford) there is a pretty good, hole-in-the-wall Apple education dealer/reseller in Headington. Address: 19 Old High Street. Absolute Computers is just off the high street (London Road) towards old Headington: go back beside Summerfields supermarket and it is above the audio shop - staircase is in the rear by the dumpsters in the Summerfield car park. Proprietor's name is Mike. They set our charity up with our first video editing system in 1998. There is also an Oxford MacUser group that meets once in awhile. They have a Yahoo Group, oxmacug@yahoogroups.com.
May 1, 03:19 PM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)
Yes I agree. What do you think the decline has been attributed to?
1: The Big Club. You know - the big corporations and the politicians they have in their pockets, lobbying to get more for themselves and less for everybody else. They do whatever they want because people are ignorant or they don' t care (see below). I'm talking about the bank managers who pay their executives million-dollar bonuses and get the politicians to cover the red numbers with the taxpayer's money.
2: The masses. They don't care about the Big Club because they are too busy watching cheap TV-entertainment while consuming their microwaved dinners - just a modern version of the classical "bread and circus".
Government expansion. Setting up entitlement programs on autopilot which grow 20% faster than inflation indefinitely.
At what point dis we decide that we NEED medicare, farm subsidies, and 50 weeks + of unemployment benefits? And who is naive enough to belief that the taxpayers can keep them afloat forever?
We won't crash because our businesses are too successful. We'll crash because our government is too getting big, inefficient, and we are becoming dependent on it
Apr 29, 10:00 AM
I fly from Denver to Dallas nearly every week and I have seen 1000s of iPads in the wild...it sounds like you hang out with some very clumsy people, maybe they are afraid to buy iPads.
I fly around Europe mostly and to North America maybe 12 times / year. iPad usage suffers from a clear European/North America divide. Most Europeans (Germans/Swedes) I know still haven't found a use for one.
Also, iPhone ownership is much lower over here because the cost/min is much higher. The last data I saw (ComputerBild.de) showed that Germans pay 0.11�/min for talk but only consume on average 20�/mo. Americans paid 0.03�/min and consume roughly 45�/mo on average.
The was for all phones combined, not just iPhones/smartphones.
Basically, the cost is still way too high per min over here to justify the cost.
The lack of iPad usage comes down to it being an extreme luxury item ... average full time "salary" in Germany is 45k� pre-tax and 25k� post-tax (2k�/month), so 25% of a months salary for a non-specific usage device that can't really be subsidized by the employer is a non-starter.
Oct 13, 08:22 PM
Hey how much will OS X Leopard cost?
I just bought my iMac C2D "17 two weeks ago, and I just didn't want to wait until Spring '07 to buy it with Leopard installed on it.
Does Apple offer an upgrade and full versions of the OS X.5?
It would be nice if they offered some type of discount for people who bought their Macs after a certain time frame (Like October '06).
Actually, they do have a discount. My roommate got tiger half price cuz his powerbook was bought less than 3 months ago or something. Just keep those papers and vouchers that came with your Mac.
Apr 12, 02:44 PM
AppleTV has a great user interface. It is simple and easy to navigate.
Some of these software designers need the equivalent of an editor to reign them in. There are some really bad user interfaces on some of these devices. I think the bad designers need a perspective of someone not as familiar with the system as they are.
Mar 15, 05:17 PM
I took a trip back to the boring ol' default. My music, however, is still just as good :)
Jan 16, 12:42 PM
Geektool from top to Bottom
Geektool Memory Usage
Weather Icon
Date, time
CPU usage bar
IP details
Comp up time
Top processes
2 day weather map.
Nothing special for me.
http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/771/snapshot060311.th.png (http://img823.imageshack.us/i/snapshot060311.png/)
Mar 28, 11:28 AM
Now that I think about it, the post about the HD content taking up so much room is right on. I don't thing 120GB will be enough for all my HD episodes of jericho and enterprise. Much less all my other stuff thats on there.
Use the AppleTV for downloaded shows (rumor is HD versions are coming?).
If you fill the HD up, upgrade it (http://www.engadget.com/2007/03/23/how-to-upgrade-the-drive-in-your-apple-tv/) and put a new one in (if you're tech savvy and don't mind voiding the warranty).
With this being released by then, I doubt we'll see an iPhone 5 in June...
Do a search on "Nokia Price Fixing" and see why Nokia is sueing a number of those companies.
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