%IMG_DESC_1%Nice... (sarcasm)
I don't find nose, eyebrow, tongue, lip, neck, nipple, etc piercing at all attractive. Also tattoos are horrendous. If your going to get one put it where no one can see it.
At least its not as bad as these weirdos like this guy:
I watched a show about him on Discovery Health. He's one messed up guy. He has had teeth implants, cheek implants, etc.
Mar 7, 04:36 PM
Reading that story, and this thread, it's easy to see why police probably want nothing to do with any domestic dispute. I genuinely pity them! :)
The number of cops killed, during one of these "domestic" calls, used to be frightful.
They know better now.
Jul 18, 10:59 AM
But the damn site is all voluntary, no real authority. People could change something on less looked at articles and nobody'd no the difference! My sister's professors do not allow their students to you Wikipedia! Just because something's longer doesn't mean it's bettter! If you've ever used Encyclopaedia Brittanica or the World Book, the authors are pros on the subject, not just some bum that's obcessed with Google!
Off topic...
Still, I look at Wiki first and then I always double-check with other sources of information.
Wiki might have weakness but there's so much information (and images, sounds, etc.) All at the same address!
Apr 11, 07:42 AM
Carbon fibre just won't look as good as aluminum.
I really hope that they get it in gun metal grey one day though. Some colour variety would be great!
Apr 6, 06:38 PM
The USA needs to stop befriending Israel.. that monsterous state has been RESPONSIBLE for crimes against humanity and its government is just as EVIL as the government of the former USSR. But then again, zionism is another form of racism and apartheid.
Its time to CUT support for Israel.. let them fend for themselves.
Yeah dem dagdum Jews iz ruining this great Christian land dagnabit! Better get our guns and bibles out and fight for the good ole us of a I reckon.
Ps. The confederacy will rise again!
%IMG_DESC_6%iTMS is down, the apple store is down, and now possible live stream... can it get any better? LOL
%IMG_DESC_7%I've got a very very bad feeling about this.....Look how fast the Auzzies fell just now. I was rather hoping for a long spell of rain. Maybe they should have played this for a draw? Maybe let the Auzzies bat on and kill time?
I just have this gut feeling England are gonna get skittled now. HOPE NOT!
Jun 10, 12:06 AM
When you buy one at these stores, how do they activate it or know if your up for an upgrade?
Best Buy sells all of the big name phones for all major carriers, and they have a dedicated section of the store for mobile phone purchases, so they can easily activate your phone or look up your existing contract. I've had several phones activated at Best Buy and not once have I had a problem.
%IMG_DESC_9%Kaptajn Haddock
May 4, 02:03 PM
How about fixing tethering? Has not been working since iOS 4.3.1
%IMG_DESC_11%For the last time.... it's not coming out this year.
iPad = spring
iPhone = summer
iPod = fall
Once a year cycle. Stupid source.
I dunno... Some of the previous rumors that had predicted a 2011 calendar year release had basically considered all the general and speculative points that the article posted today makes. Apple is known to deviate from once a year cycles, and this year both the iPhone and iPad have been rumored at odd times. I find it more plausible that the iPhone is released in the fall and the iPad 3 is a few months later. At any rate, I find the whole idea that Apple would seriously be trying to get its parts from Samsung's supplier (allegedly) rather imaginative.
%IMG_DESC_12%About 18 months ago, I switched to Mac mainly because of visits to the retail Apple store as well as the online one. I guess I was just persuaded. I was upset with Windows because of everything about it (it wouldn't let me update at all, I get an error message every 5 minutes, takes 5 minutes to start up and 30 seconds to open an application, some apps stop working). After I did switch I felt ecstatic. Truthfully, they just work.
I'm not a developer or an advanced Mac user, but there are a few smudges in Mac OS X that needed to be cleaned. Just a few minor details.
Grid stacks need smaller icons or at least adjustable. When fanning out they seem a little choppy (slow frame rate).
With the smaller and smaller screens like the 11 inch mba, the right side of the menu bar should be changed to allow more icons to be visible without eliminating them. idk how though.
I never use dashboard. I think because it's just not easy to use. For example, the calculator on dashboard has way less features then the calculator app. The translator widget doesn't work the same as google translate. Dictionary widget isn't as good as dictionary app. The clock is useless. So change the dashboard some how.
I've heard complaints about spotlight. I guess that could use a refresh.
I've had troubles with subscripts and superscripts. Is it possible to get a simple keyboard shortcut to get any character as a sub/superscript when typing into anything. I understand there is this for iWork but I want this available in any app.
I want to be able to work easily between Windows and Mac file systems easily, read, write and all that, between wireless networks anyway.
%IMG_DESC_13%In OSX, there's no way to disable the paging file (virtual memory). This is a real problem is if you have an SSD, because half the memory is allocated on the hard drive.
It should be an option, definitely.
But, if you check Activity Monitor, System Memory tab, you can see how much has actually been swapped out. On my system, which has been up almost 3 days, it says 80KB. Even though it says I have 4MB of swap file 'in use,' and have 478MB of swap-ins. The discrepancy is likely partially due to executable code, which doesn't get swapped; it just gets thrown out, and reloaded from the executable file if needed. My actual swapfile is 64MB as allocated on disk.
So, if you do have enough RAM, OS X doesn't appear to be over-eager in writing to the swapfile to an extent that an SSD would have any reduced lifetime. But there is probably plenty of other places to look, such as temporary files, needless rewriting of large sections of data, web browser caches, etc.
%IMG_DESC_14%Let's get this streaming started! I planned my lunch accordingly. Don't let lunch get cold now!
%IMG_DESC_15%(I wonder, if you're a Republican, how likely is it that that charity is a not-for-profit that you own yourself that channels money back to the Republican party? ;)
Good point, but in all fairness, I think that's more a "sleazy-individual" trait as opposed to being attached to any political party.
Partisanship aside, America gives plenty to charity (and that's something we can all be proud of) but I wonder how much of that goes to the truly needy (because 'needy' is what I instinctively think of whenever someone mentions "charity"). I did some light digging and found that "National Vice President, Division Services" at the American Cancer Society earns $1,550,705.00 per year. Nice gig, huh?
And he's not the most highly paid. I found another cancer charity that pays their top guy over $4 million. Have a look yourself: http://philanthropy.com/premium/stats/salary/index.php?searchFoundations=&Year=2010
%IMG_DESC_16%Um regarding the SATA II thing: from this OWC blog page... (http://blog.macsales.com/10050-firmware-update-enables-6gbs-in-2011-imacs?APC=XLR8YourMac09)
Well� that was quick! Just two days after they were released, the 2011 iMacs have a firmware update.
While iMac EFI Update 1.6 is described as including �fixes that improve performance and stability for Thunderbolt,� it would also seem that an unadvertised benefit is that it also unlocks the full 6Gb/s, SATA 3.0 capabilities of two of the internal drive bays.
So, relevant or not, happy now?:)
%IMG_DESC_17%Anybody got any display flickering issues. The screen brightness suddenly drops and flicks back up again. Checked the obvious, but the mains power is plugged in and battery fully charged, screen or top case flex doesn't replicate it.
My MacBook is cursed, first it lost the 80GB hard drive... now this :(
Apr 29, 11:20 AM
Sales are determined by model number. Inventory control is calculated by part number.
Keep trying, though. I'm quite amused.
Actually, if you want to peruse "Press Releases" and cite them as definitive, that's your choice. It just reeks of amateurism and would get you laughed out of any meeting that I attend.
%IMG_DESC_19%No Woodcrest arcoss the board in the Mac Pros? BOO HOO!!! I hope the new monitor rumor is true. I am eyeing up a nice 23" monitor to go along with my new (Woodcrest based?) Mac Pro.A Conroe is fine too? If we get a nice lower priced Conroe tower. I have a weird feeling we're not going to see the Quad G5 go away yet.
I have a SanDisk player about the size of a shuffle, but with a screen, radio and voice recorder. It runs on one AAA battery. It cannot do playlists, it is only folders of mp3 and wma files. Radio almost never work indoors. It comes with in-ear headphones that are too big for my ears. The new version with 1GB capacity is selling for only $55 at Amazon. The new one even seems to have a color screen. Unless iTunes compatibility is important for you, it is not a bad deal just due to the screen. I guess Apple could add a screen and still sell shuffle for $79 or have a 1GB nano for $99.
Bet your Sandisk player isn't as small as the new shuffle...
Just heard the news that ATT is planning to drop the unlimited data plan and offer tiers of data plans. Because some phones(hmmm) are using to much of they're 3g bandwidth. So you'll have to pay more to use more and not pay less for using less So much for ATT trying to redeem itself or cash in before the iphone goes to Verizon
If true, I would imagine it would only affect new accounts and renewals, those of us with AT&T already signed up with unlimited as part of the plan, they change that and it could make a world of legal trouble.
Wait so, how are we supposed to report No Coverage in an area with, well, no coverage?
That's part of their master plan. No one reports no coverage. :)
Seriously, there's a flaw there. I guess you report it when you get coverage??
Apr 12, 03:32 AM
What an incredibly misguided law. I can't believe a western country in the 21st century could not only have such a law, but instantiate and enforce!
I think that most of the time if you have something that isn't allowed then you have the chance of getting suspended anyway. I think the original poster got lucky and I say I was just lucky and the school was just tired of talking to me so they let you me go. However arguing usually does make it worse and in my situation there was things on my iPhone that the school absolutely didn't need to see and I didn't see how I had to give it up.
Why take that attitude? Sometimes it is nothing more than a simple mistake. However, if you automatically start to throw defenses up, you will make people think that you have something to hide. I would simply lock the device and hand it over then retrieve it on the way home. No biggie.