Sunday, May 8, 2011

wallpaper vampire girl. Beautiful+vampires+girls

  • Beautiful+vampires+girls

  • MattSepeta
    Apr 14, 04:17 PM
    I never thought I'd see the day, but I agree with you. Everyone has to see a tax increase in order to solve the budget problems.

    The non-tax accountant part of me (the tax accountant part of me wants the tax code as complicated as humanly possible) would love it if the corporate tax code was simplified and the tax rates reduced so that corporations actually paid taxes in line with other nations - we'd still probably see more revenue even with the decreased rates because the base would be broadened and corporations would actually pay. We should probably broaden the tax base for individuals by eliminating deductions and then eliminate the Bush tax cuts for everyone (which will increase tax rates across the board, more so at the upper two brackets). I'm not opposed to adding a VAT with a low rate either.

    I'd like to see plenty of spending cuts too - stop the three wasteful and pointless wars we are fighting would be a great start, then cut defense spending. Like it or not, I think we need to acknowledge that social security needs changes - a decrease in benefits and removing the limit on payroll taxes for social security would be a good start.

    But then again, I'm a moderate (though I am generally fiscally libertarian) and I understand the urgency with which we need to eliminate our deficit and decrease our national debt. I don't have much hope for any of this happening, since neither side can seem to acknowledge that we need a combo of what they both propose.

    Spot on. If we are going to raise taxes we should raise them on EVERYBODY. I would gladly take a hit if everyone else was going to.

    We should also cut spending across the board. Cut spending on EVERYTHING.

    No singling anybody/thing out, no exempting anybody/anything.

    wallpaper vampire girl. Green Eye Vampire Girl iPhone
  • Green Eye Vampire Girl iPhone

  • cube
    May 6, 07:06 AM
    AMD is currently a bang for buck chip maker, I doubt you'll see them CPUs in Apple products. Plus until Fusion develops some more the thermal envelope isn't too good.

    The TDP of Bobcat Fusion includes fast DX11 graphics. The TDP of Atom does not include graphics.

    Bobcat Fusion is at 40nm bulk. Atom is at 45nm.

    In some months Atom will shrink to 32nm with DX10 graphics.

    By the turn of the year Bobcat+ Fusion will be out on 28nm bulk.

    wallpaper vampire girl. Twins wallpaper vampire
  • Twins wallpaper vampire

  • GregA
    Nov 27, 03:44 PM
    No point in what? I am stating my OWN ideas.Yes, but you're stating your OWN ideas while telling others their ideas are stupid. If you can't see how even after re-reading, then ..... c'est la vie I guess.

    wallpaper vampire girl. Vampire Girl Wallpaper
  • Vampire Girl Wallpaper

  • MacRumors
    Apr 26, 02:03 PM (

    Earlier this year, we pointed to a report ( from media research firm Nielsen indicating that Apple's iOS was just barely holding off Android in smartphone usage in the United States. But continued strong growth from Android that saw the platform easily leading the pack among the most recent smartphone acquirers left little doubt that Android would quickly pass iOS in total penetration.

    wallpaper vampire girl. Age(Vampire):1099
  • Age(Vampire):1099

  • SandynJosh
    Nov 23, 12:05 PM
    Apple learned that with their old music player, you know the one before the iPod, oh wait there wasn't one...

    Oh yah, there was one. It was a CD player that was soooo bad hardy a soul bought it and it's barely remembered. I think it happened while Steve was at Next abd the idjuts were in control of of Apple. It may have set a record for a short lifespan, not counting Microsoft's vaporware that was never spawned.

    wallpaper vampire girl. Vampire Girl
  • Vampire Girl

  • tf843364
    Aug 4, 12:14 AM
    Never buy an apple product!!!
    As soon as you do something new and better comes out!!!
    I am typing this away on my new Macbook, Core 1 Duo; which i bought under the self-brainwashed reasoning that the MBP alone would see 2x2. Why you ask? Cuz I figured hey, the MB JUST came out, why refresh it every 2 months! The MBP has been out like 8 months, that makes sense.
    I can only PRAY I am right.
    No that my Macbook will be instant crap... I just COULD have waited until september.
    Damn you apple...

    wallpaper vampire girl. Tags: team jacob wallpapers
  • Tags: team jacob wallpapers

  • ArtOfWarfare
    Mar 26, 10:40 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    I hope I can upgrade as soon as the iPhone 5 is released. This 3GS is getting old.


    What am I supposed to do when my contract ends this July!?

    wallpaper vampire girl. gothix girl
  • gothix girl

  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 23, 10:03 AM
    Why do I have some weird feeling that they will update the entire product line at WWDC?

    If they did, it could work out quite well from a marketing point of view. However, I doubt it will all happen at WWDC. Maybe around September.

    wallpaper vampire girl. He calls Bella quot;vampire girlquot;
  • He calls Bella quot;vampire girlquot;

  • cube
    May 6, 06:39 AM
    Intel is spending $9 billion to upgrade its fabs to 22nm. Building all of them from scratch would be much more expensive. ARM's current market cap is $7.5 billion.

    ARM does not make chips. They license technology and core designs.

    wallpaper vampire girl. Vampire wallpaper
  • Vampire wallpaper

  • macman4291
    Jul 24, 12:39 AM
    No. Processors Are Soldered In MacBooks and MacBook Pros So No Upgrades Are Possible.

    The way you do the upgrade is by selling your current model and buying the next one. It's called rolling over your Mac for the next one. Some of us here have done it numerous times. It's not hard to get a good price for your used Mac. By doing this at the beginning of every update, it only cost you a few hundred dollars to move up each time.

    Would it be worth it rolling over my 17 in macbook pro, w/ a 2.16 core duo to a macbook pro w/ merom chip and other new attributes. Would there be a significant difference in speed , ect. that would make it worth it. , and if so, what would i do about my registered applecare protection plan?

    wallpaper vampire girl. Fantasy - Vampire Wallpaper
  • Fantasy - Vampire Wallpaper

  • DeaconGraves
    May 4, 03:24 PM
    My opposition to this isn't because I think Digital Distribution is bad (the copy of Windows 7 I'm writing this on was downloaded, legally I might add, from Microsoft), it's because of how Apple is offering it.

    I was able to download a .iso of Windows and install it how I wanted to. I was able to back up the .iso to an external hard drive and also to burn a copy of it.

    The App Store (unless they change things) wouldn't allow that. I would have no problem with this if Apple included a way to create a DVD or USB installer from the download.

    You seem really hung up on the fact that if Lion is sold on the app store it has to act exactly like every thing else on the app store, when that doesn't necessarily have to be the case.

    Apple has always strived for simplicity, and creating one application where every other application can be downloaded makes things really simple for people who are not power users like you and me. Want the newest version of OS X? App store. Want iWork '11? App Store. Need a keyboard firmware update (hypothetically)? App Store.

    I don't disagree with you that downloads from the Apple website itself aren't a bad thing, but it hasn't been the simplest thing either. And again, no one has said what other options will be available. There might be .iso downloads elsewhere on the website. The OS installer might have an option to burn a recovery disc.

    Honestly, I'm with you for the most part. If there's no easy options to create a physical version of Lion for me to have as backup, I'm buying retail. But that doesn't mean the App Store version is a bad thing. It's a good thing for 95% of the people out there who aren't on these forums. :)

    wallpaper vampire girl. Vampire Girl
  • Vampire Girl

  • ChrisTX
    Mar 27, 01:26 AM
    Is the Verizon iPhone going to be included this time?

    I don't see why it wouldn't, considering such a phone actually exists now.

    wallpaper vampire girl. vampire-diaries-wallpaper
  • vampire-diaries-wallpaper

  • dadoftwogirls
    Mar 26, 10:02 PM
    Problem I have is timing. Why does Apple continue to release the new iPhone / iPad yet we have to wait months afterwards for the iOS update to take advantage of them? :confused: Last year it took until November for the original iPad update. Now they're going to offer the iPhone 5 with a several month lag for the iOS 5 upgrade?

    wallpaper vampire girl. Nice vampires girls wallpaper
  • Nice vampires girls wallpaper

  • blow45
    Mar 29, 03:57 PM
    Right I get that, and thats the point. On the military note does any country spend/waste more money than us on our armed forces. Not even close.

    The arms dealers run the US, pretty much, if one is a cynic here. And it's not only the money spent on them, it's the havoc they wreak worldwide. Ask the Libyans, the Iraqis, the Afganis, the Serbs, the Vietnamese, the Cubans etc. etc. It's the price to pay for being a world bully. I am not making a value judgement here, I am just calling it like it is, but I am myself OOT here, so I won't say anymore respecting the topic at hand and the forums.

    wallpaper vampire girl. +as+a+vampire+wallpaper
  • +as+a+vampire+wallpaper

  • brewcitywi
    Apr 20, 08:03 AM
    Antennagate probably pushed back the product cycle by a few months, or iPhone 5 would have been fine with a June/July release.

    wallpaper vampire girl. wallpaper vampire.
  • wallpaper vampire.

  • AppleKrate
    Sep 16, 12:14 PM
    That just means you'll get the updated MBP's later than us here in the States. :p

    Naturally, it takes them a while to convert them to Right Hand Drive ;)

    wallpaper vampire girl. vampire vampira wallpaper
  • vampire vampira wallpaper

  • Sam*
    Jul 21, 03:08 PM
    i think the macbook should get the chips with 2 MB of shared L2 cache,

    and the pro's get the chips with 4 MB of shared L2 cache

    There will be then a difference between the two models (is having 4mb of shared L2 cache a lot better than 2mb? i have no idea but i presume it is)

    or perhaps just let the blackbook have the 2.0ghz chip with 4mb of shared l2 cache to compensate for them charging for colour

    wallpaper vampire girl. kg - Picture for Me
  • kg - Picture for Me

  • mr.steevo
    Apr 20, 10:08 AM
    Summer lasts until September 22nd. Plenty of time to release it in the Summer.

    Only if you live in the Northern Hemisphere.

    wallpaper vampire girl. vampire girl tattoo - Rate My
  • vampire girl tattoo - Rate My

  • ChrisA
    Aug 7, 06:02 PM
    .... I have 3meg internet service and I cannot tell a difference between wired and wifi. My wireless will hit ~10mb/s transfer if I'm moving a large file from one computer to another. Obviously, that 10mb/s is faster then my 3meg internet service. My internet service is the bottleneck, not the wireless..

    That works for you because you only use the network to connect to the Internet. For someone with a larger setup who keeps all the user files (and home folders) on a file server wireles is not fast enough. You really need gigabit Ethernet to make it work transparently. One you put the home folders on a server then your users can walk up to ANY random machine, log in and see there own desktop and their own files. You get the effect of Sun's Scott Mcneally's famos quote "The network is the computer."

    You talk about "moving a large file from one computer to another." with a fastr network you would not care what computer a file was on and have no need to move it. With fast enough network remote files are faster than local files because the remote file server can be very high performance. We have one of those here wioth about a hundred or so SCSI drives in it. Pulling data off 100+ drives at one, in parllel is very fast.

    One other thing with wireless that 56Kbps is a shared resource. Every computer has to wait it. If you have a wired network every wire carries twice the nominal bandwidth and it is not shared. The "bottle neck" is the bandwidth of the switch backplane which typically ismany gitabits.

    So, bottom line. Lots of people need this. some home users don't but these new machines are not designed for home users

    Aug 4, 01:49 PM
    Thanks. Anyone know what the advantage of having a 64-bit processor vs. a 32-bit (other than bigger address bus)? I know the CPU has 2 basic kinds of buses: the address bus (where it can see 4 GB of RAM in 32-bit, 16 ?(i don't know the prefix)bytes in 64-bit) and an instruction bus that actually computes.

    without software, not much

    Apr 5, 03:19 PM
    Why all the hate for the jailbreak? Are you guys just too moronic to use it? Any iOS device is infinitely more capable when it is jailbroken. Without some of the apps in the Cydia store, many would say the iphone/ipad/touch is unusable. What is on your lockscreen all of you unjailbroken users? A measly clock? You cant access all your mail, notifications, calendar events, and the weather from your lockscreen? Are you serious? Oh you want to turn off bluetooth? You can't swipe across the bottom of the screen to toggle it? Want integrated google voice? Apple says no. Cydia says **** that, hell yes. I would wager that most of the jailbreak haters dont even know what its capable of nor have ever tried it before. Stay in your cave and watch shadows if you will. The rest of us will experience the real world.

    Some of what you mention sounds cool... but I've never Jail Broke my iPhone and it runs just fine - far from unusable. Nice that you love all the mods, but it's not for everyone. No need to insult those who choose not to JB.

    Sep 15, 06:29 PM
    Reliable or not, I guess this is a good news for many of us waiting for the C2D MBP. If it proved reliable, I think MacRumors should pay more attention to check their updates in the future. ;)

    I was about to think of that as "another crappy site?" but then I thought, hey, everyone have their own sources that you could never imagine, like one of the posts right before Sept 12th event claiming to know the entire agenda, and he's pretty accurate, no?

    As originally posted by Longfresh...

    see for yourself

    Seems somewhat reliable to me.

    Apr 18, 03:25 PM
    One more thing. I'm not sure you guys know how Samsung works or really know how Big Samsung is.

    It is the world's largest private conglomerage by Revenue. Annual Revenue of over 170Billion.

    Apple Inc. (2nd largest market cap, pretty massive company) Over 65B of sales.

    Samsung is almost 3X bigger in terms of Sales.

    My point being that Samung phones and Samsung component makers are pretty much two separate companies that consolidate together. I'd bet that Samung Components treats Samsung phones just like any other vendor.

    Apple suing the phone arm of samsung probably has zero impact on the component piece. Different entities almost with different relationships etc.. Samsung definitely values the apple relationship. It's the phone arm that ripped off apple's design and funtionality.

    Aug 7, 08:05 PM
    Is it liquid cooled?


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