%IMG_DESC_1%Chef Medeski
Oct 12, 09:51 PM
3D audio cues? How would you get anything above 1D audio cues?
Dolby Digital Surround. If you just have a R/L channel.... its only 1 D. But since Dolby has 5.... 2 back... 3 forward... with the center forward and i different height.... u can get almost 3D sound. I think its a really cool features that dissapointingly won't get taken advantage of enough. Some programs should definetly utilize that. It would be great for a simple maze game where like as ur mouse moves u hear where its going. It'd really be cool beans.
Aug 21, 12:20 PM
The way to go, IMHO, is buying a DVD (on Amazon) with an optional iPod download for a dollar extra. Mostly cheaper then $10 and we have it both.
One of the things I'm most curious about Apple making movies available for download is where the download fits into the consumption model, i.e., whether video downloads will be another release window or part of a current release window.
The studios want to capture income off the same properties as many times as possible, but the trend has been toward shorter and shorter release windows to maximize on marketing dollars. (Wal-Mart went ape-crap when one of the studios tried to time DVD release to cable and satellite PPV.)
I would like to see Apple position iPod movies as part of the a broader strategy for higher-resolution content, but I don't see them going for a model where you download the iPod version and get the DVD in the mail. Not when the model is changing away from DVD purchase/rental and toward a PPV model.
Until Apple can figure out a way to provide HD quality with a reasonable download time -- ahem, Mac mini media center -- I think movies will be available only in the quality that TV shows are currently available.
I got it from there too!
What a gr8 site that is! :)
I am downloading every single movie off it. I had many myself, but this will make my Apple movie collection nice and complete.
Superb job building that site, guys!
Many, many, many tnx!
BTW.... how was that movie made? Using a screen-capture-movie tool? Or was the entire cache of the stream somehow captured..?
%IMG_DESC_4%by the same token, its always easier to find the units with issues, if they sell one million units and 5000 of them have an issue thats a % any company would take
Agreed but I would bet the percentage is slightly higher (just my opinion) and there are many units where the typical user just doesn't notice or care about the bleed, like I said I'm just hoping to get one without this problem (black 64GB wifi). Apple support has been great in assisting with the issue
Mar 30, 05:14 AM
I think we can all agree that Nokia's meat and potatoes has been in dumb phones. They are present in the smart phone market, but this merger if you will with Windows is going to be their attempt to really recreate themselves in a market they were not very successful in.
That's ridiculous. Up until the last few months, Nokia has had the largest share in smartphones worldwide and has done for over a decade. At one point they had Microsoft Windows DESKTOP sized share of the smartphone market.
The Windows Phone move is an attempt to placate the US market where their smartphones never caught on and also in Europe where increasingly the iPhone and Android are taking over also as Nokia, through it's own stupid management has failed to update it's operating systems in a timely manner.
Personally, I think the Windows Phone move is a good move for the USA since it doesn't really matter and a ridiculously stupid move for the rest of the world where Nokia could have toughed it out for a couple more years improving Symbian and MeeGo with Qt as a development platform. Nobody in Europe really used Windows Mobile and I don't see anybody clamouring for Windows Phone either. Nokia's S40 OS is arguably more powerful than Windows Phone 7 and that's a feature phone OS.
%IMG_DESC_6%But you know what s/he meant, right? Yes, it's a much-anticipated second generation of a phenomenally popular game, released simultaneously on PC, Mac, XBox 360 and PS3.
Lol yes I know he meant Mac ;)
Just playing with him
%IMG_DESC_7%frankly i don't see them coming out with a new model this summer. they haven't even done their usual mid-cycle hd bump.
also everyone keeps saying that they come out with a new phone every summer. pardon, but 3gs was a new phone my s.
they didn't make a new model in time, so instead decided to dump the s "news" on us.
i imagine something similar will happen this summer. perhaps they will even update att's body to match verizon's. but somehow a whole new model just doesn't seem to fit. imho...
Jun 11, 05:16 PM
Isn't Best Buy participating in the pre-ordering program on June 15th? Apple Stores are, as is AT&T. At both places, the phones will be ready for pickup on the 24th ---AT&T promises front-of-the-line, no waiting for pre-ordering customers. Of course, you have to pay for it when you order it, but. . .
Best Buy hasn't officially said anything about how the pre-order process will work or when it will start, but im sure they will announce something before the 15th.
%IMG_DESC_9%I suppose I'm being too cynical, but part of me suspects that AT&T has only created this app to reduce the amount of time their reps spend listening to complaints about dropped calls. I know I've spent a lot of time on the phone with them over the last year. While they're always very cordial and say things like they are "sending out crews to look at towers", etc, nothing changes. In fact, where I live (about an hour south of NYC) things have gotten far worse - not better.
Apr 5, 04:46 PM
re: Eso's posting
The other thing to realize here is Lion. I don't see how you can split WWDC with an annoucment of a new phone (and a new iOS), and a new operating system 'for the rest of us'. Apple doesn't split messages. My feeling is WWDC is about Lion and nothing else, focusing on a 10.7 release sometime in July (for back to school purchases).
I can easily see iOS 5 being released in the 'iPod announcement' in Aug/Sept, with a new iPod Touch, Nano, and ('.... One More Thing...") iPhone5 (iPhone Nano?) all announced to be shipping before Nov 1 (pre Xmas Shopping).
Could be wrong, could be right, but I strongly doubt iPhone5 iOS5 news at WWDC.
%IMG_DESC_11%I recorded this episode on a whim. :rolleyes:
Apr 12, 02:32 AM
who is stupid enough to even think about writing this crap??? they should be shot!
Apr 27, 09:26 AM
Na, these two have and will survive without iPhone.
These already have traffic capability anyway ( via subscription ).
I am in agreement with Chaz on this. With Android and iOS having so much built into their portable OS now, I kinda think the days of dedicated GPS devices are going to be limited.
It is sad, but I do see more and more iPhones, and Android devices attached to front windshields were a normal GPS usually goes.
%IMG_DESC_14%Hmmm interesting, that would be why my macbook at work was able to take 8 gb of ram with out any problems.
Sep 9, 06:37 PM
It's not the same without old Blowers giggling about "getting his leg over" and mumbling about chocolate cake.... :D
The man is a legend....
"The batsman's Holding, the bowler's Willey..."
Need I say more?
OK I will, rain is good, the Aussies have to win, no point in a draw for them. :D
Apr 26, 06:30 PM
A lot of you are a bunch of cheap asses. Most of you don't understand the amount of work that goes into producing these apps. They're not just PDFs that you download and flip through. You get both an interactive version and print version of the the magazine. The reason print subscriptions are so cheap is because they don't really care about print sales. You're paying them to give your information to them so they can use it for marketing purposes. Thus another reason the ipad/iphone version are more expensive is because Apple won't allow them to collect your information. Conde is currently working on a subscription model, but it also how they are going to be able to negotiate with Apple.
I like how everbody blames everything but the ipad. The ipad just makes for a crappy ebook with it's bright display and weight.
Amazing how everyone else trying to make money is "greedy" but when Apple charges a perceived premium the knee jerk response is "dont buy it troll".
Content doesnt just appear out of thin air. Creatives deserve to earn too.
%IMG_DESC_17%So i'm personally hoping that 2-4 week delay = the new processor in the iMac.
Speaking of which, I just had a strange thing happen in the Belgian online Apple store. I was looking at the bottom line MacBook Pro and trying out options. Then I saw shipping time was 5 days, without any special options.
I went to the U.S. online store and tried the same, but it said 24 hours. So I went back to the Belgian one and now it also said 24 hours.
So 5 days from now, that's the 8th, which is after the keynote. Make of it what you will, but here's to hoping for new MBPs :)
Btw, before anyone asks: I didn't think to make a screenshot.
Apr 22, 02:49 PM
Yea, the value for the price is not there. You can get the paper version of Wired for $10/yr via Amazon. Why would you pay the crazy prices for the digital version, if anything it should be even cheaper.
It's not Conde Nast being smarter its Conde Nast not knowing how to execute a digital strategy that works.
I think Apple is executing the entire category poorly. Actually, I think Apple needs to really re-vamp how things are organized in iTunes period. You would think periodicals would have their own category... nope. Most are tossed into "news" which is buried under apps and filled with misc things in the category. Unless you search for something specific, it's not easy to browse what is available. (They really need to clean up the entire app store. iPad books for example... subcategories with children's books or educational would be a welcome fix.)
I also have noticed a lot of Magazines not available for subscription and only single issue purchases. Perhaps it's that 30% cut Apple demands of the publishers? That's why you'll never see Wired for $10 a year for the iPad. The periodical industry doesn't make money off the news stand copies, it's the advertisements that really pay their bills which are based on circulation. It was interesting to see advertisers concerns as part of their reasoning for scaling back. It will be interesting to see as Android tablets pick up pace how options on that platform might differ in pricing and subscription availability as Google only takes 10%.
It's a shame because digital magazines really have the potential to re-energize the entire industry and offer something more interactive over a print edition.
%IMG_DESC_19%The transfer cable & black color = $99 ;)
j/k :D
Oh that's right I had forgotten. ;)
Actually it might be worth it to me if it would magically allow me to to stream files that weren't WMV. Then I'd buy it even if it wasn't painted black. :)
That's never going to come. Microsoft has moved away from WebDAV. It's not included in Exchange 2007/2010 if I'm correct. And the only reason Windows versions of Outlook still work is that they are using MAPI currently, which I believe Microsoft is also doing away with.
Awesome. I'm stuck with 2003. My work doesn't even have it under consideration for the next two years. I really don't like using Entourage, but it's the only program I can get to work correctly. I was actually going to get Office because Word and Excel need some new life, but I guess I'll be doing without Outlook.
They cheated. You can't bash it up and fold it in half before you blend it.
Result: Will the iPad blend? = Inconclusive
750 GB... that is just insane, especially for a consumer Mac! :D Apple is getting nicer and nicer when it comes to offering more configuration options.
That's a whole lot of porn...
One does have to remember though, styling is subjective. You may find the Volt to be ugly, but I like it's design. Sure it isn't the best design out there, but considering the Prius, Insight, and other dedicated hybrid/electric models that I can think of( where manufactures design it to be aerodynamic and not stylish per se), I think it is one the best looking of the bunch( easily beats Prius, Insight, etc, but Tesla and Fisker make decent looking vehicles as well).
ironically the most aerodynamic production vehicle currently is the european spec Mercedes E220 blue efficiency diesel.
Gonna be interesting later this year with mercedes (E class) and citroen (3008) launching their diesel hybrids in europe. Mercedes already anounnced that they will be putting them as fast as they can across their line up the next 2 years. It could very well be that when the Volt launches around here that a C class diesel hybrid is already around the corner and thus ruin their good press.
regarding the Volt design i think the front and back view look great but where they really dropped the ball is the side view including the doors/side windows.
edit: can actually anybody come up with a more ugly car than the juke without the Aztek or a SangYong ? honestly i'm hard pressed
I just Jailbreak my phone a week ago... no way I'm giving all that for an update