%IMG_DESC_1%A muslim state is what israel would become if all the palestinians were given citizenship, and that simply can't happen, it would be very dangerous. I do know what i'm defending, the right for israel not to become an arab country. You can say the jewish majority there is artificial, but so was the christian population in north america a couple hundred years ago, they also brought boat loads of settlers from around the world, look how that turned out.
It can certainly be a secular democracy, where the Muslims, Christians (yes there are Christian Palestinians as well) and Jews live together. it doesn't necessarily have to be a Muslim state. But again that is beside the point. They could be Christians or athiests or secularists as well, but the ideology behind Israel simply won't allow the majority population to not be Jewish. I'm not sure if you're defending that ideology.
Sep 12, 12:01 PM
CNBC just CONFIRMED a Wireless Streaming Device!
%IMG_DESC_3%Interesting app. Unfortunately the place where my phone drops the most also has a funky gps issue. My iPhone usually says I'm located anywhere from 10 to 20 miles away (and yes, it has the pin point orb thing and not the you're in this general area circle). So I can report the problem but AT&T will get some random spot in the city and not the actual position.
Same here—I’ll have to set my location manually. (But I think the GPS issue is not due to my location, but due to an Apple bug. Lots of people on Apple’s boards have had it, starting with OS 3.0.)
I’m hoping this app proves to be of some use (not that we’ll ever know) OUTSIDE of big urban centers. AT&T does keep expanding their coverage in small cities and rural areas, and therefore they must be making decisions on where to spend. Having reports come in from a given location may effect those spending priorities.
So my friends who live in a dead zone will be the subject of AT&T outage reports from me. Likewise some rural relatives. Who knows—the nearest tower may get an upgrade (or whatever) sooner as a result of reports like mine. All of the above do have a trace of signal within a block, but it peters to nothing at their actual house. So close and yet so far.
(EDIT: I’d say AT&T’s online zoomable maps (http://www.wireless.att.com/coverageviewer/) are very accurate in reflecting these little local dead zones, too. Must be geography. So get taller towers please :) )
%IMG_DESC_4%Liquidmetal sounds cooler than carbon fiber.
%IMG_DESC_5%Harpoon Spoon
Apr 26, 03:34 PM
I thought cars over there were right hand drive?
%IMG_DESC_6%Who said this was a dumbed down edit suite and no longer for pros?
This looks AMAZING and solves dozens of the gripes that I deal with on a day to day basis.
Thank god that Apple aren't scared of naysayers and traditionalists like user 'Full of Win'!!!Just got back from NAB. I was at the SuperMeet.
Instead of repeating everything that everyone that has seen it...Ill just say that your post is bang on ;)
%IMG_DESC_7%(Now, why do I look so creepy in the photo?)
You look fine. I look fat. New Years resolution: lose 20 pounds. And this time, keep it off.
Thankfully I finally finished off the last of XMas cookies. :o
Mar 28, 12:27 AM
I guess I'll be pre-ordering one of these tomorrow since my 360 is still MIA. Gives the cops a month to track it down. If I don't have my old one back by then, I'll grab the Elite.
Doesn't seem that bad a deal since it comes with an HDMI cable and the new 120 gig HD will retail for $179. The black color will also match most of my electronics (except for the Wii).
%IMG_DESC_9%Full of Win
Apr 26, 01:06 PM
The white screen against the white boarder seals the deal on the ugly as sin call. It's so nasty.
Apr 6, 02:10 AM
That's totally nuts! You really have to be stupid and careless to do such a dumb things. It is bad because you are destroying a good for no reason and it is also bad because you are creating some pollution for no reason as well.
(Advertising revenue) - (Cost of iPad) = Still tons of $
%IMG_DESC_11%If those screenshots are real, the iCal update looks very disappointing. Though you can't tell much from a single screenshot, it looks like the iCal update is more a cosmetic update rather than a feature update. The only new feature I can see in that screenshot is something about new event notifications, but that's hardly what people have been clamoring for.
Jan 2, 04:39 PM
Winter by Space
%IMG_DESC_13%Though you can't tell much from a single screenshot, it looks like the iCal update is more a cosmetic update rather than a feature update. The only new feature I can see in that screenshot is something about new event notifications, but that's hardly what people have been clamoring for.
Actually, if they would fix the bugs in iCal I'd be happy :D
I would expect tighter intregration for the new iCal server, and other backend stuffs, maybe some professionalizing of the interface.
%IMG_DESC_14%????????????? The purpose of putting those 2 next to each other is.......???????????
... making them look good! I definitely think that looks sexy.
Apr 12, 11:26 AM
All this at a time when ISP's are moving to metered broadband in the US. I have yet another excuse to move to a "business class" service, until those get capped.
%IMG_DESC_16%Oh Gosh is this guy our version of the Dell Dude.
May 5, 10:55 PM
thats good new sadly bought my imac last year
%IMG_DESC_18%I just got off a plane in Atlanta waiting for my connection so I paid the $6 to get wireless internet on my laptop just so I can see what the announcements are. Steve better make it worth my while!
May 2, 01:35 PM
You are not comparing like with like. The comparable model to a Mac Pro is the Dell Precision T5500 and specced up the Dell is about $1,000 more than the Mac Pro. :p
If you actually read the earlier posts, you would know that this is false. T5500 is a dual socket machine using Xeon 5000-series CPU and that is comparable to 8-core and 12-core Mac Pro, not SP Mac Pro. T3500 is a single socket system which uses the exactly same Xeon 3000-series CPUs as the SP Mac Pro.
EDIT: Damn you guys are quick today :p
franswa za
Apr 6, 12:33 PM
when can i/we get rid of microsoft office on/off our macs?
i cannot understand that apple is unable to tweak iWork to replace the microsoft ****
:mad: x100
I can't get excited for this, because i like having a disk, all the extras on it and in the case. And i highly doubt anime will be on it.
Magnus Reftel
Apr 11, 06:13 AM
Weren't the "SIM ejector tools" made of Liquidmetal? :p
Supposedly, but the iPad 2 one seems not to be:
So they made a Liquid Metal trial by using it for the SIM ejection tool, and then switched back to bent paper clips? Let's hope this carbon fibre thing has better success...
Apr 27, 01:57 PM
I'll get slammed for this - but I don't care. Apple is playing a big part in the dumbing down of (some of) society by taking control/options away from users and keeping a walled garden. And I don't want/intend this to turn into a debate about walled/not; security; etc. My point is - that Apple and several other companies/educational institutions and even parents are increasingly participating in the dumbing down of America/other countries.
Apple doesn't want users to have to worry about x, y and z. That's GREAT. It really is. But at the same time - but taking users away from understanding the technology they are using - they are also contributing to the very thing they are (in Steve's latest speech) trying to avoid.
I'd love a car that is "maintenance free." Until the car actually needed some work done. If I have to rely on a 3rd party to do that maintenance and I can't do it myself - then it means those skills will never be learned or used (naturally.) I don't always see this as a positive.
I'm able to do a lot of electrical work and computer/video/etc repair work on my own because I was able to (when I was young) take things apart, learn how things worked inside and out.
I'll stop rambling...
Yeah it was hard to follow...but nobody should "slam" you for it. Stay well
Dec 2, 07:08 AM
A pair of binoculars can pretty much accomplish the same thing, no? I'm more worried someone will survey my spandexed behind with their cameras than what my Nike+iPod is giving off. :)
luv ya bunches! xoxoxo