Iveco Daily InteriorI saw that - but TBolt has always had two 10-Gbps channels per port.
I'm looking for a statement that says that each port is independent - so that you get 4 channels (two ports with two channels each) with an aggregate throughput of 40 Gbps (each direction).
That's not possible with a PCIe x4 link to the controller as is shown in the Intel diagram. Since the teardown shows only one TBolt controller - either the Intel diagram is incomplete (it doesn't show the possibility of a PCIe x8 connection), or the two Imac TBolt ports share the bandwidth of a PCIe x4 connection and cannot simultaneously run all channels at the rated bandwidth.
This entire Thunderbolt hypefest gives the term "vaporware" a whole new definition.
� but if it's 'per port' then each port has two 10-Gbps channels� I can't see it getting clearer than that.
If the ports weren't independent, it would have to say 'Two 10-Gbps data channels between them' or 'Two 10-Gbps data channels but under full load they're 5-Gbps'
Besides, you are aware that the iMac model in the teardown was the 21.5" with one TB port? There's every possibility that the 27" with two TB ports has two TB controllers. In fact I would say it's more of a likelihood than a possibility
Iveco Daily 35c12.iJohnHenry
Dec 4, 04:54 PM
Would those 1000s of people still wanted an EV1 if GM was charging enough to break even on them? Or charging enough such that within 5 or 6 years GM could turn it into a profitable business?
I will agree that the price would have to be 'front-loaded', because there would be less than the usual new buys after that 5 or 6 years.
The vehicle would last long enough for people to actually get tired of driving it, and want something new. Unlike now, when they are forced to buy new, due to mechanical wear and tear.
Plugging the sales numbers 10 years out, into their computer models, would scare the bejesus out of everyone in the industry, and the share-holders too.
Iveco Daily 50It's working great for me locally. Over WAN I cannot say: NO ports seem to be working (even ones I used last week for VNC) which is not EyeTV's fault. I think it's an issue with AT&T DSL. I hope they haven't started blocking something intentionally. I'll try again tomorrow in the hopes that it's fixed. (I can't even traceroute to my home.)
Yep--must have been an AT&T issue of some kind. All my ports are working again today, and I can confirm that EyeTV + no-ip.com works for TV-watching over WAN :) Too cool. One more reason to love my EyeTV. And my rabbit ears!
EDIT: I just HAD to open my yap... It doesn't work anymore (not even on LAN). Unable to connect. Nothing has changed since earlier when it was fine. Will try again tomorrow.
EDIT2: It came back when I downloaded a newer build--link near the end of this page: http://support.elgato.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=3651&nav=0,1,388&languageid=1&group=englishdefault
(Also check your OS X Firewall for EyeTV stuff set to Block. I had it set to Allow and yet it once went to Block on its own somehow.)
Iveco Daily LwbFurther, it is part of the iconic design.
Tell that to the iPod wheel.
Things change... for the better
Iveco Daily 50 C 13 M -Okay, I just signed up for the free Exhibit Hall pass. I'd also be willing to help coordinate a meet-up. I'm still not sure what my schedule will be like then and how much I'll be able to attend, but count me in!
I'm down for a meet-up. I am about 90% sure I'm going... the thing is I have to be back to LAX on the 13th for my flight to tokyo. :D
Iveco Daily 50(Now, why do I look so creepy in the photo?)
You look fine. I look fat. New Years resolution: lose 20 pounds. And this time, keep it off.
Thankfully I finally finished off the last of XMas cookies. :o
Iveco Daily 50C13 TuristsI'll pass. I don't really care. I am slowly moving away from Apple's products, the company is turning into Microsoft of the 90's.
I don't need to read an ass kissing book about Jobs.
Foto - Iveco daily 50c13kenshinsong
Apr 30, 12:35 AM
Maybe he'd feel fine about seeing his scripts for next week's shows pilfered and sold for profit, and put on the internet tomorrow so that other laugh-merchants can copy his material in the meantime.
Its fair game if his stupid enought to get drunk at a bar with his scripts and lose it there. U apple fangirls need to get off ur koolaid for a moment, think about how you would react if this happened to anyone other then apple. Let say microsoft. And they overeact by bashing the guys door n taking all his stuff even after the item has been returned? Ya exactly u guys would be crying bloody murder. But since its apple they've done nothing wrong...
Dont get me wrong i love apple products, have ipods, had all the gens of iphones and i'm planning on getting a macbook pro and ipad this summer, but that doesn't make me blind and think everything apple does is good.
Iveco Daily 50It's a great inovative concept.One that could actually be popular and work.
Iveco Daily 4x4I guess it is a new look for him...maybe it is the new Intel look.
Iveco Daily 4x4MhzDoesMatter
Nov 9, 08:22 PM
Yeah, but u don't have EVERY FONT EVER MADE.
So nyeah.
Iveco Daily 50c18Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C134 Safari/6533.18.5)
A little off topic here, but I would like to add a comment about the white iPhone 4. Sounds like a cool idea, but don't put a clear case on it. I have a clear case and tons of crap builds up between the case and the phone. This would look absolutely horrific and disgusting with a white background.
Iveco Daily 50c18I better take care of my ol' shuffle, since when it dies I have to buy a iPod and a USB memory. Not what I call evolution...
Hardly a problem. You can get a new shuffle and a 1 gig USB jump drive for alot less then the old 1 gig shuffle cost.
Iveco Daily 4x4thejadedmonkey
Apr 10, 08:57 PM
I thought people don't read anymore? ;)
Iveco Daily van for sale 35Hastings101
Apr 11, 08:30 PM
I couldn't disagree more. Apple is a master of marketing, its what makes them so successful. They could sell a computer made out of glass if they wanted to and I'm sure the consumers would just gobble it up.
And besides, apples target market is, lets be honest, the richer more educated portion of the world. Point being, if you can afford to lay down $1,000+ for a computer, I'll gamble that you've at least heard of Carbon Fiber.
Sure I've heard of it, but if I saw it I'd have no idea if it was plastic or something else lol
Iveco Daily 65.Gotta dust off those GC's!!!!
So we'll be able to use bestbuy gift cards to purchase the iPhone???
Iveco Daily 65.citizenzen
Apr 12, 06:19 PM
To me, that seems to be pandering, does it not?
I don't know.
Would it be a pandering to not bring ham sandwiches to a Jewish school?
It sounds more like just being sensitive to me.
I'd hate to think of that as being pandering.
Pander (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/pandering) - To cater to the lower tastes and desires of others or exploit their weaknesses
Iveco Daily InteriorBear Hunter
Jul 15, 09:07 PM
I don't post here much and don't want to get caught up too much in the hoopla but here is our point of view:
I'm not posting a youtube file for self promotion or anything as it's the only video I've ever posted on youtube but it's a crappy made comparison of my 3GS and my wifes 4.
The video's are not altered in any way and they happen to match timing exactly which was cool... Neither phone will completely drop and they are done in my home recliner where we have 100% reception always.
Read the description to the video if you want to know my thoughts I guess : )
FYI, You're description states both the 3gs and Ip4 are on the right.
Iveco Daily 65.Markleshark
Apr 15, 11:41 AM
Sooooo, while I don't want to whine, say we get iLife 07 in October (Yes, I know thats worst case and all that) with Leopard and then we get back to normal and get iLife 08 at MWSF in Feb, people aint gonna be happy. Can't see it, but you know...
Sep 30, 07:14 PM
OK, I have figured out the my Eyetv confusion that I had earlier - evidently it wasn't working because I still had a titan TV account from when I first got the device. Anywho, everything is working almost wonderfully! I am able to connect on multiple wifi networks....EXCEPT for the fact that there is no sound. No matter what I do - on my home network or on my friend's - I cannot get sound delivered to the iPhone. The phone's other system sounds work fine, so I know it's not something else. I have already tried deleting and reinstalling too. Additionally, I do sometimes drop sound with my mac's Eyetv and have to quit and restart the application to get it back - does anybody have any idea if that's related somehow?
I'm so confused :confused::confused:
Apr 29, 06:22 PM
Well, I was all about building PCs and Windows-based software for years... and was always curious about the "other side" for a long time. I had Creative mp3 players that worked perfectly fine, but decided to give the iPod Photo (the first one with a nifty color screen) a try because it held 60 gigs, which was about half my music collection at the time. (The Zen only held 20 gigs.) It worked almost flawlessly (and is still my main portable player!) despite my loathe of iTunes and the way it screws with my organization.
July of last year, I got an iPhone 3GS, and then in December, I got a new Mac Pro. They also work better than I expected. AT&T works great in Denver, and it's rare for a program to crash on my Mac. At least I don't have to reboot, even though I do shut down nightly.
All this dark and shifty action on Apple's part, however, has convinced me that when the current equipment needs replacing, I'll most certainly look long and hard at the Android market, along with Windows 7 (or 8, whatever they have next.)
As some have said, I agree that the consumer drives the market and the products. An iPad is a useless toy in my eyes. I would rather read a paper book for reading, and use a real laptop for mobile computing. In the phone market, it HAS to work flawlessly as a phone, and it's nice to be able to launch my planes in Airline Manager during a break at work, along with reading the forums. I'd prefer the mobile phone could play all media, including flash, so Apple drives me to look elsewhere for my replacements, at the moment.
Advance The Man
Jul 15, 06:01 PM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)
Steve needs to use one in an area other than a huge city with great reception. The guy is delusional or a liar.
Mar 22, 12:06 AM
Lol random thought:
Used Mac Pros aren't the most reliable things in the world either, sadly.
Elaborate on that.. My 2006 was a used mac pro though didn't keep it too long, once I found out about the EFI 32/64 thingy because at the time I wanted to run windows 7 64-bit on it. Then once I sold the I then jumped up to the 3.00 ghz Harpertown 3,1 mac pro. I sold that for 1950.00 to a private individual in July 2010.. and then finally got the 2009 4,1 mac pro refurb from Apple.. at the time it was 2349.00 - 1950.00 = 400 bucks for a 2009 refurb..
As if THAT wasn't enough.. then in September and October made the jump and for 300.00 bought the 2010 backplane board and processor board - my transition to a 2010 westmere was complete.. In December, I got rid of the w3580 for the w3680 at 700.00 dollars in late Dec-early Jan 2011..
And now I am at odds about further expanding this thing as I now realize that the 6-core monster I have and all I did to get the "latest and greatest" is now at a stand still. I don't do video editing at all, nor do I have a desire to do so. What I use my mac pro for is easily done day in and day out on my PB G4, but just a little bit faster(everyday tasks).
And last night just placed an order for 500.00 a G5 Quad - I miss this mac so much that I had to have it.. for 500.00 I got 250/500GB hard drives w/it, 8GB PC2-4200 memory, video card is Geforce 6800(not LE)..
Now I need to figure out how to get the 24 inch LED Cinema display to work with it.
Mar 20, 01:28 AM
It's truly shocking how many empty headed people offer a mac mini as an idea when someone obviously wants an expandable system. He already has a tower and is looking at another tower so spending more and getting what he doesn't want is a solution somehow.. Wow.
Anyway.. some actual advice intended to help you. I wouldn't buy a G5 tower myself as they are far too unreliable. I have posted about this before and they are quite unreliable. This (http://www.macintouch.com/reliability/pmg5.html) link shows extensive research based on actual Apple repair records on G5's. A quick sum up is that even the most reliable one (the dual 2.3GHz) saw 11% go in the shop for one reason or another. The worst model (the first dual 2GHz) saw a whopping 32% in the shop for repair.
Best and cheapest solution in my mind..
Get a G4 MDD dual 1.25 or dual 1.42. Even the dual 1.25 will be a world apart performance wise compared to your single 867MHz. Not quite as fast as a dual G5 but really not all that much slower and much more reliable. A fair price on ebay for these models would be maybe 150-225. I prefer the heavily upgraded Sawtooth I have but it's a much bigger investment than an ebay MDD. Even the low end dual 867 MDD I used to own handled all flash quite well. A 1.25+ won't have any issues with anything you want to do at all.
To each their own.. most of my everyday work, about 70-80 percent is done on the PB G4 - basics.. only handbrake and dvd encoding is done on my 6-core mac pro.. I have no use for video editing, and personally will never touch it because I don't have the time nor desire to learn about it.
Well, I just replaced the 5400 120GB PATA in my PB G4 and replaced it with a OWC Legacy SSD drive and it has brought new life to my power book G4.
I say: Why not? My 2010 Mac Pro seems to love the company of its older brothers, the PPC macs.. and even my Gateway p-6860fx chimes along as well. All of them get along.. none of them hate each other.. why hate ppc? Why hate Intel?? So long as the computer can do what you ask of it, it is NEVER obsolete.
We should all play nice.