Oct 13, 03:30 AM
What and where is RADAR?
Radar is Apple's internal bug tracking system (has been since 1991, iirc).
The known issues list there is pretty harsh... sounds like lots of half done changes to me :)
%IMG_DESC_2%Here is another ideal to consider. Instead of going after the traditional networks and providers and as many have pointed out many of those networks whether GSM or CDMA do not have enough bandwidths to make an Iphone really usuable.
I think they will deploy WiMax iPhone since the chip sets are standard based verses proprietary technology from Qualcom and others for CDMA and GSM which have very close relation ships with the current cell phone companies and service providers.
WiMax is the next generation wireless technology which will be deployed by companies like Earthlink for wireless broadband internet access. This is something I can see Apple doing verses trying working a deal with the current services providers.
%IMG_DESC_3%Probably should have checked to see if it was ok to bring a laptop to school in the first place. Most have pretty strict rules in this area.
%IMG_DESC_4%I wonder if Verizon will make ads teasing AT&T about this recent "Failure App" :p
^^ As I was scrolling down this page I was thinking the exact same thing. :p
Apr 6, 05:43 AM
Hope this is true...
May 5, 10:26 AM
Somehow I knew someone would say that. I nearly edited my post when I realized it was incomplete, but I guess I'll put it here:
You need location services for many, many "cool" features of any smartphone. Finding restaurants, gas stations, etc. through countless apps. Not to mention all the social networking crap the kids are doing these days.
Not to mention finding yourself on the map.
Yep... I should never post from my phone. I tend to be too brief.
I believe I cleared up my comment though.
%IMG_DESC_7%Design has nothing to do with it. It is a function of availability of parts. If the parts are not being made yet, the phone can't be manufactured. I am hoping Apple is waiting for the second generation LTE chips.
Well yes,..
If the issue is purely the tech just isn't ready then throwing cash at it won't help.....
but Apple has a big horde of Cash so if the issue with the parts is the economic risk of retooling to build them and ramp up production. Then that is something pre-buying maybe able to solve.
%IMG_DESC_8%I guess this is when the C2D macbook rumors begin!!
Nah - those rumors have been around the block, and back!!! And there has been much said in the forums about this too. *sigh* :rolleyes:
%IMG_DESC_9%One more time: yes, I think the guy should have stopped, but I think she bears as much blame as she does. He tried to diffuse a hostile situation by leaving; her actions indicated that she insisted it continue.You have no idea what transpired.
%IMG_DESC_10%There was really no surprise to spoil. We've all known about this for a year or so (or at least had a pretty good feeling). I mentioned it on my website a month ago: www.adamcz.net/stocks
EDIT: I'd also like to add, that I find it interesting that we're simultaneously entering an era of Blu Ray/HDDVD and low quality downloads. I just bought my first HDTV, and I really want to make good use of it. I've therefore got no interest in downloading a movie that is inferior to DVD quality. I think they might as well target only ipods with this service, or make sure their files look good on big tvs. I don't see a lot of marketshare for the in-between.
May 1, 03:22 PM
Erm, even though the military takes up 1/3 of the federal budget?
Absolutely. There is no way the US could hold the economic sway that it currently does on the military alone. As sole world reserve currency owner, it yields much more power. It's your currency but the rest of the world's problem.
%IMG_DESC_12%probably cut into the regular imacs sales too much.That's exactly what some are speculating. Which means Apple pulls products like this if they are too unpopular (not enough education sales to justify the product) or if they are too popular (enough education sales to cut into their non-education sales).
Well know why this was done. Just go read the post about when it was released. I could see this coming a mile away. Either a they would do this or b they would start doing the audits they talk about with educational purchases. There must have been atleast 50 people who blatantly posted about abusing the discount on a "public forum" and hundreds maybe thousands more who thougt of it...I doubt that's the reason, because the same is true of every other education deal. Apple chooses how tough to be about verifying student status, knowing that some people always try to beat the system.
%IMG_DESC_13%What's that bootcamp icon you have there? Can you just run Windows right there on your Mac without rebooting?
No, I have it installed via bootcamp. I have reboot to use Windows. I am not a fan of virtualization.
And that icon is just something i found doing a google search.
Apr 12, 10:46 AM
Who really thought another iPad would come out this year...i mean honestly? :rolleyes:
these news mongers are so desperate to say apple that they will say anything for a story...
%IMG_DESC_15%Don't think its coming out this year, but if it does, by all means rush out and buy another :rolleyes:
-Better optimization for graphics and multi-core processors/threading
-Mail Client upgrade
-more minimalistic designs
-Better Dashboard (more useful/better optimization)
-Memory management can be optimized a bit too
(Basically I care little about aesthetics and more about optimization of the OS and better use of hardware to make things more speedy and run quicker, smoother and using the hardware advantages that are available.
I think you are describing Mac OS X 10.8 (Snow Lion)
not a real cat species (at least that I know of) but has some cool meaning to it in some eastern cultures.
%IMG_DESC_17%Hmmm interesting, that would be why my macbook at work was able to take 8 gb of ram with out any problems.
Apr 27, 04:57 PM
Today I came down off the 11" high a little bit .... I still have access to the 11" in our office so I decided to work on it again today.
I started the day working on a small text only instruction manual for a product, then I took a few photo's with my camera, edited them and inserted the into the manual.
Two things I noticed:
1. The lack of vertical screen real estate, it felt cramped, compared to the 13" too much scrolling required.
2. No SD slot ... Lucky I remembered where my SD/USB adapter was, that's an easy solution. Though it is an extra step and with the adapter it can't be plugged into either usb port if I want the power cord or ACD display plugged in, adapter is too wide, so I'd also have to carry a usb hub as well.
Half way through all this I switched over to my 13" Air and continued working. It was much better, the screen seemed huge after using the 11" for few hours straight.
For typing and editing long documents in word and/or doing light photo editing a few or more hours at a time in my experience yes the 13" is quite a bit better to work on. Actually I'd say it's a lot better.
With the 13" I found the screen is large enough so that you don't really think about it or feel cramped, even compared to the 15" I found the 13" was fine.
With the 11" today I was thinking man, I need to plug into an external monitor, or this kind of work needs a 15/17" screen ... I was doubtful the 13" would be that much better ... I was writing and scrolling though a lot of paragraphs at the time...
For fun I took the 13" and started working on it, to my pleasant surprise the difference was huge, for me it is the sweet spot.
So I'm sticking with my original plan to have the 13" as my main machine, it's a relief :) I could own both I can't justify that and I also think I have a better frame of mind when using one main machine, seem more organized.
I'm going to carry it everywhere too, just as if it was the 11" Air and why not the 13" isn't much larger than a legal pad of paper...
That's my experience... so far.
...or jump back on the 11" tomorrow and change your mind again:p
I went thru the same thing and decided to settle on an 11" MBA when a good refresh happens...
Jul 16, 10:48 AM
Then maybe Apple should pay "ms consumer reports" to give google the same press, ummmm hmmmm :rolleyes:
Hmmm...consumer reports are some old pale colored ladies if you know what i mean uh huh :)
Apple has better use for it's money.
Aug 21, 12:20 PM
The way to go, IMHO, is buying a DVD (on Amazon) with an optional iPod download for a dollar extra. Mostly cheaper then $10 and we have it both.
One of the things I'm most curious about Apple making movies available for download is where the download fits into the consumption model, i.e., whether video downloads will be another release window or part of a current release window.
The studios want to capture income off the same properties as many times as possible, but the trend has been toward shorter and shorter release windows to maximize on marketing dollars. (Wal-Mart went ape-crap when one of the studios tried to time DVD release to cable and satellite PPV.)
I would like to see Apple position iPod movies as part of the a broader strategy for higher-resolution content, but I don't see them going for a model where you download the iPod version and get the DVD in the mail. Not when the model is changing away from DVD purchase/rental and toward a PPV model.
Until Apple can figure out a way to provide HD quality with a reasonable download time -- ahem, Mac mini media center -- I think movies will be available only in the quality that TV shows are currently available.
Oct 17, 02:23 PM
One can always hope. But when has this ever NOT been true for a Microsoft operating system? Windows 95 ran poorly on computers released when 3.1 was out. Windows XP had compatibility issues with many Win 98 boxes. Etc, etc. This has always been true for them. The only difference now is how long XP has been out without being significantly updated.
Agreed.... but I think to most (at the time) the Mac OS wasn't even considered. Macs were "toys" only used by "artsy" folk :rolleyes:
The general view of the Mac has changed alot in ten years.
Jan 9, 06:20 PM
Wasnt there a quote from the Big Cheese Steve that "it's all included" or simmilar, hinting that ilife, iwork will be included in os releases again?
Never, ever, put these words together again, you hear me?
Oct 19, 01:08 PM
With the way that screeshots end up in the public eye from these Dev releases, does anyone think that this is all that 10.5 will have to show us? Apple knows leaks like this are going to happen, so we're not really seeing the "good stuff" yet. AKA: Top Secret features. ;)
Nah. I have a feeling there will be more to 10.5 than the few screen leaks we're seeing. Like many, I too am interested in these hidden features or whatever Steve referenced at WWDC.
Question for those who frequently receive prereleases: is it possible to hide features from developers & testers and then release the gold master with said hidden features available? is that possible, feasible, smart?
Apr 5, 09:49 AM
I never understood why people give a "Negative" to articles like these. What can be Negative about them announcing a new product. It's not like you are on DroidRumors or a general phone website where other users can show their dislike towards the iPhone.
Maybe some of you who recently just purchased an iPhone 4 are just having a bit of buyer's remorse? Don't be such losers.