2011 Windows 7 ThemeNO It's not, are you crazy. That looks horrid. iOS icons have unique look to them, placement is not patented. The look is.
The lawsuit goes after Samsung trying to replicate and confuse customers into thinking that it's an iPhone.
The "look" of icons clearly can not be patented.
Windows 7 Black Wallpaper,it's not surprising. There is one iPhone, and there is eleventy billion Android phone versions.
windows-7-blue-orange-black-Just as long as they don't make it the preferred method for others to distribute software or it to become the only way. They can distribute their software how they like
The day I can only get apps via the App store is the last day I use my Mac
wallpaper space widescreen.Apple makes products that people want. RIM makes products that cause people to point and laugh. Google makes products that they can only sell two for one or give away for free. Microsoft makes products that sit on the shelves until they are sent of to be recycled.
Don't get me wrong, I like Google. Gmail is great and Google is the only search I use. Unfortunately, they don't know how to make mobile devices.
Totally right. Apple is perfect and everyone else should just close up shop...:rolleyes: Please get a grip on reality before posting nonsense.
wallpapers windows 7 ultimate.So what is there to expect before MWSF?
Well, new iPods, for one:
Full Screen Video iPod, possibly with accompanying new iTunes service.
Redesigned-nano + upgraded
Updated shuffle (finally)
Also, new hardware:
New chips for MBP + possible case redesign
New chips for iMac too
The MBP will be done on a random day. Its a 'Pro' model andParis is more for the consumer goods like iMacs and iPods etc
Latest Windows Xp High QualitySo what are our choices? We are in a hallway right now, I believe. So we can choose to explore the hallway or do we choose to go through another door and explore that room?
I'd think we'd want to explore this room.
Author Ilya Date: 18-02-2011,ChickenSwartz
Aug 6, 08:56 PM
anyone think apple will do anything to commemorate the 5 year anniversary of the ipod in october?
2010 | Windows 7 | 160 | 55 MBApple had the same problem with the original LISA UI. It was so simplistic that they lost the lawsuits. Same may happen here.
That's not at all what happened.
wallpapers windows 7cadillac1234
Mar 29, 08:56 AM
Amazon is a very smart company. They are setting themselves up to be the defacto content provider for Android which every other company seemed adverse to doing.
I'm sure Apple will respond with an iOS solution but syncing has not been a strong point for Apple at all. Hopefully we'll see the improved MobileMe Mr Jobs had spoke of last year.
All that being said, there is heavy pressure from the ISPs to throttle data and start placing data caps on end users. Opinions on why they are doing it vary (IMHO they are protecting their outdated content distribution models) but we are soon going to see a manufactured bandwidth crisis esp with all the cloud storage and streaming options that are becoming commonplace
wallpaper windows7 fishDamn, and I just got my new MacBook yesterday
oh well, I caught the last round of iBook updates last year, and that left me on the bleeding edge for several months. I'll see what it looks like in second place for a while.
Plus if my MacBook gets lonely and depressed he can talk to my 1st gen PowerMac G5
(God I need more RAM for the MacBook)
It works on windows7 only.a retina display on the 13" MBP would be the one thing that would get me to upgrade almost immediately.
221 wallpapers windows 7Biscuit411
Apr 6, 05:52 PM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)
xpipe - Nice honest, straight-forward review of your two different tablets and experiences. Thanks. Prepare to be attacked... :-)
wallpaper windows 7 purpletopherchris
Sep 11, 03:31 PM
Nobody else seems interested, so they must have already seen it, but I have not. That's pretty interesting.
no. THIS is interesting (though old)
OS : Windows 7 | Year : 2011Consultant
Mar 29, 08:57 AM
And Amazon thinks crippling ioS compatibility will be good business? FAIL.
Visual Style: Windows 7 AeroI like to think of this like this:
You(apple) mow your lawn nice and neat and your heading inside when your neighbor(Toyota) starts mowing his lawn and the dead grass sprays on you nice lawn so you go and ask him if he would stop spraying grass on his lawn and as the neighbor are you going to no to him and continue spraying grass on his lawn probably not because then you(apple) and your neighbor(Toyota) then have hard feeling.You may sound like the bad guy but you don't want dead grass on your lawn. And if he did say no the his lawnmower(car) need some gas(iPod connectivity) your not going to want to give it to him.
I think of it like that
3:30 Best Windows 7 2011 HDLagunaSol
Apr 18, 03:34 PM
I'm surprised it's taken this long, to be honest: I've thought for a long time that Samsung's phones in particular are pretty much a blatant rip-off of Apple's industrial design and user interface.
Indeed, the haters will scream and rant about this lawsuit, but Samsung has a special knack for making their devices look exactly like Apple's equivalents.
Windows 7 iPhone WallpapersActually, my guess is that Apple/Jobs thinks the whole idea of banning cameras from PCs in the workplace is nonsense anyway. Being a bit of a trendsetter, Apple probably will go ahead and put them in all of their products so the majority who don't mind them will reap the benefits of no-hassle video teleconferencing and so forth.
Nowdays, it's so *easy* to build a digital camera into even the smallest, most discreet places, that it's pretty much uneforceable if you're going to dictate "no cameras" in a work environment of any sort. It's just like the places that no longer allow USB flash drives or iPods to be brought in, for fear someone will steal data and take it home. You can get a USB key built into a watch with retractable USB cable, or combo pens/USB flash drives. Do you think security guards at the door will really be on top of every possibility for those?
The *real* answer has always been to only hire employees you trust, and keep them happy and fairly paid for their work - so they don't have an interest in leaking out your company's secrets.
Any company requiring security clearance most likely will not allow them. Mine does not. It's based on the sensitivity of the environment.
Microsoft Windows 7 2011I don't think that a camera in a Mac display is a big issue for companies, and here's why:
1. I work for a company that cares about security. We don't allow cameras in the building, with the recent exception of cell phones with cameras. The reason for the exception is because it is becoming difficult to get a cell phone without a camera. And really, these companies are almost always PC-based, so are they really big ACD purchasers?
2. In the lab, cell phones with cameras are still off limits. However, lab computers are pretty locked down with regards to software, and since you need software to use the camera, I think there are multiple easy solutions to this problem (e.g., restrict software installations, or maybe disable the camera at an OS level). It's possible that someone could bring in a laptop and do some funny business, but even that would have to be a company computer, or the user would be in serious trouble. And in the case of it being a company computer, it suffers all of the same issues of a lab equipped with non-camera-mounted monitors (or removable media for that matter).
window 7 wallpaper hd windowsIndeed. I don't like the MacBook keyboard at all.
I'd be happy if it was the same enclosure with a Merom CPU and an upgraded GPU - ATI X1800 or nVidia 7700 would be nice.
A longer-life battery would be nice but I can't see it happening due to weight.
I really don't understand the obsession with the magnetic latch.
At most it would have the yet to be released Mobility X1700 or currently available Geforce GO7600.
There is simply not enough room for either a Mobility X1800 or Geforce GO7800 (was GO7700, meant 7800) chip in this 1" thick notebook. Stay in fairyland . . . why can't people be a bit realistic?
Aug 4, 01:03 AM
I just hope Apple doesn't wait until Paris Expo to announce it. Then we're talking 2+ months.
I'm sure HP, Dell, Apple and the rest of the computer makers out there will have Merom laptops available as soon as they receive the chips from Intel.
There could be treasure here. Searching this room is guaranteed to be safe, as far as I can tell.
Yes but then we are in the sequence search then move as opposed to move then search.
From what was said in the rules, search then move is not desirable.
My vote is to move to another room and start searching it.
does anyone else notice that on intels site, the core2 duo is only refered to in PC's????
288. Like the rest of us who actually studied in a field that requires math in college and work in such a field. ;)
This is really only confusing/unclear for those who stopped really using math daily after grade school.
Having passed through college or any math class doesn't prove anything, even that someone is working in a particular field doesn't necessarily make it an expert in the subject.
Sep 15, 04:49 PM
Please don't mess with the keyboard. The Macbook keyboard wouldn't suit the Macbook Pro.
Agreed. It's a nice keyboard, but the Macbook keyboard wouldn't look nice in the MBP at all.
I'm thinking it's just going to be a processor upgrade. Maybe larger HD capacities and a magnetic latch if we're lucky.