Sunday, May 22, 2011

91 Subaru Justy 4x4

91 Subaru Justy 4x4. %IMG_DESC_1%

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  • ender land
    Mar 31, 10:51 AM
    There is so much engineering and math fail here. I'm not even sure where to start :confused:

    Regarding C02 emissions, there are a variety of sources for C02 for each car driven. You two are missing one of the main comparison sources for hybrid vs non-hybrid vehicles, that being C02 produced during the production process for the vehicle itself. This is a non-insignificant percentage and one of the primary reasons hybrid vehicles do not blow away their conventional counterparts in terms of carbon footprint. This article here ( has some interesting numbers. Google and you can find more on this topic.

    Second, looking at energy efficiency, you guys are looking at such a small portion of what you'd need to do to fully actually compare things. For an electric car, there are a lot of losses downstream - the powerplant (coal is about 30-40% efficiency btw, quick Google shows this), transmission, storage in batteries (if you've used rechargeable batteries before you know they heat up), and overall engine/system efficiency. A gasoline car has similar losses in the refinement process, not to mention the transportation losses in trucks/etc. You can't pick and choose which elements of efficiency you look at and ignore the bigger picture.

    dime21, with all due respect, you do not understand how thermodynamic efficiency works. Emissions do not waste energy and lower efficiency unless they carry away energy to be lost. In an engine, the overwhelming majority of losses comes as heat. A car has losses overall from both heat and friction. Probably other sources too such as sound and deformation but I doubt these are on the order of friction/heat. Oh, and go grab a tailpipe on a car after it's been running sometime if you don't think heat leaves through it.

    Fourthly, power plants, conventional cars, AND solar cars continue to improve in terms of emissions, efficiency, and c02 footprint. Not only due to government restrictions and regulations but the simple fact that you make more money by increasing efficiency (especially in a power plant). A 1% increase in efficiency in a power plant can make you a TON more money with nearly the same emissions and c02 output, barring some change that increases these obviously.

    Lastly, regarding pricing, at least in the USA, people only are going to buy electric or hybrid cars if they are affordable. Companies are not going to make them if the only price they can sell them at is far below their cost. This is simply how business works - you cannot sell products for less than you make them at and remain a viable company. Why do you think the government is subsidizing the Volt nearly 20%?

    Overall though, the easiest way to be efficient here is to drive your current vehicle into the ground before replacing it. Getting a new car every 3 years - even if it is more efficient than your last one - is not more environment friendly overall.

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  • eah2119
    Feb 6, 11:38 AM
    About 18 months ago, I switched to Mac mainly because of visits to the retail Apple store as well as the online one. I guess I was just persuaded. I was upset with Windows because of everything about it (it wouldn't let me update at all, I get an error message every 5 minutes, takes 5 minutes to start up and 30 seconds to open an application, some apps stop working). After I did switch I felt ecstatic. Truthfully, they just work.
    I'm not a developer or an advanced Mac user, but there are a few smudges in Mac OS X that needed to be cleaned. Just a few minor details.

    Grid stacks need smaller icons or at least adjustable. When fanning out they seem a little choppy (slow frame rate).
    With the smaller and smaller screens like the 11 inch mba, the right side of the menu bar should be changed to allow more icons to be visible without eliminating them. idk how though.
    I never use dashboard. I think because it's just not easy to use. For example, the calculator on dashboard has way less features then the calculator app. The translator widget doesn't work the same as google translate. Dictionary widget isn't as good as dictionary app. The clock is useless. So change the dashboard some how.
    I've heard complaints about spotlight. I guess that could use a refresh.
    I've had troubles with subscripts and superscripts. Is it possible to get a simple keyboard shortcut to get any character as a sub/superscript when typing into anything. I understand there is this for iWork but I want this available in any app.
    I want to be able to work easily between Windows and Mac file systems easily, read, write and all that, between wireless networks anyway.

    91 Subaru Justy 4x4. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • skunk
    Mar 25, 07:30 PM
    What point are you trying to make here? That the victim is not a victim if she did not weigh up carefully enough the possibility that her husband might be a homicidal lunatic?

    91 Subaru Justy 4x4. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • Turbo Squid
    Apr 5, 11:16 PM
    I'm impressed that the iPad held up so well. Props.

    BlendTecs are pretty bad ass. I'll get one if they have a stainless steel one. When in college I got a slap chop and a sham wow because they impressed chicks. Now it's time to get the BlendTec and start really pulling tang!:D

    As for people who are disgusted etc... saying it's wasteful and crying for the environment. Come on. It's advertising... Have you thought about what you did to impact the environment or economy today? If you are worried then why aren't you outside planting a tree or collecting money to send an ipad to a kid?(instead of using up energy to run your computer to post on a forum dedicated to things like ways to keep older energy whoring models alive longer (among other things of course and yes that was an extremely close minded statement. I was just trying to come up with an example to use) also people who keep their Macs longer aren't; as they say, 'helping the Economy'.

    Anyways it shouldn't be considered too wasteful. Keep in mind apple is a 'greener' computer manufacturer.:p

    At least the sales that BlendTec will make as a result of this video will be taxed and the govt will put the money to great use a they always do right?

    Anyways. "I ain't hatin'"

    Mac keep Macin. Forum keep foruming. BlendTec keep blending. And Apple come out with the new MacBook Pro already Gahhhhhhh:eek:

    </end rant>

    - Sent from my energy sipping iPhone 3GS. And my 2G went to a friend in need. Not a kid but he acts like one sometimes...

    91 Subaru Justy 4x4. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • MacMan86
    May 4, 05:49 PM
    Sorry, but could you provide a link please? I looked through the Imac/TBolt pages, and didn't notice that statement.

    ...Two 10-Gbps data channels per port...

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  • mabaker
    Oct 18, 02:28 AM
    Most of users here are better served to go to the Windows camp. All their requests have been fulfilled there already.:rolleyes:

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  • yg17
    Apr 6, 10:03 PM
    says you ...

    I support no religions, they are all irrelevant to me ... and for arguments sake ... I say take it to another neighbourhood. NewYork is huge ... why 2 blocks from Ground Zero? ... ever hear the word compromise?

    Why not 2 blocks from Ground Zero? How close is too close? Apparently Tennessee ( is too close. So is California (,8599,2012134,00.html). Anywhere is too close for the racist xenophobic morons protesting the not-Mosque because whether they build it 2 blocks from Ground Zero, or somewhere in Alaska that is the furthest you can get from Ground Zero while remaining on US soil, people are going to protest. So build it near Ground Zero. It's got to look better than what's currently in that spot - a run down, damaged abandoned building that's doing nothing to improve the safety or property values of its surroundings.

    91 Subaru Justy 4x4. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • xlii
    Apr 15, 10:56 AM
    So strange... so this school has an unprotected wireless network? No password, no encryption? If they setup proper protection only those allowed to use the network would be able to. Then you or anyone else could bring their laptop to school to take notes.

    At the high school my daughter went to. They encouraged the students to all buy ibooks (2002). If you couldn't afford one, the school loaned you one. These were used in almost all classes and used to do research and writing assignments.

    91 Subaru Justy 4x4. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • Maestro64
    Nov 2, 09:03 PM
    Here is another ideal to consider. Instead of going after the traditional networks and providers and as many have pointed out many of those networks whether GSM or CDMA do not have enough bandwidths to make an Iphone really usuable.

    I think they will deploy WiMax iPhone since the chip sets are standard based verses proprietary technology from Qualcom and others for CDMA and GSM which have very close relation ships with the current cell phone companies and service providers.

    WiMax is the next generation wireless technology which will be deployed by companies like Earthlink for wireless broadband internet access. This is something I can see Apple doing verses trying working a deal with the current services providers.

    91 Subaru Justy 4x4. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • Popeye206
    Apr 12, 08:08 AM
    I feel like Apple could really capitalize on a late November refresh. Let that thing fly off the shelves for Christmas.

    Not that Apple is having any trouble selling them now. :D

    Maybe they won't do iPad3 this year but maybe give a Retina Display option in the fall? That would be killer on it's own... but I'd guess they'd save that for a 3.0 version.

    91 Subaru Justy 4x4. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • The Past
    Nov 13, 06:52 PM
    Safari seems snappier! Oh, wait a minute, meant to say wakes from sleep a couple of seconds sooner.

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  • haruhiko
    Apr 4, 09:48 PM
    A random MacRumor member can tell you the iPhone is normally coming out at the end of June.

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  • iAlan
    Oct 19, 09:59 AM

    His shuffle's had another scuffle.

    Crap...I always type 'schuffle' when will I ever learn...

    And you pointed it out to me in the past...

    I guess you can change my sig to something to do with old dogs and new tricks...

    Anyway, let's hope something new in the iPod universe is on the way no matter how it is spelt...


    91 Subaru Justy 4x4. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • NicoleRichie
    Apr 15, 07:18 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Rules... Damn rules!

    91 Subaru Justy 4x4. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • Multimedia
    Jul 12, 09:28 PM
    Hmmmmmmm..... tempting.... oh wait, I think she reads this board... I would NEVER give her up. Never. Ever. :D :eek: :DSo are you asking her to marry you or what?

    91 Subaru Justy 4x4. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • McGiord
    Nov 17, 05:39 AM
    I believe this type of design is much like what Handspring did when they launched their Plam OS based PDAs with a springboard port some years ago, in that period of time instead of buying a Palm Pilot it was much better to buy a Handspring PDA, why? Because you had a way to expand your PDA with the right accesories, do you remember the GPS, the phone, even a vehicle scan tool, camera, etc... Very neat feature that soon evolved to what we currenlty know as Smartphones (the Treos and so on...).
    Anyway, this is a nice topic for discussion, because like everything in life, when you are anlyzing to take a decision, you balance what you want vs what the market offer, and based on that some features will be there, and some will not or they'll too costly, but you have to make a choice!!!
    Right now some smartphones allow you to do almost everything from just talk with it (it's a phone) even to watch live TV shows and connect to the web, emails, high quality video/photo recording, playback and even some edit...but...yes, but there is always something sacrifized, even it is money, type of service, with wi-fi/no wifi, bluetooth/no bluetooth, with QWERTY/no keyboard, touchscreen/plain screen, pull or push email service, palm os/windows BLABLA, etc...etc...

    So this make me wonder, is Apple finnaly going to do it, once and for all, I have been waiting many many years for a nice Apple's PDA have it all type of device.

    Have you ever wonder why the Newton was so great when it was launched, and why it died some time after? Well, sad but true it's all about money, so the add what you need/want feature of any device in this fast evolving tech market is a nice and competitive way to go.

    Will Appple do it, or will just research it, or will just keep it as an strategic move? Who knows..probably only Mr. Jobs...

    Well, I hope they make it, at least as a prototype that they we'll show in one of those Apple media shows, to at least crank all the other tech providers/accesories developers to start to offer alterantives with nice new solutions for people like us.

    I like the idea, but remember there is always something to be'll have to carry on all the gadgets you need to have a fully operational piece of hardware...or could you live with some standard features and carry on with what you don't have in your have it all portable device.....

    Enjoy, have fun!!!

    Dreaming is and always will be FREE!!!!
    But to live your Dreams you'll have to pay a FEE!!!

    I had a video game sysem back in the 80s that did this...each game cartridge had its own interface and programming. It basicually used a the same touch pad to interpret the location of the finger pressing and the programing to tell it what to do with the input.

    herbal vaporizers (

    91 Subaru Justy 4x4. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • SiPat
    Apr 4, 10:21 AM
    It's a survey of 30,000 users and only shows OS usage, not sales.

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  • fmaxwell
    Apr 22, 12:33 PM
    if i'm paying for a digital subscription, there's no reason why i should also have to look at ads.

    i can see why there are ads for a print edition, due to printing costs, paper, and shipping, but none of those exist for a digital edition.

    Do you have any idea of how expensive it would be for the magazines to lay out two different issues, one with ads and one without? Everything from the table of contents to how text flowed around images to what size the images were would change.

    You aren't paying for the magazines -- the advertisers are. You're paying only a small part of the cost of creating the magazine. Delivering it digitally doesn't reduce costs for the content of the magazine -- just for its distribution. A writer isn't going to produce the story for free just because you have a digital subscription.

    That said, they should be offering the magazines at a significantly lower cost to digital subscribers, not making you pay the same amount while preventing you from seeing ads. WTF would I want to get a photo magazine for and then not see the ads for cameras, lenses, and accessories?

    91 Subaru Justy 4x4. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • MacRumors
    Apr 12, 10:40 AM (

    Apr 22, 01:30 PM
    if i'm paying for a digital subscription, there's no reason why i should also have to look at ads.

    i can see why there are ads for a print edition, due to printing costs, paper, and shipping, but none of those exist for a digital edition.

    The price you pay for apps won't pay the bills, and advertising by itself won't do it either, especially online advertising, which brings in much less revenue than print ads. So if you want original content with original reporting, those content producers and editors have to paid somehow. It's going to take a combo of subscriptions/apps and advertising.

    Thomas Veil
    Mar 7, 02:42 PM
    He will get a long sentence. He has priors. She was stupid to jump on the hood, but obviously she had no expectation that he would try to kill her! A sane, non-murderous person would stop immediately. Also, he drove a long way and so had a long time to think about what he was doing. He can't claim some momentary rage.Which is how a court will see it, and that's what matters in the end.

    Apr 11, 11:08 PM
    Gruber said it was a blatant guess. He said this wasn't info from one of his sources.

    Then let me revise my statement and say this is why other media should attempt to independently verify their sources and then add a dash of common sense.

    Aug 17, 06:42 PM
    August 17, 2006 Cupertino, CA: In a surprise press release late this afternoon Apple Computer announced it's purchase of Lions Gate Films. Without delay, former President Steven Beeks was removed from his position placed in shackles, stripped to his boxer shorts and displayed prominently of the official "Apple Ridicule Platform" located conveniently in the parking lot at 1 Infinite Loop. Steve Jobs was unavailable for comment, but was seen laughing, choking down a small bowl of low calorie pescaterian chowder.


    Mar 29, 06:05 PM
    it is now gone. Why not just proudly go down and wish those who beat you...well.

    Do you say the same to Apple about Hackintoshers? :confused:


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