game contact romantic lovejapasneezemonk
May 8, 01:54 AM
I've had mobile me for a good while and like it. I use it to sync omnifocus, etc... iDisk is nice, but I still use dropbox. I have used it to find my iphone more than once and it's OK but not great, unless it can tell me exactly where my phone is it's still aggravating to know it's in my house, but where? I guess I'm being too picky though. Oh, syncing my MBP to my iMac is definitely a huge timesaver. I would think most people can do with free services, however, for Me it's a awesome. I didn't pay full price for my family plan, so that was nice too, usually if your buying a new laptop or desktop at the Apple Store you can get them to throw in MobileMe and AppleCare for almost nothing.
Love Christian Wallpaper forI think we will probably get an announcement about new designed MacBookPros at WWDC along with MacPro Desktops.
Rumor had it back in January that Apple wanted Intel to pre-release Merom chips to Apple for the MacBook Pro. Instead Apple was forced to rush to market a quick update to the PowerBook line using the Yonah processor.
My guess now is that Apple is going to finally get to roll out the new redsigned MacBook Pro for Merom.
I agree completely. The MacBook Pro just looks like a transition model to me. Apple needed to update the PB badly and it made no sense for them to update with a new PPC chip but the Merom chip wasn't available yet even though it was Apple's chip of choice for a new laptop design.
Voila! slap a Yonah in essentially the same enclosure as a PB, tweak it a bit with new features and you get a MacBook Pro. Now that Merom is here and Apple has re-designed the ibook, the MacBook Pro is poised for a complete re-design.
I want my re-designed Merom MacBook Pro at WWDC.:eek:
Hint love Wallpaper, RomanticApple will not keep Yonah in the MacBooks. Such a marketing differentiation tactic would be idiocy. All PC manufacturers are moving to Merom when it's available. The cost is the same. Yonah is dead. I expect a simultaneous transition of MBP, MB, and iMac very soon, moving all Macs to 64 bit.
I suggest you read up about Intels supply numbers! There will be no simultaneous transition as Intel cannot supply the demand this would create
I love Wallpaper by pincel3dJeffLebowski41
Apr 5, 04:49 PM
This thread is hilarious. This isn't apple shaking it's fist against jailbreakers, it's about apple wanting to protect it's advertising model that they get profit from. Keep getting mad at "the man" though if it makes you feel better.
Free Love Wallpapersaldejesus
Mar 30, 11:05 PM
Good catch, I thought I saw 15"
I was sharing this because I found it interesting, its supposed to be just 384MB shared. Just thinking if Lion enables more memory shared??:rolleyes:
Romantic Love Pattern HomeSorry it took so long to respond to this; I assure you it took only a second to Google (this is just the first result I found):
All of that is about the private sector switching to save money on their bottom line, something which I already mentioned should happen (and will without intervention).
The question is if the government mandated the metric system for EVERYTHING, from speed limits on the roads to the measurements on a box of Betty Crocker brownies. Many of these things won't actually lead to any increased economic efficiency because certain products can only be produced locally (say weather reports) and consumed locally. The cost of these industries switching would be quite expensive with no real economic gain because the products and services can't be exported or imported.
Is that wink a small admission of how silly your system really is? :) Sure, the math was simple, but how meaningful are all these crazy fractions? If I actually had to try and picture what these fractions represent, I'd want to convert the denominator into a multiple of 10 first in order to try and picture it. I might note that twice 48 is roughly 100, so I know we're dealing with a bit over 26%. Other fractions could prove more difficult. With the metric system, you never have to do this. You're always dealing with base-10, which is something we all understand and can picture, without having to memorise particular fractions and what they represent.
No the wink was just to say that 1) I would use a calculator, and 2) even if I couldn't, multiplying fractions is not hard at all.
Well, we could certainly argue that international communication would be a LOT simpler if there was only one language � and it would be! However, the reality is, we have a world with not only a diversity of language, but a diversity of culture, and the two are intricately linked. That makes the world a very interesting place, and being able to speak multiple languages would be a wonderful skill to have when travelling and engaging in other cultures. People are generally proud of their heritage, culture and language, and there aren't too many people suggesting the world should lose all of that richness in the interest of conformity. (Well, there are such people, but I think we can agree they're generally pretty scary.)
This is off topic, but language is but one part of culture. Customs, celebrations, and even measures, are all marks of a culture. In the process of colonization and free trade, we've actively destroyed many languages, customs, celebrations, and measures. I think we typically don't consider the loss of a measurement system to be too catastrophic because of the many conveniences that can be had from uniformity. But the same is true for language as well. I think the real reason we tend to gloss over measures is because they are typically easier to learn than a new language. Anthropologically speaking, however, they are very valuable in exploring a culture.
What is different about the US that it can't do likewise? I honestly find it perplexing. Be honest now� Is it because the French invented it?
Ultimately I think it comes down to the fact that the US is one of the few countries that had a great deal of popular sovereignty determine the outcome of whether or not we should switch to the metric system. Most other countries enacted policy through a quiet parliamentary action that was later carried out by agencies or at a time when most people weren't active in politics. Still others had theirs done at the point of a gun.
In the US there are a lot of veto points in the legislative process, making any significant change hard to do. Americans also tend not to have a great deal of respect for the sciences (scientific literacy is appallingly low) so it makes it a tougher pitch to the everyday person. Then there's also the issue that to most it's a solution for a problem that doesn't exist; why should they care about a measurement system when the one they are using right now is working for them?
You're not stepping out onto the moon this time. Just about every other country on the planet (and there are quite a few of them!) have gone before you, and it worked out just fine. Sure, it takes some time, but not as long as you might like to imagine. Let me come back to my own experience� I was born in the 70s, around the time Australia was just starting to transition to the metric system. The older folk may well have had a difficult time with it, but if so I was blissfully unaware of it. I came to learn what an inch was, since most rulers had inches on one side and mm/cm on the other, and people still, to this day, casually talk about their height in feet and the weight of newborn babies in pounds. (Yes, some old habits die hard.) But these sort of things are the exceptions. The transition to metric was so efficient, I, as a first generation growing up with it, didn't even notice there was a transition happening.
Seriously, you should be looking to Australia and other countries with successful transitions and learning from them, instead of just perpetuating all these fanciful stories of how terrible it's going to be to change.
The issue goes beyond just the prescribed time period to shift, however. As I mentioned above, there are a lot of infrastructure concerns. Not to mention that Australia in the 1970s was 13 million people, or about 24 times smaller than the current US population. The only other countries that were on this scale were India and China when they transitioned, and both had much less infrastructure and an already illiterate population that could be trained from the ground up.
Any realistic transition for the US would take decades.
Romantic Love At Beachcitizenzen
Apr 14, 09:48 PM
Did I suggest that? I think not.
Well, you provided a cautionary tale in response to my suggestion.
That's why I asked how you felt about it.
Please note ... I asked.
If something is making money why would you cut it?
That's my question.
Robot romantic love wallpaper,just remember everyone...
all the rumor sits speculated the 23" imac (really 24") would be revealed at the "Showtime" event. apple fooled them all and released it a week early!
let's hope the same thing happens for our mbp's. here's to next tuesday! :D
Robot romantic love wallpaper,There you go
That still doesn't answer the question though. That just says you have to redeem the download again, but it doesn't say whether it's just an "update" that you run or if you are downloading the entire install and then running that.
“I Love You” from flameia.com.ReanimationLP
Aug 3, 01:37 AM
Play nice now boys and girls.
Does it really matter how much extra battery you'll get? Jeez. o.O
I'm sure you'll be able to crank out some more, but battery life all depends on real world usage more than anything else.
Now that I think about it, I'm willing to bet they will be upgraded shortly to Core 2, the mini and the iMac that is, since its socketable.
Maybe thats why the MBP Pro is not socketed, they wanted to design a new casing for the Core 2 Macbook Pros, and didnt want people
just opening they're Core 1 models and just dropping the new Core 2 into it.
Find love with Asian DatingBut keep in mind that the data might be wrong. I typed in my real name and it came up with me . . . but with details oddly wrong. Multiple accounts that could be me, but in each case with wrong data. I clearly have messed up some databases along the way (good).
I did the same thing. The site said I lived in a $1MM+ home. I wish!
Wallpapers - Romantic love.Don't panic
May 3, 09:23 AM
after reading the rules a couple of times:
- secret powers: other than not knowing who is what, do we know what the secret powers are and how they work?
- monsters/trap: do we know how many there are at the beginning? what is the range of their powers? why does the villain has two turns, isn't it the same as if he just gets 4 points in that double-turn? or does he get to move his minion. attack, heal, place new monsters/traps move monsters twice every round?
- moving: move to door means open the door and get into the next passage/room? can monsters move and open doors once they are placed?
- are attacks automatic? when do they occur in the turn?
- can the villain/monster fall into the traps?
- how/how fast does the villain move?
- the villain stats are 16/16 plus 2/2 for each hero alive or 16/16 minus 2/2 for each hero dead?
- does the villain knows where the treasures are?
- can you toss dwarves?
Dear my love Wallpaper,Interface with iTV, AirPort Express, possibly your Macs for some limited controlling, maybe your iPod or iPod HiFi... I don't want the tablet to be a remote...
I still want a real Tablet Mac. It probably isn't all that easy to hit the sweet spot for price and capability. You could do something stupid like a remote as I stated above, something like a PDA or something full-blown like a laptop. Frankly, I would love tablet because for college it's useful to whip out the tablet and scribble some things, and it would be nicer than a trackpad on laptop. I just wish my Palm TX and MacBook Pro would meld together... The best I could do is hook up my graphics tablet, but that's just unwieldy to carry around and I don't have the desk space in my dorm.
Stop talking about it and just make it already!
Love Wallpaper, Free LoveChickenSwartz
Aug 11, 09:41 AM
Mac Pro and Xserve have the Xeon (Woodcrest).
MacBook Pro, MacBook, and iMac will be upgraded to the Core 2 Duo (Merom).
Mac Mini will probably keep the Core Duo (Yonah).
I agree except I think they will put Conroe in the iMac.
romantic love quotes forlol.. That's funny but it's the inevitable of how the iPhone is being used. If it's deemed legal, Apple shouldn't get involved in Toyota's marketing scheme. Maybe Jobs shouldn't have made a mockery of that CEO (I forget his name) in the unveil party of the iPad 2.
I agree. While I thought it was an, lets say 'interesting' move by Toyota to do this - it is absolutely their decision to do so, since jailbreaking is not illegal.
Disclaimer: My iPhone is not jailbroken, did it a long time ago, toyed with it, didn't see the value for me and restored - but it is everyones decision to do what they want since it is not illegal. Of course there are apps that you could argue enable illegal stuff, but that is a different story.
by suraj raj romantic loveiMacZealot
Jul 29, 10:34 PM
Normally I would agree, but then Steve hit us with the Intel switch and shook up all my feelings about long-term rumors that come and go.
I did say that in my post you are quoting, did I not?
Romantic Love - NonaMcEngineer
Mar 29, 03:50 PM
Note that MS is dropping the standalone Zune hardware, and moving the Zune interface into Windows Phone 7.
If your phone can do it all, why make standalone music players?
I think the iPod market (especially the Touch) will have a long tail, and there's no reason for Apple to not profit from it in the meantime. Specifically, it will continue to satisfy the young 'uns demographic, the parents of whom are not yet willing to commit to a phone contract.
Love is Everything Wallpaper,Steve needs to provide a better answer because this one makes him look like a liar.
Ok, so there's a DB on your phone and the computer it syncs to. How do we know it's not being used in some nefarious way? Why isn't it regularly wiped?
I ran the app on my Macbook and it showed where I was since I had the phone....it was scary...:eek:
romantic love listing getAm I sensing doubt from the "fearless leader" already? I'd suggest you quit your whining and focus on the task at hand. Your decisions have already cost the group a healing treasure.
That was kinda lame, so I ordered you this book. I had it sent overnight to you. Enjoy your reading.
Afterall it's just a couple lines of code. :D
Shouldn't be much code - the Adobe apps are already cross platform so there shouldn't be many endian issues to sort out. It's just a matter of changing development environments to use XCode and re-testing.
Not simple, but not something that should take almost 2 years either.
Not this again! welcome back stupid universal binaries and "rosetta" :(
May 7, 11:24 AM
I don't want it to be free unless they keep improving it and don't downgrade the service that it is now just because it would become free. Mobile me is quite useful and perfect for my use:
Email address (with practically zero spam)
syncing my macs and iPod touch.
encrypted iChat conversations and screen sharing
online photo galleries
hosting my 4 websites
Back to my Mac
the ability to transfer/upload and download large files (FTP site).
And it all integrates perfectly because I'm 100% Apple/Mac.
I get all this for a paltry $69 through Amazon. No one one should be complaining over the price.
And a pony?
Apple gonna start selling ponies!?!?! :eek: I'm gonna be the first to ride one out of my local Apple Store! What is going to be the AppleCare charge on one of these suckers?
Ahh, the joys of waiting for the next new chip.... :p
You are so right. I'm thrilled with Apple's brainwashed minions, and even happier that I began loading up on Apple stock over a decade ago.
Little did I realize they would bring us shareholders so much wealth. To think that I bought a load of shares when it was under $20 per, then kept adding each year since, brings a huge grin.
At this point everything I buy is nearly free. And when they screw up the masses still buy it. Nothing could be sweeter.
Please enlighten us oh mighty one, on how Apple has "screwed up". After all we're just minions as you claim with no clue about anything, who buys whatever we are told. /sarcasm