%IMG_DESC_1%... I also hope they include built in anti-virus and anti-spyware. I know there isn't much of either for the Mac but it would be great for marketing and the day when something bad does appear.
Actually, I think the fact that they don't even have a need for those things yet is much more of a selling point than if they were built in. The selling point is that OS X is secure right out of the box with the built in firewall and what not.
%IMG_DESC_2%He's bang on the money on this one. Absolutely right.
Apr 22, 12:19 PM
Both print and digital. What's the difference between a website and a digital magazine? Nothing. Stop wasting your time and money creating special electronic editions and apps and just make a damn website. And why charge anything for the digital version? You don't have to print it and you don't have to distribute it and you're already making money from online advertising.
%IMG_DESC_4%Which part was wrong? Apple sent people to investigate the finders house, not Gizmodo, (http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/04/dude-apple/ ) And he also mentions that he knows Apple didn't ask the police to go after Chen (But then immediately goes on to say that apple should go after AT&T) I don't think any part of Stewart's commentary was inaccurate, just misleading.
The part where he omitted the iPhone was stolen property as to why the cops seized the computers and the fact calling Apple's tech support( which he just stated as Apple denied the prototype) as a proper way of action to return the device. From watching The Daily Show a lot, Jon while a comedian does tend to do some research on what he talks about. This one lacked a lot of the details surrounding the story. Even though he is a comedic reporter who does comedy bits of the latest news story and the media, he always seemed informed on the subject. It looks like he sacrificed the facts for comedy this time around.
Mar 29, 03:34 PM
I've always thought all along that Apple was going to have to pay Nokia something or settle this simply because other cell phone manufacturers using similar technology have already settled with Nokia.
The question now is why has Apple been so stubborn? Do they know something we don't or are they risking the farm on this one?
With the Nokia/Microsoft deal in place, is it possible Nokia had no intention of ever settling with Apple like they did with other cell phone manufacturers? Hmm, makes me wonder.
And of course, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop which will be Apple filing another lawsuit against Nokia after losing the first round of their countersuit.
And anyone know what's going on with the Apple lawsuit against HTC? That could conceivably have broad implications on the entire Android OS itself and Google.
Now my final question would be, is it possible Apple could file suit against BOTH Microsoft and Nokia when the Windows Phone 7 Nokia phones come out? I mean, Steve Jobs said it himself that Apple had patented the iPhone to the hilt and intended to protect all those patents.
I somehow think this is all going to end up in a wash in the end and I just realized I've given myself a patented headache typing all this.
As I remember when this first came out, Nokia wanted both money and access to Apple's patent portfolio. Apple did not want to give Nokia access to Apple's patent portfolio and wanted to pay Nokia less money (Note - Nokia wanted to get a percentage of each phone sold (lot of money for a smart phone) while Apple wanted to give a lesser fixed amount).
%IMG_DESC_6%Meh, I'll stick with handbrake.
Jan 7, 09:39 PM
My current one.
Very nice!
Could you post your wallpaper? Thanks!
As for me, I've got my iPod touch 4g 32gb and it has become my computer, thanks to jb. 95% of what I use a computer for now can be done on this amazing little device. I can even connect in to an external monitor and use my :apple: bt keyboard. BTW, mobile terminal is awesome.
%IMG_DESC_8%As of right now, you cannot buy one for $159 each. Read the page: it says "currently unavailable."
I have caught Fry's doing this four time just since their site opened. In the store, they will advertise some great deal, but you have to be a trained investigator to find it. They will hide the sale item around many higher-priced similar items with visual 'hooks'. There is no pointer to the sale item. You almost have to read the number and match it to the product. Often, there will not be any available and you must ask for them. On the website, they have a disclaimer, 'subject to prior sale'. I have yet to find one of the items I am looking for 'not sold out'. It is just short of being shady. But, if you are patient and pay attention, you can find some good deals there.
Oct 15, 10:19 PM
Whole disk encryption and resolution independence are at the top of my wish list.
%IMG_DESC_10%This probably explains Spotify's recent neutering
%IMG_DESC_11%Yup, I can confirm the 23" ACD and ATI Card Issue is fixed!!
I had to install Windows with a 19"TFT, but getting the 23" was a job to get working.
%IMG_DESC_12%So is my white girlfriend. :cool:
So racist...
%IMG_DESC_13%I love it when Google/Samsung/Sony/Motorola employees create new MacRumors accounts (join date Mar 2011) just to try to propagate garbage like this. Obviously trying to start a new antennagate. If you can't beat them in sales, try to start some bogus stories in the blogs and hope the media picks up on it. :rolleyes:
THIS JUST IN: My iPad 2 is absolutely fine and its in my hands right now. Anybody else who really has one complaining?
Mine is fine. No bleed. I'm not sayin it does not exist, but mine is fine.
%IMG_DESC_14%I have a free Exhibit Hall code if anyone wants it. Im in the UK so cant use it. Send me an email and ill give it to you. First come first serve if it only works once.
%IMG_DESC_15%I remember seeing this years ago with a person holding a wii remote on their head. :D
No, the Wii Remote was actually above or below the TV. The person was holding an infrared emitter on their head.
%IMG_DESC_16%This is almost as bad as powerbook g5 rumors.
Shut up!
Sep 10, 11:45 PM
Provided the rain stays away, I see Australia posting 400-550 and then England left a day and a bit to beat it.
If that's the case, it will be one VERY close match. That is, provided England don't play to draw in which case it will be very dull.
What I have loved about the test is the respect for each other. After Hayden got his century, lots of the English players congratulated him. Both teams seem to have a mutual respect people each other. That is until one is run out by a substitute. :rolleyes:
%IMG_DESC_18%So 1 in 20 people who have a cellphone have an iPhone. Not bad at all.
The amazing part is how many models the companies above them (and below them) are selling to get to where they are.
Not quite.
It means 1 in 20 of the mobile phones sold in the last quarter were iPhones.
Source: Amazon (http://www.amazon.com:80/dp/B000EPJL1A)
Release date for the new Shuffle? :D
when i ordered from the apple store online, the receipt said: ship Oct. 31 and arrive Nov. 7....
but i am thinking (more hoping) that with Apple's general release date of 'October' that they are defaulting to the end of the month to cover their butts.
that gives them the leeway to extend release dates if something goes awry and if things go well & they ship sooner than expected, then Apple will have some pleasantly surprised customers.... those are just my thoughts.
it's too bad, because when i heard 'October' i assumed Oct. 1... i should have known...
but amazon is a pretty reliable source and the 11th is MUCH better than the 31st... i am on board and very hopeful that this is indeed the actual release date :)
I believe Apple does this on purpose. I remember when I had the 3G and "updated" it with the latest iOS and it turned it into a clunker. Apple didn't care and they didn't give people the option to downgrade the "upgrade". Apple we love your products, but please understand that we are hip to your tricks now. Geez. :cool:
Don't really know what you're talking about, but you can put any iOS version you want on your phone if you know how to use itunes correctly...
Funny that I wonder if those are/were the drink of choice of the people who made the laws...hmm!
Well, given some of the stupid stuff they do, they are drinking SOMETHING. Not all of them are stupid, because there has been a bill introduced two or three years in a row to increase the limit to 7% or 10%, but it has been shot down either in committee or on the floor each time. Supposedly, one of the ancient guys who has been there forever said something to the effect of "what's wrong with the beer we already have?"
Forgot to add that I really like Old Speckled Hen. Good stuff.
Jul 13, 11:11 AM
How do you get an edu acct?
This has to be one of the most stupid rumors I have heard. When I heard a Dumb Best Buy employee tell a customer this, it really got under my skin.
I swear to God, I hope iDVD isn't gone completely but more integrated into iMovie or something along those lines. iDVD is one of my favorite applications in the iLife suite. :mad:
The 64-bit rewrite thing is pretty awesome though. Hopefully iTunes will be a part of that (doubt it though).
NO WAY iTunes will be part of the 64-bit rewrite if it happens to iLife. That would have happened with iTunes 10 if it was going to happen!
Agreed. The transition to 64-bit is long overdue and iDVD is a great application.
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