eg gun psp jpg. eg gun psp jpg. Summary: 1280x768w 1280x1024 PSP iPhone 180dpi. Image Dimensions: 640 x 363. Image originally found here.after a week of experimenting ...
no rattle
good bluetooth connection
landscape position is delicate, but holding fine - no movement on bumps (i've tested center position on back and shifted toward bottom in landscape; both work well)
GPS lock is interesting ... 1. definitely takes mount GPS 20-30 seconds from cold start; 2. fast lock is no doubt iPhone assisted GPS initially; 3. there is a moment 30 seconds from cold start when it switches over to mount GPS once lock is achieved (a noticable lag moment - but gotta be watching close)
while i don't have complete facts, i do think the satnavs use the mount most of the time, except from cold start when GPS lock is a bit slower then phone's assisted GPS
speaker works fine - although i'd like to be able to change the inital volume (too loud) w/in the free app
no use of AUX
one add'l thing i've found is that phone boots the mount bluetooth for ear piece - no multi connect option as far as i can tell (iPhone 'feature'?)
otherwise, enjoying the integrated features of the mount so far ...
Powerful small guns canAva's Meeshee
Apr 20, 09:31 AM
Oh, right, so that justifies arrogance, parochialism and chauvinism. Carry on then.
What justifies European & European colonial sense of entitlement in forums like these?
GTA IV PSP WallpaperActionableMango
Apr 28, 02:51 PM
EDIT: found a pic that illustrates this: http://images.anandtech.com/reviews/mac/MacPro2010/_DSC2953.jpg
Man, the MP is a beauty isn't it?
I can only hope they do half as well with the next case design.
run-and-gun shooter basedashley1496
Mar 29, 12:16 PM
I was excited about this at first but... this just seems like an incredibly stupid fad. Instead of spending time to put the music on my PMP, I sync to the digital cloud, then stream the music to said player. Yeah, in an era where unlimited data is becoming more not less scarce, that's just what I need, data surcharges. This just appears to be yet another fad intending to push consumer technology in the wrong direction.
I completely agree. I see a scary thing starting here. It used to be overage for "minutes" on phones (which almost never happens how). But now they want you to have "caps". They "claim" that the "typical user" doesn't regularly reach the cap. But with more and more of services with offerings like the cloud come into play. EVERYONE will be hitting those caps. Hell, just UPLOADING your music to the "cloud" may do this for some. Not to mention, if you get close you know that certain companies *cough-comcast* SLOW your internet speed down, right?
Not to mention, you've got these companies who want to charge you for data...and then because you want to use your data a certain way, want to charge you more. (WiFi sharing of iPhone internet, thanks AT&T)
Comcast doesn't charge me extra because we share our internet between 2 computers, 2 iPhones, an iPad, PS3, Tivo, Kindle 3, PSP....etc...
We're heading down a dangerous path... stunted and/or limited internet and stringent data caps.
PSP WallpapersGood God Apple, whatever!
GUN Wallpaper 1my little brother has some crappy paper-thin sharp laptop that was given to him. like ten gigs, no cd drive, it gets the job done. i might use that until the release of Merom. its funny cause everyone has already bought their laptops for school. so oblivious, so sad. "good things come to those who wait."
my assassins creed wallpapersSandynJosh
Nov 23, 03:12 PM
Someone who worked across the aisle from me had a PowerCD connected to his Mac and it was really nice, but it was way too expensive. Then again, you could say that about any of the equipment at the time. It's become much better but the value is often not apparent to the majority of the people.
If I remember right, when a person removed the PowerCD from its stand to listen to the music on the run it failed to give good performance. Apple forgot to include any buffer memory and skips were more the event then not. At the time, less expenisive protable CD players had such buffer memory, so it was a real dumb move on Apple's part.
PSP Wallpapers - Two Men With Guns DownloadsPleasssssssssse...I've been waiting for this!
PSP WallpaperdethmaShine
Mar 27, 01:00 PM
Release a new phone and make the people wait for months for the new OS? WTH?
I thought WebOS and H/Palm already had that market cornered.
Who made the rule that both the software and the hardware have to be released on the same date?
I guess this never happened with the mac lineup. The hardware was always released before and after the software.
HD,wallpapers hd guns nlucabrasi
Mar 30, 07:08 PM
I can confirm that Preview 2 works w/ the 2011 MBPs.
Krystal Forscutt Wallpaper For;) Look at a map and you'll see that Iwaki is near the east coast of Japan, but a short distance south of the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant. The town of Fukushima is well inland, actually northwest of the nuclear plant on the coast. Unless radiation levels decline the town of Fukushima will be uninhabitable, with current radiation levels well beyond that safe in a year. Iwaki is far closer to this plant, and whether their infrastructure damaged or not, almost certainly in a no-go zone for many decades to come.
Recent reports have a full meltdown in reactor #2 at the Fukushima plant, with melted fuel rods having likely melted through the stainless steel containment dome, and pouring as lava onto the concrete floor below. Bad news, in other words.
Kureha surely is scrambling for alternative manufacturing facilities. But that likely will take some time. Bottom Line: look for shortages in lithium-ion batteries in the short term.
Mass Effect PSP Wallpapertazinlwfl
Apr 25, 09:03 AM
This issue is really starting to frustrate me. iPhone users that I know are starting to freak out because they're getting their information from sensationalized media and don't really understand what's really going on.
That is one of the reasons Apple can't sit on their hands with this issue - there are too many people getting misinformation that are spreading it to others.
Best psp wallpapers!(have not read all the posts, so forgive me if already pointed out)
Uh....the phone companies track you and know where you are....they have to so that you can get a signal from a cell tower...so why is this a big deal?
Sniper Gun Wallpaper atSandynJosh
Apr 23, 07:48 PM
The past year my right eye's vision has decreased. Interestingly enough that is around when i got my iphone 4, can lack of my eye working and the phone making it easier make my vision worse? Probably not and just a coincidence.
It's probably a brain tumor due to the RF energy, not at all related to the screen resolution. Nothing to worry about. :rolleyes:
.:: PSP Wallpapers - Music ::.hyperpasta
Aug 2, 10:58 AM
I like this guy. He's being reasonable. However, I'd bet that Apple does NOT update any other Macs to Core 2. Yet. Save that for Expo Paris.
You see, Apple always wants to make sure that everyone knows exactly what's in the spotlight at any given time. Right now it's the MacBook and Wireless Mighty Mouse. Before that it was the Mac mini and the iPod Hi-Fi. Before that, the MacBook Pro and iMac. Before that, the iPod nano/video.
Apple isn't going to all of a sudden roll out an OS preview, three new computers, and a new iPod.
EDIT: And oh yeah. Apple is also not going to roll out two iPods and a phone for the holiday season. I have my money on MWSF for the phone.
PSP Wallpaper |nuckinfutz
May 7, 10:12 AM
It's naive to assume that Apple won't use MobileMe data in the future to serve you ads
Given the [lack of acceptable] performance of the current service, all of these things are just going to be painful to use. If they can devote some more bandwidth to them, I could see it being a hit.
It's illogical to think they will. Apple sees iAds as a way for developers to deliver free or $.99 apps on the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad without going broke. iAds are not something that Apple wants to push beyond their mobile offering and app store. They have no history looking to leverage advertising.
Well we must think that they're building the NC datacenter for a reason. Initially I thought it was an average sized datacenter but it is in fact humongous (5x larger than their California datacenter) so clearly they have BIG cloud plans.
Show for PSP Wallpapers.Multimedia
Jul 23, 09:42 PM
The iBook never went under $999. I barely call that a sub-$1000 laptop. But whatever you say. I'll agree that $999 looks better then $1000 though. :p
All of these Blu-Ray fans scare me. Considering they're having trouble fabricating the 50 GB discs..Speaking of Blu-ray, last night NBC broadcast the pilot of Miami Vice in Widescreen HD along with shorts on the upcoming movie by Michael Mann. I mean this was a pristine Film Transfer to 1080i HD with incredible Dolby Sound. Then at the end they try and hawk 4x3 SD DVD sets of the first two seasons (22 episodes each) for $40 each. What an absurd offer after watching the pilot in HD. No way would I want go back and watch the rest in SD 4x3. We need either Blu-ray or HD-DVD to meet market demand for fare like this ASAP.
More wallpapers byMultimedia
Jul 23, 02:17 PM
Why do I have some weird feeling that they will update the entire product line at WWDC?Why not? Conroe will have availability by WWDC, IIRC, and Merom won't be far behind- they could announce a MBP with Merom, shipping in two weeks after WWDC.
MBP with Merom, iMac with Conroe, Mac Pro's with either Conroe and a Woodcrest quad or all Woodcrest, MacBook's with Merom or Yonah w/price drop, and Mac Mini price drop back to $499.This is the scenario I would love to see unfold including slowest 1.66 GHz Core 2 Duo in the $499 mini Combo. I think following this path would be the best way for Apple to gain significant market share this Fall. Be boldly state-of-the-art 64 bit all the way right away. :eek: :) :D :cool: ;)
bleach wallpaper psp.I used to think you didn't REALLY need it if you didn't do anything stupid, but then I had it catch something in a banner ad a couple of times, so...now I think it's just better to be safe than sorry.
I think those two attacks are the only times I've been attacked, although I've heard of more recent things like that too.
now if apple can build a laptop that won't give me a first degree burn we're in business :cool:
As well as one that won't gimme a headache nor react with my body (http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=518047&tstart=0)
What's he banging on about? By "PC guys" who does he mean? Microsoft?
If this is the case is he saying that Windows Mobile (the OS he's stupidly paying for some of his products) isn't up to scratch? I can't see Palm surviving the year if he's this mixed up.
I have been using PDAs for years. I like using them. I've tried quite a few and where Windows CE (and variants) fail is they try and be too computer like. Palm OS is nice in that it does the simple stuff that you need on the move (and in meetings etc) well. It would be hard for Apple to figure this out and improve on the situation. They already have half the software written (iSync, iTunes, iPhoto).
The only thing Apple need to decide is: to they try and tackle the hard problem for a PDA/smart phone ie. data input. How do you write text on the device. This is the thing that killed the PDA market imo and why you see so many devices with thumbboards these days instead of (or as well as) touch screens. If they don't they have an extended iPod. Which might work out ok.
The other problem is the data rates mobile phone carriers charge. They need to be EDGE/HSDPA, flat rate and VOIP enabled. Not many carriers can manage that (T-Mobile are close in the UK though).
OK, rant over :)
I'd like to see Mac Minis start at $499, MacBooks & iMacs start at $999, MacBook Pro start out at $1499 and the Mac Pro at $1999. Maybe add a midtower mac at $1499. Don't know how likely this is, but just a thought
You are so right. I'm thrilled with Apple's brainwashed minions, and even happier that I began loading up on Apple stock over a decade ago.
Little did I realize they would bring us shareholders so much wealth. To think that I bought a load of shares when it was under $20 per, then kept adding each year since, brings a huge grin.
At this point everything I buy is nearly free. And when they screw up the masses still buy it. Nothing could be sweeter.
Ahh, I see that you just joined this site just to troll, huh?
Knowing apple when you buy an apple product mobileme will be free for a certain amount of time, than you will have to renew the membership for the $100.