%IMG_DESC_1%Sorted it, but only a descent in to the nether regions of my desk to unplug the hub and assorted devices, and put them back in one by one.
As an aside, temperature seems to have gone up by as much as 10�C, now idling around 58-60�C. Bah.
%IMG_DESC_2%Wow, I need to sell mine for other reasons and just sold it before the announcement. Probably would have driven the price of mine used down a bit...glad I got it off. Nothing on this really interests me that much still...kind of underwhelming to me actually...if they packaged some other stuff like free live for a year and other things maybe...but as is no...
Apr 22, 01:23 PM
I said PART, as on it's not all because of Apple. Never said the pubs were the victims here, they also are to blame as well.
They (publishers) are "all" the blame. Apple's take has NOTHING to do with the over-pricing. This is all new to the publishers and they're trying to do many things with electronic distribution.... find the value, re-coop their investments (this is all new to them and they need to have a different production process for digital) and they need to find value for their advertisers to make money.
Apr 27, 10:23 AM
LOL...really macrumors?! Are you guys that poor at comprehension?!?! I think a 5 year old could tell you they mean network traffic!
I sincerely hope this is just a ploy at generating news, otherwise someone seriously needs to return to primary school.
Sometimes it's funny when people are doing things they accuse others of doing. Other times, it's sad. This is one of those times.
Apr 8, 05:54 AM
If you are seriously using Zhydiv, you have issues.
For all the non-russian speakers on here, it means "kike" in Russian.
So, he can stay classy, in a least two languages? :mad:
(Yes, I've seen The Pawnbroker, several times.) ;)
%IMG_DESC_6%For Tom Tom, the map data for the USA is divided into five sets of about 250-300 MB each. No problem at all. UK is about the same size.
The problem with off-line map data is that it does not get updated automatically and one has to pay for updates (about $70 for US maps for Garmin)
%IMG_DESC_7%^^ I'd like to know this also
%IMG_DESC_8%try this one. it's not video, but it is with pics!
Sep 30, 10:39 AM
Here is how I got over may problems getting EyeTV working on the iPhone. I suppose the important part of the system is the modem/router, a Netgear DG834PN. Now this device is listed as not compatible with MobileMe and I have never managed to get " Back To My Mac " to work. Today I tried a bit harder.
You have to log into the router, turn on UPnP, then add some "services". You need to add port UDP 4500 for BTMM, TCP 2170 for eyetv. In firewall rules you need to add 3 services, the BTMM service you added, the EyeTV service and the HTTPS service (port 443). for all these services you need to add the IP address of your machine (can be found in system preferences network settings. it might be best to manually fix this in the network settings to stop the router reassigning in on a restart). finally (i think) you need to click on the WAN setup and set your machine as a DMZ server, enter the IP address of your machine. "Apply" all these changes as you make them
reboot the router, either unplug it or reboot from the diagnostics panel. (this part is important)
these processes turned the red "incompatible router" lights off for both BTMM and Use My EyeTV. :)
This process might not be as clear as it might be, and I am no expert, so I have no idea what all this stuff means, I tried various combinations, the DMZ being the last addition, and all seems to be working.
I dont run a software firewall, but if you do then you will need to punch some holes through that as well. You could test the router settings while the "soft" firewall is turned off.
Stuff often repeated elsewhere, you also need a core2duo processor, EyeTV 3.2, EyeConnect 1.3.6 etc etc and the iPhone app and or a MobileMe account.
hope this helps someone....
edit: further info:
the whole thing has decided not to work anymore, and I am struggling to make it work again. it stopped without any changes being made. BTMM still shows a green light. My EyeTv now shows red again. Crap!
Apr 10, 08:08 PM
Awesome title indeed! But I wouldn't actually buy the book. I've got Wikipedia :)
Apr 29, 12:27 PM
I continue to be amazed by the number of students at my community college that have iPhones. These are students who for the most part are struggling to make ends meet, yet were willing to spend their limited cash that way. There are at least two or three students with iPhones in each of my classes; two years ago, I didn't see any -- and mine was a curiosity to them.
people value what they value. do you think they are getting what they paid for in terms of education? probably not.
%IMG_DESC_12%When android phones are literally being given away, what is the surprise with the 'surge'? One system is popular because people want it, but the other will eventually surpass it because its an open system on many different phone platforms that are often included for "free".
This argument is getting old. The iPhone 3GS is available for $50.
%IMG_DESC_13%i think they're real, or at least i hope so
%IMG_DESC_14%Server class cpu, ram, motherboard, ps, and case. That's why Mac Pros are so expensive.
It's not meant to be a consumer level box.
Hence that's why the layman will think its overpriced.
%IMG_DESC_15%I've always questioned market share figures.
It would be much more accurate to post comparative sales from THIS YEAR
as opposed to overall sales from the past combined.
%IMG_DESC_16%Was the eMac ever available for everyone?
Yes, not at first, but once it became popular it was available to everyone. And for most of eMac's life.
Mar 3, 08:08 PM
Apple wallpaper for all of the gifts they have given us lately. :)
Apr 12, 06:36 AM
i guess you are right, in Germany we have for example a law to prevent demonstrators from covering their face , for my passport picture i was even asked to take off my glasses because of light ,really light reflections
i am a Biker , i have a a flip up (http://www.motorcycle-crash-helmets.co.uk/images/crash-helmets/mtr-k-10-flip-motorcycle-helmet.jpg) helmet
but even opening it complete i was asked to take it off at a lot of filling stations , despite everybody could see my complete face ,while women with a full veil or burka is not asked to take it off when entering a petrol station
%IMG_DESC_19%Anybody else pick up some canned applause lingering after the real stuff at a couple of points in the keynote?
If so... that is mega lame.
Yes and yes. I have never heard that before in a Stevenote. Hopefully its covering a heckler or other audio problems, but I'm beginning to doubt it as I watch more.
The stream keeps breaking up about half way so I'll reserve judgement until I see the rest but ewww. :(
http://img37.imagevenue.com/loc390/th_98674_Untitled_122_390lo.jpg (http://img37.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=98674_Untitled_122_390lo.jpg)
What is that icon next to time machine?
Great WP btw
Nov 17, 09:04 AM
Um... this has been done before.
Not in a laptop, no, but I definitely remember keyboards where you could buy the bottom "shell" and the key "insert" boards separately. There was a regular QWERTY keyboard, and then for gamers, special key layouts suited to whatever game you were playing.
(pauses to do a websearch)
Ideazon's Zboard, that's the one. www.ideazon.com
Sorry, mate, but I think you're missing the point.
For a company like Apple losing a prototype and it ending up in the hands of a tech blogger months before its release was probably a big blow. But that damage is now done, nothing more they can do about that. The only thing they get to decide is how to handle the matter now with respect to the felony (probably) committed by the finder and Gizmodo. Are their interests best served by getting the police to bash down this guy's door and confiscate the tools of his trade? Apple is a corporation owned by its shareholders and upheld by passionate customers who buy things at a premium because they feel good about them and the company that makes them. It doesn't get to throw a tantrum. It has an image to consider. What's to be gained by tearing up this blogger? A deterrent for similar cases in the future? Give me a break. The next guy who gets his hands on a prototype will just be a bit more careful not to show his face in the video and claim it was sent to him by an anonymous source. That's all.
So, yes, it was a felony. But it still lacked style and class to go after the felon like that. And style and class is what Apple is all about.
So The law doesn't really apply when there's public image at stake? LOL
The police believe Gawker Media committed the felony by acquiring the iPhone (buying stolen property).
If that's the "probable cause" the police used to obtain the warrant, the journalist shield law may not apply.
The police got the warrant by arguing their belief that property at Jason Chen's house met the following criteria :
* It was used as the means of committing a felony
* It tends to show that a felony has been committed or that a particular person committed a felony
So now the question is... Was the suspected "felony" the THEFT of the iPhone (in which case police want to find out the identity of the thief)? Or was it BUYING STOLEN PROPERTY (in which case Gawker Media and/or Jason Chen may soon be accused of felonies?)
Public image doesn't play into this. This is a long-term move for Apple in the area of protecting trade secrets, and which will ultimately clarify the laws in this area as they apply to "online journalists." It's not great for PR when a big-nam plaintiff goes after someone, just like it isn't great PR when a large corporation throws an unpaid bill into bill collections and the "victim" happens to be a little old lady. Unfortunately, Apple doesn't run a charity, and a decision no to avail themselves of all available legal remedies could in future cost them billions (the *next* time something like this goes down.) We'd all be singing a different tune if it was a much smaller operation that had their property treated in this manner, with the very survival of their business at stake. But because it's a "big" entity it's suddenly "bullying."
SOOO wish I could have been there, but arn grounded me :(
Ack...is that the Lamisil Monster holding that pin?