%IMG_DESC_1%I've just got home and install the update, does not look like it's fixed the core duo bug.. oh well no biggy..
I would expect the imac to run cooler than the macbook as the imac's fans can afford to be running at a higher speed and the heats sync is bigger..
Also the Core 2 machines shouldn't have this bug and are meant to run cooler anyway.. so..
back to smcFanControl to get me temp readings..
Apr 6, 06:03 PM
I'd say they are my people now.... As a atheist with Christian parents, I still don't like the idea of any religious group being discriminated against.
That said, atheist are in a much worse position the Jews in America...there's only one openly atheist congressmen and most main stream candidates bring up how important religion is as their guiding light, and a lack of faith is often meet with questions. I do agree anti-semitism is an important issue, but the rate of it in USA is at a point that's quite good consider how many people we have and historically what it has been.
As for the original article, I agree with the point, Jewish people do have a large say in American policy, but I don't mind that, I mind their views that they use their influence to support(again there are non-extreme Jews, but I'd say the 'main stream Jewish stance' on things like Israel and general middle east policy is greatly flawed) But its also clear the people interview has too extreme of a view.
For such a small minority, they control our lives.. Look at corporate rule in this country, hence why the USA is still and will be messed up.. Recession? Over? Hardly.. job market? Better? Wrong again... its all part of the NEW WORLD ORDER under Barrack Hussein Obama and others who support him.
I am completely for the end of support for the state that commits crimes against men, women, and children.. an army that calls itself the "Israeli army".. should be called the Brown jackets army.
Apr 10, 07:54 PM
Sep 5, 09:25 PM
But insight on when something�s going to happen isn�t the singular, or even the primary, purpose of these discussions. They�re an opportunity to talk about what MAY BE released and what sort of functionality/design it will have, how it will work, what the target market (beside us) will be, etc.
Exactly...they're basically a big group of people getting together and drooling and hoping at least some bit comes true.
And oh my goodness is an iPhone super drool-worthy! I'm getting concerned about how soon I'll be able to get one seeing as everyone and his dog wants one.
And I'm still waiting on that g5 powerbook...it's my Godot. :rolleyes: (Or at least an MBP w/a 12" or smaller screen)
%IMG_DESC_5%Didn't read them then, won't read them in future.
Useless publications of the old age where magazines were catalogs with fluff articles. In the internet age they better supply real content and not half-ass excuses for information.... they'll tank, no doubt: their focus is on sales, not service.
To a certain extent, I tend to feel the opposite way.
Monthlies were a place where well thought-out, long form articles could be published with time for research.
The internet rewards snap judgements geared towards short-attention span readers, and designed to generate hits.
I think that the knowledge revolution touted by some has been a terrible failure as we see 'news' on the internet degenerating into a knee-jerk rumor fest.
Wish it weren't so.
%IMG_DESC_6%Cool!!! Turn by turn GPS built into the iPhone would be sweet.
Ever heard of a Flip Camera? GONE now that the iPhone made HD video on a phone standard. Who knows. Our kids, kids might someday ask, "What was a Garmin Grandpa?" ;)
Apr 11, 12:19 AM
"iSteve - The Book of Jobs" - Jobs really wants Bio to carry such a silly stereotypical title? No way! I bet it's just a working title.
%IMG_DESC_8%Blu-ray movie playback support. Well that, or much a cheaper, much higher quality (1080p) much wider selection of iTunes movies that aren't tied to Apple's hardware playback devices, oh and a much faster internet connection with no usage caps that costs no more money.
Whichever you can add more easily Apple. ;)
Also making Quicktime X as feature rich as Quicktime 7 Pro, but ideally nicer to use.
The ability to run iOS apps would be nice too.
Apr 14, 05:26 PM
Since FCP will be editing everything natively (and I assume that means all sorts of AVCHD files), ironically that means many of us won't need the super high speed Thunderbolt drives.
AVCHD files top out at 24 Mbps (or thereabouts), and since this is around the bitrate of DV, ye olde FW800 drives should be fine for external storage. Internal storage should be fine - 10 hours of footage will only take 130 GB or so.
From my understanding FCP will still transcode your footy from AVCHD to ProRes (because by miles thats still the best codec to edit + add effects to) but it does it in the background along with all the faces/shot/stabilisation analysis. While a clip is being imported your allowed to work on the AVCHD file but it is automatically seamlessly swapped with the ProRes file when its ready. Which, if im right, is absolutely epic :)
Adds questions about where files are stored tho...
Yes! Finally. Hope it's on the Nanos as well.
%IMG_DESC_11%Who really thought another iPad would come out this year...i mean honestly? :rolleyes:
That is exactly what I said to myself when I read the post.
%IMG_DESC_12%If the school confiscates your laptop, you go to the police and file charges. And the school is in big trouble. Technically what they did was stealing. They have absolutely no right confiscating anything. What they can do is prevent your access to the building if your are carrying something which they deem "against the rules". But taking away a $1000+ notebook? That's a serious offense and I wouldn't let it go so easily. File a complain with the school administration, if they don't react, go to the police. I am serious. There are some things which you just can't let slide.
On the other note, why the hell they even have a campus network if students are not allowed to access it? And how incompetent is the IT department if they are not able to set up a secure network?
Apr 27, 03:37 PM
Great post. Just one thing (or maybe 2?)
I never said I didn't like what Apple has done or that the technology isn't great.
What I was stating is that Apple, along with other companies contribute to the dumbing down of society. And then put themselves in a position to speak down to you (ie today's quote by Steve Jobs) about educating the customer.
I don't pretend to have all the answers. One of my majors was in Speech Communications. There's a lot of validity to professionals using language to subjugate and/or exclude other members of society in conversation. The language doctors, lawyers, auto mechanics, you name it all have their own vocabulary which excludes the average person. This also adds "mystique" and credence to the information they state.
So when I say that Apple and other companies are contributing to the dumbing down of society - I say that without prejudice or judgment - but merely a statement of fact. And pretty incontrovertible at that.
OK, from a rhetoric perspective you have a good point. I was addressing the persepective of our tools, not the way we are spoken to.
I see the dumbing down of society too, and I hate it. As for what Steve said, well, he always did view all of us as either heros or losers, so this way of viewing people is not new with him :)
Aug 29, 08:18 AM
Power was out for a while last night and just now getting everything back up.
I also got my first bigadv points posted from the 980x it finished in just over 2 days. Haven't changed to 11 cores yet though.
Jul 11, 04:25 PM
There's this apparent debate over whether it'll be aluminum or magnesium, but I'm not sure that Wu and AppleInsider's sources are really in disagreement. It'll probably be an aluminum-magnesium alloy, similar to what is used in soda cans, only thicker and with a different finish.
Aug 17, 02:53 PM
Unless the iTunes Movie store is launched alongside a new iPod, I quite frankly don't care. And if a new iPod is launched, I'll be upset because my friend just got a new one for back-to-college shopping. and if all we get are more rumors..well they get old. hmmm... maybe I just don't care anymore.
tangent: Has anyone seen the pic of the Zune that was just leaked? it looks... butt ugly and iPod wannabe.
%IMG_DESC_17%just got 4GB for my late 2008 macbook pro..
just ordered 8GB & will test this weekend..
good thing crucial have a 45 days returns policy :)
%IMG_DESC_18%RadarWeb is the bug reporting portal for Developers.
%IMG_DESC_19%Am I the only one here who actually LIKES Premiere?
May 1, 03:11 PM
Just because I don't want my country (nor any other country except Belgium) to be ruled from Brussels?!
Perhaps you could describe how your country is being detrimentally ruled by Brussels. What are they doing to your country that you find so harmful?
Apr 11, 12:12 AM
+1 for Liquid Metal. I was butt-hurt when I saw this and this:
and this:
but ended up getting this:
And I was thinking, to cover up your entire macbook pro with the carbon-fiber decal... would that cause excessive over-heating?
Rotating desktop of various HD landscapes and such.
I've uploaded my on-going set here (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2584215/evanlugh_wallpaperhdcollection.zip) for anyone. I'll probably update it every month with the same type of image.
also think they were found on interfacelift not sure.
Xserve lags so far behind the Mac Pro in release, costs much more, has little to make it better and just as much to make it worse. I would love to have an Xserve, but I don't understand why anyone would buy one.
#1 feature: The xserve is small and takes little rack space
#2 redundnet power supplies
#3 disks and power supplies are front servicable (these are the thing that break all the time)
#4 Bundled with server version of OSX
#5 It comes with an option for no graphic card.
#6 Lights Out managment (see #5 above)
Of the above I bet #6 and #1 are the most populare features
Here is soething that competes with the xserve
Notice they talk abut "power comsumption" and "compute density" something that only someone running many dozens or hundreds of these would care much about.
If yu realy want an xserve and can't afford one. I'd suggest buying a 1U rack mount PC case putting an ASUS mainboard inside of it and installing BSD UNIX. A Mac without a graphic card and with no mouse or keyboard is just a UNIX box.
My work is sending myself and another developer to FlashForward....which is being hosted by Macworld this year.
I'll be there for the keynote and to check out some of the new "toys" everyone has to offer.
This is the first time I am going to a Macworld, so it should be interesting to see what it is like...Live:D