Laptops have always been a compromise, and thus the choice has always come down to personal preference. Please stop arguing that one is better than the other, because as some of us have been trying to tell you, you'd be wrong.
I have no idea what kind of point you think you are making to this thread. Nobody has ever argued that laptops aren't a compromise. You seemed to argue earlier that some will always hate the 11" (for example no matter how much resolution it will be bad). I made the point that depending on what exactly the tradeoff is (storage versus resolution, etc...) that this will change who wants the 11" and doesn't.
If you are going to argue a point, you should actually have a point to make in mind. I have no idea what you think you are trying to say here. You're trying to say it's personal preference? Of course! Nobody here has ever said there is only one "right" answer.
Apr 11, 12:56 AM
What will the effect of carbon fiber be on the environment vs aluminum?
Carbon Fiber would be a nightmare for Apples Environmental Check-list. From what I've read:
Once the Carbon Fiber clothes are soaked or saturated with resin, it's basically non-biodegradable. But it seems like the auto industry is looking into a way to actually recycle this stuff.... taking old carbon fiber pieces like from planes and other crafts that utilize Carbon Fiber... and shredding them into reusable material.
Here's some good info:
"Ten years ago, carbon fiber cost $150 a pound. Now, the price is around $10 a pound. Steel, on the other hand, costs less than a dollar per pound. Many analysts say that for carbon fiber to make it into widespread use in cars, the price will have to drop to about $5 per pound."
%IMG_DESC_3%Watching the video has made me much more open to the new version. I make a living using Final Cut so yesterdays coverage had me worried. But there are some true genius features built into the new version. Not having a viewer is different but the trade off is cool. One thing I am worried about is support for existing FXPlugs.
There are still many more questions to be answered about DVD Studio Pro, Motion and Compressor. I use soundtrack pro a bit and Cinema Tools for slow motion as well.
%IMG_DESC_4%$149.99 (http://store.microsoft.com/microsoft/Kinect-Sensor-for-Xbox-360/product/C737B081)
Apr 29, 11:22 AM
Actually, if you want to peruse "Press Releases" and cite them as definitive, that's your choice. It just reeks of amateurism and would get you laughed out of any meeting that I attend.
Good comeback. So you haven't done much work in sales, I take it? That's cool, you can just admit that you were wrong, and nobody will think less of you.
Mar 25, 04:23 PM
My ship date hasn't changed but the status has changed to prepared for shipment. As you can see I ordered it on the 11th and the whole time it has been listed with an April 1st ship date. So my best guess is that it is waiting for Mr Factory Guy to get in Friday morning and hand off the latest pallets of tablets to Mr Shipping Guy.
I was looking at www.appleordertracker.com, and it appears that orders with engraving included were taking longer. I ordered 3G AT&T; someone else ordered the same a day later, w/o engraving, iPad shipped.
%IMG_DESC_7%If anyone can pull off a great cell phone design (both hardware and software) it's Apple.
I checked out the new "Chocolate" phone...wasn't impressed personally.
I continue to hope this happens, but given my distaste concerning current cell phones I won't lose any sleep if this doesn't come to light for some time.
%IMG_DESC_8%At the Supermeet presentation, the guy said "And it's only $299, which means you don't have to decide who gets a copy" (or words to that effect). THe last bit was drowned out by the crowd, but he meant that you no longer have to give everyone FCP/Motion/Color/STP/Cinema Tools if all they need is FCP.
you guys keep in mind that ONLY FCP is 299. I think Final Cut Pro STUDIO will be around 500-600 Dollar. Still a "Pro-User" pricing so to speak. So most Pro's will go for the suite anyway. I think it's great that Apple is selling the programm itself for this price. It keeps Final Cut Pro alive and I hope that it will be updated more frequently because hopefully more people will use it.
%IMG_DESC_9%sounds neat. but honestly after having a treo 650.... I would much rather the additional option of a smart PDA/Phone/Ipod.
that would go much farther than a mini cell phone/ipod.
just my thoughts.
May 5, 02:10 PM
I hate that the titles of posts are always gear towards the AT&T iPhone. The Verizon iPhone is much better! (Let the flaming begin!) :D
Apr 26, 08:54 PM
Three things:
Car Photo: Put this argument to bed for good, check his SPYphone log file, and see where he was at that point in time. ;) But I'm in the parking lot camp until that info is shared.
LCD: What a terrible looking display - back light bleeding not so much as terrible diffusion / light scatter - you can clearly see the LEDs themselves - bleeding I usually associate with a spot or two from poor extinction ratios - but that thing is... ack. As for the white balance bit with a white surround, I've yet to notice this effect while using any of my white iMacs, and have not seen it on the white Macbooks...
Lozenge Shaped Sensor: Huh? It looks no different from the sensor in my black iPhone. Hold a flashlight up to the front - it's in the same shape, and location, as this white iPhone... Only difference being, it's a lot easier to spot on the white one.
Apr 12, 01:00 AM
then let's start something completely ridiculous and see if they react in any way. like say they're making a 7" tablet or an icar. and just see how far it actually goes.
No no, it needs to be tagged right. That can only be done internal. The EFIX on some of these "leaked" photos are quite interesting.
Sep 13, 04:45 AM
I had no idea how cricket was played until this past week while in India. It seems that cricket is quite popular there, and was one of the few sports available in English on the tele, so I watched it. After a little while I was able to figure out the basics - overs, wickets, bowlers, etc. - as wells as how the scoring works.
What I find amazing is how long the matches (tests?) last. There was a news story about a growing trend - "3 hour cricket". Sounds good to me!
Some of the one-day matches and 20:20 events this year have been electrifying and there's more one-dayers to come this winter, plus several more tests.
Bit sad it's all over with the Ashes in a way, the thought of going back to look at football news turns my stomach a bit.
However, it was a great series, and I think there's proof on here that it's made a hell of a lot more people simply aware of how good it can be, me included! Never seen a set of matches even close to that before.
By the way, who was majorly surprised with the trophy?!
%IMG_DESC_14%However, the USA has one gigantic advantage that other countries don't have: an unprecedented ground transportation infrastructure to move goods around on both rail and paved roads.
I guess you don't live in the USA. Every thing is failing apart and the roads are WAY OVER neglected! Don't even get me started on rail systems!
%IMG_DESC_15%No iPad app for Concierge.com magazine WTF
%IMG_DESC_16%The build up for the Apple-branded cell phone has been such that it would be nearly impossible to live up to the expectations. The "Chocolate" phone that came out recently could have been in anticipation of an offering from Apple, but if that's all Apple's version is designed to compete with, it'll be easy for me to stay away.
I tend to think that some of these rumors aren't discrete products as much as they are consolidated into a few products.
%IMG_DESC_17%The torrented MPEG-4 or H264 saved movies of the Keynotes that I have seen were captured using
screenshot-apps such as Snapz Pro. They usually weigh-in at approx. 160 MB for 90 minutes.
It usually takes a couple days for these to appear on Bit Torrent networks;
presumably the person doing the recording must wait for the stream traffic to
die down enough to get a clean, uninterrupted stream to work with.
At least that's my understanding of it...:cool:
%IMG_DESC_18%edge was att wireless' stop gap effort for 2G GSM. GSM is dead. EDGE was dead a few years ago. CDMA based EVDO or UMTS are minimum requirements for next generation wireless applications. Cingular has chosen UMTS and has said publicly that they have no interest in supporting 4G efforts. Verison and Sprint use EVDO for their 3G network which is faster than UMTS. I would have to hope and guess that since EVDO is becoming the 3G defacto standard apple would chose it.
THANK GOD... and Apple (if this is true)
Sep 11, 08:58 AM
Dude, are you serious?
I sure would like to see some blurry photos.
Apr 8, 06:41 PM
Things like the forum replies, or like "Will it blend?"?
The "Will it blend?"-series is pure genius. It is not some random Joe smashing stuff, it is a for-profit company spending very few dollars and getting extremely wide coverage.
Its silly things like this that make US companies extremely successful. That guy is laughing all the way to the bank.
Taustin Powers
Nov 10, 09:31 AM
Thanks for the review!
I guess they would have to start releasing what I consider "real" games for it, before it becomes even remotely interesting to me.
(I'd also have to own an XBox I guess....but at least this is a problem I can remedy myself - the lack of games out of my control!)
Apr 26, 12:26 PM
Looks a lot better than I was expecting it to look.
But I'll hold firm with my black beauty.
If they don't want you on their network, they should keep it secure. If I don't want burglars, I should lock my house. If I don't lock my house, I only get intruders, but no burglars.
And confiscating stuff is tricky to do here, I know parents have sued schools and teachers for damaging confiscated goods, but also for confiscating them. In multiple cases the school was given a small fine but with that fine also a reprimand.
And I wouldn't give my air away. Or I would ask him for a receipt on which he declared an undamaged laptop with serial number and the value of at least 150k. All the data of my home business is on that thing and if it gets damaged or lost it would really hurt me. Let's then see if he still wants the responsibility.
And it is odd, in afrika and India kids get laptops to get a chance to learn and at your school the confiscate then while you're working in them?! Odd, to say the least.
Personally, there's not much wrong with it, it's just, there's not an iLife '07, and it's '07, so we'd like to see an iLife '07 for a number of reasons, partly because it's apparently time for it. I still find iLife '06 to be functional.