Aug 1, 09:31 PM
I don't often drink beer...but when I do, it's NOT Budweiser.
Stay thirsty, my friends.
A classic beer reference with a twist. Very good. :D
Apr 6, 04:51 PM
That guy was so stupid. He blended like 3 iPhones, iPad, some iPods. He wasted a grand already. Better use the money to improve his business or something IMO.
Ahem... did you notice that the founder of the BlendTec company is constantly improving his business by posting these incredible videos of everything his blenders can blend? By now about every single geek in the universe will know what a BlendTec blender is.
And married geeks know as well :p
I am kind of over the whole Will it blend thing because pretty much everything does. My question is what kind of drink are you blending that requires a blender strong enough to be able to blend an iPad?
Strawberry margaritas. Lots of strawberries, lots of ice cubes, as much alcohol as you like.
Mar 28, 09:32 AM
I am very unimpressed. No Wifi, no 65nm process, no internal power supply, it will still be loud as heck. And if I want it, I am forced to get black, i don't want black.
Someone said why does it matter if their are 3 SKUS. Try this. Look at the Mac Mini, 2 models. One with a superdrive, one without. But what if you want the cheaper one with a superdrive. Whoops guess you are out of luck.
It forces you to buy the higher model. Only the Elite has the HDMI and the 120GB. Of course you could add the 120GB for the rip me off price of $180.
Let's compare that to the Mac Pro. One SKU customizable. No one is left out, you can choose what you want and you are limited to getting only certain things on another SKU. Most, including myself, prefer that model. What if Apple put Santa Rosa in the top end MB and left it out of the bottom? Not much of a choice, huh?
People like to think giving you a new SKU is adding to your choice. That isn't the case as you can see.
Up until now, I never thought about a PS3. That has changed. Yeah you don't need HD-DVD but they put it out so you would buy it. And when you look at the pricing, the 360 is cheaper but you are getting a lot less. For $120 more than the 360 Elite, I get Blu-ray, media readers, wifi. I can even upgrade the drive to 160GB for only $110.
The PS3 is clearly the better system. If was going to spend retail price on a console it would be the PS3. Hands down.
Good comparison. :) It's sad that if you get a 160 GB HD, IT'D STILL BE CHEAPER THAN THE ELITE 360! :eek:
%IMG_DESC_4%http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/04/05/apples-ipad-will-it-blend/)
As has become (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2007/07/10/will-the-iphone-blend/) tradition (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2008/07/12/will-it-blend-iphone-3g-edition/), Apple's new iPad tablet has been given the "Will It Blend?" treatment (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAl28d6tbko). Of course, the first question is whether it will even fit in a blender.
Article Link: Apple's iPad: Will It Blend? (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/04/05/apples-ipad-will-it-blend/)
Apr 6, 09:40 PM
...everyone opposing the not-Mosque at not-Ground Zero is wrong, no matter what their religion is.
That post is not-bad. :)
%IMG_DESC_6%Yes, Outlook 2011 will sync with Windows Live e-mail accounts through POP
Useless :mad:
Apr 26, 12:26 PM
Looks a lot better than I was expecting it to look.
But I'll hold firm with my black beauty.
Oct 24, 06:58 AM
Its quite cool, just that the google thing is soo not genuine
Apr 6, 10:50 PM
Either way ... I do not want to derail this thread too far from "the Jews owning the White House"
But they DO own the white house, haven't you heard?? Don't tell the F�hrer or he may attempt to invade us... shhhh...it's a big jew conspiracy :)
%IMG_DESC_10%Now, can you Poms please get out soon? :confused:
Would be nice, then we can see if we can get you guys out and win it in style!
%IMG_DESC_11%and i thought i was the only one with "11 envy"
i bought the 13" ultimate to finally dump my 2009 15" MB Pro but even now i still wish i had an 11" ultimate. i bought for the best compromise between size and portability, but the 11" exemplifies the ultimate in portability and i wish i had one.
right now im trying to decide whether to buy the 11" MBA to compliment my 13" or to just go with an iPad and i'm currently leaning toward the iPad... but this thread now has me teetering the other direction again.
what i REALLY should do is go with the iPad and use what i'd save on a loaded 11" toward upgrading my desktop.
Oct 13, 03:30 AM
What and where is RADAR?
Radar is Apple's internal bug tracking system (has been since 1991, iirc).
The known issues list there is pretty harsh... sounds like lots of half done changes to me :)
Apr 12, 11:54 AM
It would make more sense (to me).
They could just launch their own service and eventually buy up Netflix as well. My own suspicion is that Apple would try to do it directly and as they get some blowback from the Studios, then try to aquire Netflix to go around.
Jan 1, 06:12 PM
We got our butts kicked by MD in the Military Bowl... But theres always next season!
%IMG_DESC_15%He kind of hit the nail on the head with that diatribe. I especially liked the 1984 big brother reference. Quite appropriate as apple has been acting more like big brother and less "thinking different"
Yes. They failed to realize in 1984, being small up-and-comers and all, that once you do gain power you will always end up like Big Brother in the end.
Doesn't matter if you're a communist leader, innovator, entrepreneur, artist, hippie, fascist, anarchist, liberal, freedom fighter... if you actually do get people to follow your lead, you will ALWAYS end up as a paranoid, self-serving control freak in an ivory tower with all your fancy ideals flying out the window, while pondering how to best squash your detractors and competitors and how to best brain wash the masses into obedience: Thought police, Kool-Aid or The Matrix?
the more the story gets out, it becomes apparent this was a theft!
That's like saying "The more people actually go to theaters and watch Gigli, the more they'll realize that it wasn't as bad as everyone said". Maybe it was the worst movie ever, maybe it wasn't, but it's too late to change public opinion once the snowball has started rolling. And the ones who did bother to watch it and found it not entirely horrible aren't going to admit it.
The bandwagon goes where it wants to go. Once it has decided, however irrationally, that Apple = Gestapo, Apple will have to work 200 times harder to prove that it isn't quite the Hitler's henchmen the rumors speak of. It's not like the bandwagon is going to stop and go "well you know, now that we have more information from both sides I'm starting to see this thing in a whole new light. Apple is cool again in my book!". To turn it around you need to build a 20 ft concrete wall or something.
So The law doesn't really apply when there's public image at stake? LOL
I don't think you should ask the poster about that, I think you should ask Steve.
- Hey Steve, would you be willing to give up some of the Apple brand's value in terms of perceived coolness, in order to ensure that one person is punished for picking up a mislaid phone and selling it to a tech blog instead of returning it?
What do you think he would respond?
A) True, we have spent several decades and billions of dollars on honing our brand image. As post-hippie Californians we thrive on being perceived as cool and laid back, and considering the amount of grass we've smoked over the years and all the naughty little things we did, like steal the "iPhone" trademark from another company without flinching, maybe we shouldn't be ones to talk. But, what the hell, I'm willing to throw all that away to see these punks nailed.
B) Abort! Abort!
%IMG_DESC_16%Boohoo. ;)
How many page ins? Close to or over a million? If the # of page outs is < half # of page ins, there is absolutely no reason at all to upgrade memory. It won't make your system any faster or better responsive. If it is more than half, your system could use a memory upgrade and the closer the two numbers are together, the higher your need for memory.
Number of page outs are completely irrelevant and don't mean diddle squat, unless viewed in relation to the number of page ins.
Can you enlighten us a bit more as to where you get these proportions? Looking at my 4GB MBA I see that there is nearly no free RAM, the page ins are at 1.52GB, and the page outs are a measly 22.6 MB with a swap of 6 MB. How does no free RAM equate with your rational above?
May 1, 12:26 PM
All this XEON and workstation parts talk is fine for the DP systems, they are competitively priced, we discussed this probably a thousand times before.
However, if you look at the base Mac Pro (SP), you will find out that this machine is about $1000 more than comparable machines from Dell or HP.
There is an Apple Tax on that machine, a fairly large one to be honest.
And why do they charge this tax? Simple, because they can! Apparently their margins are high enough.
Edit: Beaten by Hellhammer (and some others ;)), just take a look at his example.
%IMG_DESC_18%Why could it not have a secular constitution?
the main reason would be that neither palestinians nor israelis want a secular state
%IMG_DESC_19%please for the love of god, before the end of the year! I'd buy this immediately.
Currently, 45% of the electrical power generated in the U.S. is produced by burning coal. Even if cars like the Volt are successful, increased demand for more electric power would likely result in more greenhouse gases being emitted.
Exactly. It's really funny to me when self-professed Greenies buy these electric cars in the name of saving the earth. Where do you think that electricity to charge up your car comes from? Well, if you live in the US, it's most likely coal. So your electric car is actually a coal powered car. lol.
Sure, but you have to make the switch to electric at some point.
No, you don't. Renewable bio-fuels like biodiesel are the way forward. Not clumsy inefficient electric cars that only go 80 miles at a time.
Muscle Master
Jan 12, 05:08 PM
http://img273.imagevenue.com/loc87/th_34554_353012_o8qpqnp6_d74cd48957ff17a97692cbdac1b6d36d_122_87lo.jpg (http://img273.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=34554_353012_o8qpqnp6_d74cd48957ff17a97692cbdac1b6d36d_122_87lo.jpg)
Sorry for the double post.. But is that a Man ???? :eek:
Mar 20, 12:00 PM
This was only a sample of what i found on ebay.. The Quad G5's are still demanding in the lower 300's to mostly 400 and as high as 700 dollars. Again, the reason why I was suggesting either of the dual cores or Quads was because of how rugged they were + how fast they were.
Once I know the position of my interview and get hired with a good company, I might go ahead and get either a dual core 2.3 or Quad. I originally had the Quad, but sold it as by doing so it allowed me to go with an Intel Mac Pro 2006 model. Currently, I have the 2010 Mac Pro.. so all my Intel stuff is well taken care of.
I guess the G5 Quad would take care of my G5 nostalgia, but yet remain a perfect, and efficient machine for everyday tasks.. Although I use the PB G4 1.67 for my everyday tasks, the mac pro is only used for certain things like dvd ripping, handbrake, etc.
Just that its difficult when you get some else's G5 Quad, you don't know if the LCS will burst or something.
I mean, how much slower is the dual core 2.3 versus the Quad?
I buy mine by the kilo.
So how much do you charge per hecto? ;-)
Mar 29, 04:00 PM
Completely agree, who gives people the right to patent a name, like in "App store":)
Well, not completely agree,but the way it is in the states just suks,patents should be used for inventions and start using them within the year (or 2) otherwise they lose the that very patent.
You are confusing patents and trademarks.
Company and product names are trademarked. Books, movies, software, music, and things that are non tangible and can be copied are copyrighted.
New ways of making things are patented.
Trademarks last forever. Patents and (theoretically) copyrights last for a limited time. If you write a book or design a new water gun, you get the rights for a limited time. You get to keep the name of your company forever.