Apr 29, 12:29 PM
people value what they value. do you think they are getting what they paid for in terms of education? probably not.
I have a hard time believing that even working a part-time job would pay for $70-$90/month data plan. Remember they have to pay rent, food, utilities. Or they are living with parents.
%IMG_DESC_2%They cheated. You can't bash it up and fold it in half before you blend it.
Result: Will the iPad blend? = Inconclusive
%IMG_DESC_3%Pretty sure OWC noted that they only found it to be SATA II.
Anyone have a link? My guess is that the optical bus may still be II but I'd be shocked if none of the busses were III considering the last updates of laptop had it.
EDIT: Found it, looks like it's all still II. Wow, that's a major drag for a machine like this, particularly one that is offered with SSD options. They BETTER not botch this on the next update to the Mac Pros (which needs to be sooner rather than later).
Sep 9, 09:56 AM
Bad light has stopped play. Grrrrr.
You Poms will do anything to sabotage the game!
Mar 29, 09:59 AM
Nokia, just focus on making a decent smart phone.
%IMG_DESC_7%in this case like u have quote it uses so much power it is not cheap to use
%IMG_DESC_8%Well done by Jon Stewart... I agree that the iPhone bit lacked research, and I do agree that Gizmodo crossed a line by buying a stolen device. I see Stewart's critique more in the sense of Apple becoming a Big Brother type of company, systematically favoring short term profits over long term customer relations and the high end quality that characterized them, and using its recent somewhat dominant position to push their media tech agenda.
I understand it is a big corporation and thus it behaves like one.... but Apple's loosing a key aspect of what made them successful, and made me loyal to them: the didn't thought of themselves as such and made an effort to keep their soul. Now I wonder what's Apple long term strategy... becoming the next Microsoft? or keep the competitive advantage that made them successful by staying within some limits?
Apple continues to be Apple. Great products that are more than just "technology." Apple is a lifestyle choice. Apple's products put it a galaxy apart from Microsoft. That's why Stewart couldn't help but be so gushy over them all the same. The iPad and all it brings to the table, for example, shows just how different these two companies are.
This has nothing to do with 1984 or "big brother", etc. Apple *cannot* be the underdog after a certain point of success. You get big enough and popular enough, your "underdog" status is gone. When you're within sights of Exxon Mobil, sitting 3rd largest company in the US, you're as far from "underdog" as a hawk from the moon. Which is not a problem. But Apple still takes the attitude and risk-taking approach of an innovative startup. We tend to attach a bit too much sentimentality to this notion of The Underdog. The talking points that Stewart pulled out have been dismissed long ago by cooler and clearer-thinking heads, but it might be a fresh perspective to the average user. This is where Apple potentially loses unjustly.
"Well done by Jon Stewart" because Jon Stewart succeeded in his purpose: to portray Apple as the bad guy (despite gushing over them), whereas the facts could not as yet bear that out. It's irresponsible, but it's opinion, and opinion is allowed. The problem is that it came out of Jon Stewart's mouth, and a lot of people tend to take him seriously. He's a very effective speaker (insofar as political satire goes.) When someone like that goofs it's really unfortunate for the target.
In any case, Apple is more than capable of taking a ribbing - justified or not, especially one that pays them a backhanded compliment.
%IMG_DESC_9%Al Coholic
Apr 10, 08:33 PM
Very cool. Perhaps it will finally settle some questions about steve's thought process and private life. I hate how so many stupid assumptions are made vacuously here and presented as fact.
If you'rs referring to the "legacy" comments then you can't be so daft as to ignore the timing of this. First biography authorized by Steve himself... Hope it's just a coincidence.
%IMG_DESC_10%Wooo....creepy. except that the range of surviellance is only 60 ft. That's weird that Nike didn't adress that problem while the product was being developed tho.
What problem, exactly?
%IMG_DESC_11%The antenna issue is a smaller problem when compared to emails and open letters coming from Apple which insult the intelligence of its customers while providing no facts to back up their claims.
What formula were they using originally a few years ago? Why after an update a few years back did reception magically appear better? What formula are they using now. And does the formula at all dictate whether or not the radio gets more power or not to keep its signal.
Non Issue
You don't have the fact.
Comments like this are fueling a small fire which turned into one that's raging.
Acknowledge that some or perhaps all iPhones have an inherent flaw and fix it. It's not that hard of a concept. Personally, I'd respect Apple a lot more if they admitted SOME problem and that they were fixing it.
Instead we get a worthless open letter and these emails implying that Apple is 100 percent right and that our data is wrong.
Really? How are dropped calls bad data. If I'm getting a dropped call, I'm getting a dropped call. That's like telling me I'm not bleeding when I have an open wound I'm looking at.
Mar 29, 04:00 PM
Completely agree, who gives people the right to patent a name, like in "App store":)
Well, not completely agree,but the way it is in the states just suks,patents should be used for inventions and start using them within the year (or 2) otherwise they lose the that very patent.
You are confusing patents and trademarks.
Company and product names are trademarked. Books, movies, software, music, and things that are non tangible and can be copied are copyrighted.
New ways of making things are patented.
Trademarks last forever. Patents and (theoretically) copyrights last for a limited time. If you write a book or design a new water gun, you get the rights for a limited time. You get to keep the name of your company forever.
%IMG_DESC_13%The over/under on MR white iPhone stories this week is now 8.
%IMG_DESC_14%Today, August the 5th, is International Beer Day.
Cool! Cheers right back at ya!! I'm going to do my part to celebrate....
%IMG_DESC_15%Can't stand Budweiser/Miller Lite/any of that stuff. My favourite beers are from local breweries or are European. Most of the time, I find myself drinking Heineken or Stella.
Go into any belgian restaurant or bar and Stella is the cheapest thing on the menu because it is crap. You can even judge the prices of the location by its Stella and hoegaarden prices. I can admire microbrews, but blanket statements about European beer that includes talking about Stella or Heineken makes me think you're a beer snob without tastebuds.
%IMG_DESC_16%If executed right (and Apple usually does that), they may have gotten the holy grail in computer/portable device here. While I can see shortcomings like mentioned here (how to type in tracknames when the keyboard is replaced by a mixer), I think it would be great for musicians on the road. Mix together your projects with the mixer, swap the mixer interface with your ordinary keyboard, and edit tracknames. swap it again with the music keyboard to add a few additional tracks etc etc. While in no way better than dedicated hardware, it may just get the job done on the road.
I'd like to see these ideas worked out, and possibly some of them executed.
How about a re-release of the Newton, handwriting recognition of the next level on a widescreen or next gen video iPod?
Apr 11, 04:04 PM
This 3D tech is not as cool as it looks in these videos. Both your eyes receive the same image, so your brain knows its not 3D. Nothing will look like its "popping" out of your screen at you.
I like this better than the 3D requiring glasses. As somebody else clarified 3D is being able to see all three dimensions.
Let's hope that if they do it, there is an option to switch it on or off
Thinking about battery life.
%IMG_DESC_18%Harpoon Spoon
Apr 26, 03:34 PM
I thought cars over there were right hand drive?
Apr 12, 11:08 AM
Who really thought another iPad would come out this year...i mean honestly? :rolleyes:
Exactly. Like Apple would call 2011 the year of the iPad 2 and come out with the iPad 3 the same year? duh.
frankly i don't see them coming out with a new model this summer. they haven't even done their usual mid-cycle hd bump.
also everyone keeps saying that they come out with a new phone every summer. pardon, but 3gs was a new phone my s.
they didn't make a new model in time, so instead decided to dump the s "news" on us.
i imagine something similar will happen this summer. perhaps they will even update att's body to match verizon's. but somehow a whole new model just doesn't seem to fit. imho...
They didn't do the midseason memory bump for the 3Gs either, but they did do the Verizon iPhone so this could happen just to keep their AT&T customers around for more. I myself have been looking at android now more that I have an iPad to give me my apps for iOS... I could live without an iPhone now.
Is it me, or are the decimal points on the photo for "Capacity" and "Available" both commas?
Aug 9, 01:25 AM
KP's started hitting Warne for 6..... don't think he'll last much longer unless he calms down a little!
This is awesome..... listening to it on 5live at work and am doing nothing but living each ball!
Apr 26, 12:13 PM
http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/26/another-white-iphone-4-sold-in-belgium/)
While we noted earlier today (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/26/preparations-for-white-iphone-4-launch-continue/) that preparations are moving full speed ahead for a debut of the white iPhone 4 within the next day or two and shipments making their way to retail stores, some retailers have jumped the gun and begun selling units to customers. Once such case popped up (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/22/white-iphone-4-sold-by-vodafone-uk/) late last week in the UK through Vodafone, although the carrier apparently quickly clamped down on the rogue sale. But with more shipments now on location at retail stores, the premature sales are likely to occur with greater frequency.
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