%IMG_DESC_1%Ha ha ha! Way to prove you arent a Samsung rep..."3 iPad's down", give me a break, nobody could go through 3 iPad 2's with how tight supply has been. Take a hike.I can attest that I've been through three iPad2's before getting one that didn't have a light leak. And I'm not talking about a small nit or a slight systemic imperfection with uniform light leakage all around - the light leaks were all significant and notable, about the size of a quarter. And were so bad that they weren't even contested by the store staff.
So my fourth iPad2 is perfect. A linemate's iPad that he opened in the store was perfect; the family next to me however did have a small light leak.
Generally speaking, every light leak I saw was ugly and notable. This wasn't that slight "bleed" that you can just accept as part of an LCD. These were all ugly, large yellowish-white blemishes leaking out.
%IMG_DESC_2%I don't really like the idea of the macpro line-up having different chips.
I know in order to produce a quad lineup.. they'll have to, and it makes little difference to the end user.... but the idea of using "lesser" chips in the low end model bugs me.It bugs me the idea that Apple can't produce a middle-of-the-range machine. Something that doesn't have all the bells and whistles but runs well enough :) Ah well, to each their own!
Jul 11, 03:45 PM
Heck why stop there? Why not make it water proof, fire proof, hurricane and tornado proof, and even lightning proof :p
Oh, you forgot scratch proof. :D
%IMG_DESC_4%I wonder what they would say if you demonstrably show them that your wifi card is completely unusable, like mine with broken coax cables between the card and the antenna.:(
Dec 7, 11:11 AM
How can either of you say this? You know nothing about what they do. Granted neither do I but what if they are doing this for the better? Give it time before you know them for "trying"
Mar 29, 06:57 AM
GAA is a mutherfu....bberinksy! I wonder if Apple says the previous 6GB cap was imposed due to a defect in design/manufacturing. The firmware update address the "memory defect" and other problems. This way with the firmware update they would be addressing the defect instead of adding a feature. Consumers keep their soda/candy money. Those 3 class action lawyers would have a field day with Apple's "covering up the defect." Just some ramblings.
It doesn't have to be a defect. When the initial firmware was created, 4 GB chips were very rare and very expensive. At that point maybe Apple couldn't guarantee that these Macs would be able to work with RAM from every supplier because not enough testing could be done. If you can't guarantee that 8 GB work properly, then you limit it to 6 GB.
So they had it limited intentionally until recently with this update? I don't get it. Why was it limited to 6 until now? It's not like anything was added to the hardware by magical pixies while we slept. It looks like it was intentionally limited to 6 when it could have been 8 the entire time.
See above: Quite possibly it was changed when Apple was confident 8 GB would be working, not before.
%IMG_DESC_7%I agree that culture plays a part as well.
But seeing as your from Norway, who is also on the good end of that chart, what are your thoughts on the possibility of mass looting there I wonder?
Nov 2, 03:53 PM
sounds �ber-uncertain as to anything reliable...id say no, maybe they are just investigating not developing?
%IMG_DESC_9%I think it's pretty damn impressive considering it's emulated. :eek:
Not even sure how much benefit the second core confers in an application like office anyway. What it means is that the top of the range mac now available runs the application as well as the same place/priced machine from 1 year ago, make of that what you will.
Anyone would think a white iPhone was a cure for cancer !!
Why? Because most people won't be all that interested in the cure for cancer? Or because the cure will arrive with mismatched whites?
Aug 2, 08:08 AM
I'll tell you though...those blendtec blenders are no joke...:eek:
Genius Advertising.
%IMG_DESC_12%This is one of about 25 wallpapers I have on rotation. They include various landscape pictures and a few more of her.
This is my MacBook Pro, I pretty much have the same setup on my iMac.
%IMG_DESC_13%I can't say I saw every second of the two videos but I did see about 95% and I didn't hear about multi cam . I do a lot of multiclip editing and was wondering how that would work without the viewer window? I assume it would still have multicam editing available? I hope.
%IMG_DESC_14%it will be Apple Leopard, not iLife 07
Apr 17, 12:07 AM
That makes sense, but since the 26th is a Tuesday doesn't that mean that it may ship on the day of the announcement? Don't stores usually get shipments on Tuesdays? Correct me if I'm wrong.
%IMG_DESC_16%Bad move...
Obviously, there is huge demand for cheaper Macs. Cheap doesn't equal bad!
Mac minis should start at $399
iMacs should start at $899
MacBooks should start at $799
MacBook Pros should start at $1499
Mac Pros should start at $1499
There is no reason this wouldn't work.
You can't drop the price and maintain the quality, champ...
%IMG_DESC_17%While I really dont like what you say Im afraid I completely agree, apple has done a great job of challenging windows in the home market, and it seems also the edu market, but the corporate market, apple has a long long way to go!
I think Apple would be all too happy to just own the home and edu markets. If they get back up to 30% of the edu market and can match that in the home market, I think they'd be ecstatic, since their total market share would probably more than double to 10% or more of the overall market.
%IMG_DESC_18%Look up Binaural sound. Sound these days can be mixed in such a way that, when output through a nice set of headphones, the effect is completely 3-dimensional. The sound technicians do all the fun stuff for you.
It's really impressive, honestly. I've played with it a bit. Almost too real.
i will check it out. but the question is, would we really want it in headphones at all? it would make us a little freaked out if it really sounded real, and it would take away our ability to differentiate between sound coming from the headphones and sound coming from around you, which would be a little scary.
%IMG_DESC_19%Offer a reasonable subscription price and people will buy it. I refuse to pay $3.99 an issue for wired. Read the comments on the app store, most people are holding out for fairly priced subscriptions before they will spend anymore money.
I believe this type of design is much like what Handspring did when they launched their Plam OS based PDAs with a springboard port some years ago, in that period of time instead of buying a Palm Pilot it was much better to buy a Handspring PDA, why? Because you had a way to expand your PDA with the right accesories, do you remember the GPS, the phone, even a vehicle scan tool, camera, etc... Very neat feature that soon evolved to what we currenlty know as Smartphones (the Treos and so on...).
Anyway, this is a nice topic for discussion, because like everything in life, when you are anlyzing to take a decision, you balance what you want vs what the market offer, and based on that some features will be there, and some will not or they'll too costly, but you have to make a choice!!!
Right now some smartphones allow you to do almost everything from just talk with it (it's a phone) even to watch live TV shows and connect to the web, emails, high quality video/photo recording, playback and even some edit...but...yes, but there is always something sacrifized, even it is money, type of service, with wi-fi/no wifi, bluetooth/no bluetooth, with QWERTY/no keyboard, touchscreen/plain screen, pull or push email service, palm os/windows BLABLA, etc...etc...
So this make me wonder, is Apple finnaly going to do it, once and for all, I have been waiting many many years for a nice Apple's PDA have it all type of device.
Have you ever wonder why the Newton was so great when it was launched, and why it died some time after? Well, sad but true it's all about money, so the add what you need/want feature of any device in this fast evolving tech market is a nice and competitive way to go.
Will Appple do it, or will just research it, or will just keep it as an strategic move? Who knows..probably only Mr. Jobs...
Well, I hope they make it, at least as a prototype that they we'll show in one of those Apple media shows, to at least crank all the other tech providers/accesories developers to start to offer alterantives with nice new solutions for people like us.
I like the idea, but remember there is always something to be sacrifized....you'll have to carry on all the gadgets you need to have a fully operational piece of hardware...or could you live with some standard features and carry on with what you don't have in your have it all portable device.....
Enjoy, have fun!!!
Dreaming is and always will be FREE!!!!
But to live your Dreams you'll have to pay a FEE!!!
I had a video game sysem back in the 80s that did this...each game cartridge had its own interface and programming. It basicually used a the same touch pad to interpret the location of the finger pressing and the programing to tell it what to do with the input.
herbal vaporizers (http://vaporizer.org/forum/herbal-vaporizers/)
Apr 12, 09:27 AM
Who cares, its still a cheap gimmick.
Ehh...or its just a cool, innovative thing that wont cost us extra money. But what do I know :o
Apr 12, 10:42 AM
Apple should just buy Netflix.
I'm sure Comcast would love me to upload my 300+Gb of Apple Lossless music! Seriously, I think that
1. If you have ripped music already available in iTunes, your version will not get uploaded, but you will be able to access those songs
2. Anything you upload will be uploaded in a smaller, compressed format....it won't be streamed as a lossless file
3. Before we accept or reject this, let's see what apple has in mind
4. Do not use this as your only backup! If you have lossless files, don't expect to get them back at way from apple. Back up, back up, back up!
It's 1.5 Million Page Ins and 83,053 page outs (just took a new reading, same as yesterday) IT'S HEARTBREAKING!!!! Don't worry little Mac, OWC has more RAM on the way...
I'd say it's heartening, not heartbreaking.
It's doing what it's supposed to do. There's a lot of stuff that's sitting there in memory, never to be read OR written again. Then there's a lot of stuff that's read-mostly, write-never, or write almost never. Then you've got stuff that's read and written constantly.
Makes perfect sense to move the stuff that's just sitting there, and MIGHT be read, or is only read - out to disk. Leaves more room in RAM for stuff that has to be read/written constantly.
And if you're going to write stuff once and read it a lot - what better place to put it than in a flash drive?
A good paging algorithm (and one presumes OSX has a good paging algorithm) is going to first page out stuff that is written but never read, then stuff that is written once and read seldom, then stuff that is written once and read often, then.... well, you get the idea, I hope.
I really wish OSX supported tmpfs, which is available on Linux. With tmpfs you can mount a RAM-drive that is backed by swap on your /tmp directory, or any other directory that is OK to empty on reboot and needs to be fast. There's really zero negative to doing this, and everything to gain.
On my Linux system, /tmp is a tmpfs, and I mount a tmpfs for the obj directory when doing big compiles. A tmpfs would make XCode really fly!
I think you're worrying about something there's no reason to worry about.