wallpapers of NatureSo i assume you will be carrying the TomTom mount and iPhone as one piece at all times? :rolleyes:
Of course. Thats what the fanny pack is for.
2011 Living Room Wallpaperstockscalper
Apr 25, 09:36 AM
Where was all the uproar when Dick Cheney and company was reading your emails and tapping into your phone conversations? Nobody raised an eyebrow about that. When that was made public the Fox News/Wallstreet Journal response was "well unless you're doing something illegal you don't have anything to worry about." The government is still doing it by the way. Apple, on the other hand is not tracking anybody's movements and the Wallstreet Journal and their like minded ilk are having a cow. In the words of GW Bush, "they're nothing but a bunch of hypocrizers."
3D Nature WallpapersStevamundo
Dec 14, 12:39 PM
No, we do NOT have any responsibility to protect Windows users from viruses. It is each computer user's responsibility to protect themselves. Even if every Mac ran antivirus, Windows users are still at a much greater risk from other sources of malware. The common sense approach is for every Windows user to run their own antivirus to protect themselves from malware, whether that malware comes from a Mac user or another source. Mac users do not have a responsibility to burden their computers with AV apps, just because some Windows users may be careless enough to run without AV protection.
It's ALL of our responsibility to try to contain viruses the best we can. I don't want to spread any viruses to my PC friends. That's called politeness.
However I agree, if you are a Windows user and you don't have any AV protection then you're just asking for it.
Desktop WallpapersI bet you a Macbook Pro that the Macbook Pro will be the first of these updated computers! ;)
wallpapers of nature 2011.SteveRichardson
Aug 7, 02:58 PM
Yea okay so I'm leaving for Chicago on the 22nd of this month for school and I really wanted to get a MBP with merom before then.
boooo I'll have to settle for the current chips, which I'm sure are great anyway.
wallpapers of nature 2011.this is the only way to do it, why is there even an other answer?
That's what I thought.
BMW 335is Coupe (2011)baleensavage
Nov 8, 10:09 AM
Blah blah blah. Lack of AV software makes Macs very unattractive to business settings.
One of the barriers to integrating Macs into corporate and business environments is the lack of anti-virus tools. Yeah, you can dismiss this as FUD (and maybe there's some truth to that) but the fact remains--someday, one way or another, there will be a Mac OS X virus. I defy you to find one IT dept. in the country that wants to be caught off-guard by that. If you're going to have Macs in a business environment, the IT staff needs to know that they're protected in the event of an OS X virus outbreak. Whether any OS X viruses exist now or not and whether AV companies are trying to sell products with FUD is irrelevant in that context.
Those of you who want to see wider adoption of Macs in business environments ought to be happy to see this kind of thing showing up, regardless of whether you personally need it or not.
Exactly! Another thing that is becoming a big part of the business world is security compliance. Try getting your business certified compliant by saying "there have been no Mac viruses so far, so we don't need antivirus." No IT out there worth anything relies on "security through obscurity."
Wallpapers Nature.Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)
I don't get the big deal about it. If you want to be anonymous, get off fb, twitter, macrumors, etc. Then cancel all Internet plans you have and your cellular plan. Then no one will ever know where you are unless you tell them.
+1. My IP is being logged right now most likely. No matter where you go, using any communication device, you can be tracked. If you're that paranoid, get off the grid. Every phone company tracks your location. This for iPhone users is just a log of it on your phone.
I do agree, however, that the consolidated.db file should at least be encrypted if it is to remain on the device. Now any good crook knows all they need is your iphone to find out when best to rob you.
wallpaper 2011 nature. natureBoy, you are sniffing a serious amount of glue.:rolleyes: His motivation is to make brainwashed fanboys BELIEVE Apple is making the best darn tech gadgets in the world, such that Apple can make the most darn profits and he can get the biggest darn bonus. And with THAT, he is a genious.
Tony had better check the fumes in his own house. The "brainwashed fanboy" argument just keeps sounding more and more like self-deluding denial and some kind of insecurity or envy. How he could read my entire post and somehow have that sentence be the one that strikes a chord makes me think that Tony might in fact be insecure about some decision he has made. Maybe Tony is afraid that others have a different opinion than him and that somehow might diminish his opinion. Better lash out now before more people disagree -- try your best to belittle them and maybe they might agree with you instead, right? I know... accuse them of sniffing glue and being brainwashed -- that just might work..... :rolleyes:
I am truly amazed that the wider the audience becomes for Apple products the bigger the argument for "brainwashed fanboys" gets . It's really hard to have over 200 million "fanboys" and even harder to brainwash them. If Steve Jobs could in fact accomplish that then he could rule the world. I don't think he is that good of a marketer.
Apple's target audience is not the fans, fanatics, and fanboys who post on this and other websites -- its the everyday folks who just want their tech gadgets to work without them having to think about it. It just so happens that many of the tech-savvy professionals who do real work with their computers and tech devices also like the technology to just get out of the way.
When 200 million or more people feel that your expensive tech products are the ones they want to spend their money on, then you must be doing something right -- and I don't think it is some kind of Jedi mind trick.
Clearly, Jobs wants the world to think his products are the best, but I don't think it has anything to do with money -- I think he would be done by now if it was all about money -- unless he saving up to buy something really big :D. There is something more personal about it to the guy -- he is way to invested in being CEO of Apple -- its seems more than a job to him, he takes things way too personally.
Personally, I think that Apple products can be beat on specific features, but when comparing the whole product (hardware, OS, software availability, ecosystem, support, ease-of-use, and integration across product-line), they get my tech-allowance money almost every time. When somebody rises up and offers me a suite of components that work better than Apple's do together then they will likely start getting my money instead -- it wouldn't be the first time I switched platforms, but currently Apple is my platform of choice.
x Nature+wallpaper+hd+2011Guys, no one said that Apple was considering making the Mac Pro into a formal rackmount server -- you can already do that on your own.
The only thing that was said was that the case may be smaller, and that because it might be less than 19" across, you could toss it in a rack.
Nothing was said about rack ears, a 1U, 3U or 6U chassis, just that the case would be smaller. 3rd party companies could do whatever they want to make it rack-compatible from there.
Wallpaper 2011 Nature. naturedukebound85
May 3, 01:25 AM
Yes, let's not change it because YOU actually have a feel for the numbers.
Yea, it's not just me who has this "feel" or comfortability with the numbers. Anyone raised in the system does...
I do believe that the feel for the numbers and the familiarity of the units is perhaps the strongest reason why it is still around....
Best Nature WallpaperAs other posters have said...they practically announced it during the last financial anaylyst conference call.
There will be a phone released. No question about that.
The questions are:
- when?
- features?
- will apple do it themselves or seek joint partners?
#7 Wallpapers Nature. Set 15Also, I have a hard time believing that there is a " tech-unsavvy" photographer doing any work for Apple. Sounds a bit bogus to me.
I used to work as a photo studio manager back in the early/mid 90s. We shot a ton of new products for Motorola back then including one of the first ever small flip phones - the StarTac. The photographer was asked to sign an NDA but the stylist, caterer and me were not. First thing I did when I got out of the shoot that day was tell all my teck-savvy friends about this cool new phone from Moto - but at least I snagged a polaroid to prove it.
That said, this "leak" feels bogus to me as well. I guess we'll see soon enough.
Wallpaper 2011 Nature.So how is that much different from them releasing new iPads 11 months later... like they just did? All the iPads in use didn't suddenly stop working.
Like I said earlier... If they are released right away in the school year, the other students and staff would be in an uproar because they would say we should have seen this coming and blah blah blah, we should have waited until the start of the year :V
11 months later gives us a greater reason to have bought them this year. I know they won't stop working, but they (staff and other students) only want the newest and best..
wallpaper 2011 nature.Chupa Chupa
Mar 28, 09:54 AM
Makes sense if Apple wants 10.7 and iOS5 to be the focus. Also gives a little more life to the VZW iPhone 4 (fewer bitter customers, even if caused by their own impatience). Finally, while the fall is usually iPod update time, let's face it, iPod updates are getting kinda boring. A new iPhone 5 in Sept would def be more buzzworthy. Then Apple gets back to the summer iPhone releases w/ the iPhone (6) LTE.
2011 Best Nature WallpapersChickenSwartz
Aug 11, 10:00 AM
question: are the CPUs in the macbook socketed or soldered?
could i buy my own Core 2 Duo chip and drop it in there at a later date?
i don't really care about the mhz increase, but the Core 2 Duo line does seem to be a little cooler at idle...
#5: Wallpapers are natureI'm guessing they will be available the 17th. (that's when the major in mac promo ends) a.k.a. get people to buy our old macs by throwing a free nano at them so we can ship our new ones!
of Nature Wallpapers 2011Hammer God
Mar 28, 09:59 AM
My thought exactly. They would also avoid pissing off 11 million Verizon iPhone customers.
Hadn't thought of that. Also a good point.
Having said all this, Apple often points out that they don't worry about their competition, they just do their own thing and let the market sort it out.
But the decision as to when you release the LTE iPhone will be one of the bigger ones they make in the next few years. Too soon, not enough infrastructure/buyers; too late, you may lose ground to rivals.
The one thing you can say about Steve Jobs, however, is that he has a very good sense of timing. He generally seems to know when the technology is ready to meet the expectations of consumers. I'm guessing he'll make the right call here again.
Wallpaper – Nature Canada HQislanders
Jul 23, 10:33 PM
We may see a drop in the MB at the end of a production run.
$1099 is very reasonable, esp if it is a quality product�
at that price consumers are going to evaluate features, longevity�
although I think it is a valid point to consider pricing for consumer end.
Mar 29, 05:03 PM
Those idiots must stop investing heavily in the asian markets. They are essentially selling their technology to asians, while also squandering immense financial resources on them.
- The obvious untapped area is integration of VoIP, 3G, & video - but all the big companies are looking at that. The other thing that most mobile companies are having trouble with is the killer app - so many phones have data connectivity, and people just don't know what to do with it. If Apple can make a compelling product there the phone companies will want to sell it.
ps. Apple might choose to make a phone with no music capability... just to delineate the product. That gives people something to understand... and then they can release the combo products.
Exactly. How could a non-player break open the market without the big companies support and infrastructure? It's not a computer that people want to carry around. It is an extremely simple to use, not bulky, communication device.
Using VoIP and 3G technology would be great but what service is ready to provide it in the U.S.? Apple is not going to sell cell phones to a few hundred people in three or four U.S. metropolitan markets and make money on it unless there is a way to open up the VoIP market BUT VoIP is going to get smothered in Washington politics soon enough so don't plan on that being free or useful (especially if NET NEUTRALITY is eliminated). A 3G phone would spark interest only from the standpoint that none of the networks could provide national (never mind international) service. It is a loosing proposition but I agree, they would have to differentiate it from other products (if it were real). Again the supposed photographer did not say it was an iPod phone. S/he would have made that observation.
Another thing about this mystery phone. Have there been any licenses pulled by Apple for telecommunications devices? There have been patents for all sorts of neat things but this would fall into a new category for them, would it not. Therefore there would be a rash of legal moves going on.
I'm skeptical of the whole cell phone idea. Would there be more use for a home phone or walkie talkie type radio, satellite, a computer phone accessory, or something else? I just don't see Apple providing hardware that gets limited distribution, where you would have to sign up for a two or three year service plan with yet another unreliable service provider that within a year or two will be merged into yet another, and a .Mac account if you do not have it yet, and the possibility that you have to cancel an existing contract with penalty. It just doesn't add up. It would be the most expensive cell phone/package on the market.
Apr 23, 05:10 PM
I can't wait to get one.
Don't panic
May 5, 11:35 AM
are we ready to move to the next room? anyone wants to split out for whatever reason?
I can already see Phil sitting in the audience and then Job's cell phone rings..
Jobs: um..excuse me a sec..Seems I have a phone call..
Pulls out this cool looking cell phone,flips it open and says hello?
Phil: Say Steve,can we have a chat real fast ? then starts up iChat on his iPhone..
Jobs: starts up iChat on his cell phone..
The rest is history :D
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