Nokia C6-01 WallpapersI'm not impressed if this is where the iMac display is potentially going , the current GPUs can barely drive the resolutions they have now in anything other than simple desktop apps . , can you imagine what video card you would need to drive a game (say portal 2 which has low to modest requirements) at 30fps + on a screen with 3200 or higher resloution ? Well whatever that GPU is , apple will ship with the one released 2 years ago and half the RAM it shipped with on the PC .
Think I ranted a bit then , sorry :rolleyes:
:) I think you are just seeing advance preparation for something that won't happen for a while; moreover, when it does happen, it will start with smaller screens and work its way up to the larger ones over time. By the time it works up to a 20"+ displays, GPUs will be much more powerful.
wallpapers for mobile nokia c6it's a lower cost model? Customers that want to pay less buy it, it's not that hard to understand and is done in all industries. You have no point.
Wow. I think you missed the point. At 1199, the MacbookPRO should have a discrete option...hell, POS HP's at 600.00 do.
Oh, and please spare me the snarky "well then enjoy your HP! Har har har" comment.
wallpapers for Nokia C6You can't be sure about this.
Better battery = longer Battery life :)
360X640 360x640 pattern Nokia C6 free mobile wallpaper screensaver download id 90164 | umnet.comHmm.. interesting turn of events.
Though I will still wait until that time gets closer and the speculation changes/gets more accurate, I suppose there's no reason not to go ahead and ditch this P.O.S. Blackberry for an iPhone.
nokia c6 wallpapersMine connection would take around 14 hours, but we have adsl 2+ now which is up to 24mb/sec. Can't wait to upgrade :cool:
This movie store is all exciting and all, but with out world stores, it will be the US who will be enjoying it :(
Yep, downloadable TV shows, movies for purchase or rent, iPhoto photobooks/prints/calendars/cards etc.
Who gives a rat's? Not me because we can't use any of them.
Nokia 5230 Wallpapers , Nokiadante@sisna.com
Aug 7, 06:44 PM
And it still doesn't run Adobe/Macromedia products. ;)
Amen -- For me Adobe and Macromedia are huge apps -- I would never run them under Rosetta and chance my business to this setup.
The Quad G5 is a great machine: worth the cash -- cheap RAM, native performance, 64-bit, good graphics, nice SATA and decent bus.
nokia-5230-wallpapers-13.jpgI sure hope we will see Aperture 2.0 and not just 1.2...
wallpapers for Nokia C6And how do you operate it? A server can be accessed from a workstation but a Mac Pro IS a workstation, it's not a server. It's not a logical step. I have a professional photographer in the family, with a Mac Pro. He needs to load his RAWs onto his Mac for post processing. How to do this if that Mac is in another room, in a rack :confused: Very inconvenient if you ask me.
Not sure you quite get it. The idea here would be that the one machine could be used either as a workstation, or as a server. You could use it in a SOHO situation as a workstation/under the desk server. An enterprise could configure it as a rack mounted server. One assembly line. Two products.
Great wallpaper for Nokia N97sadly with all the hype, real and otherwise, i won't be impressed with the first iteration even if it slices and toasts bagels for me. you gotta admit that some first apple efforts, while cool in design, limp out of the gate when compared to other manufacturers (how long did it take to get a CD-R in a laptop or desktop as one example)
that's not to say that i don't usually end up embracing what cupertino puts forth, please everyone understand that nokia, sony-e, motorola and the others have been doing phones far longer than apple. there's no possible way apple one-ups them on the first go.
There was no limping out the gate with the iPod. It was almost an overnight hit. Sure, it'll improve as time goes by, but I think if they release a phone, it won't have to wait for a few revisions before it's really good.
Nokia X6 Wallpapers : AbstractIt's good to see the debate on the best delivery mechanism for large software releases such as this; there are clearly benefits for Apple to push it through the infrastructure they already have in place.
In my opinion, this is just another nail in the coffin for Apple resellers. Not content with giving single-digit margins on hardware, Apple is now actively removing another method of generating revenue. Software has better reseller margins (~15-20%) than hardware, but Apple's progress with the App store has seen key applications (iWork, iLife) on there for a substantial discount.
There are no reseller/affiliate arrangements for the App store, and resellers can't compete with their discount offerings (as Apple set both wholesale and retail pricing). As a result, resellers business will be affected, and continue to be affected if they continue down this path.
*Disclaimer: I'm an Apple reseller
Nokia C6 Original ThemesWirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)
Would be my preferred way. Enough with physical media. Very progressive of Apple.
360x640 Wallpapers For Nokianuckinfutz
May 7, 11:11 AM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)
I could see iAd playing a role in this decision. Apple
pays for it through ads. Makes sense.
It makes absolutely no sense.
Steve Jobs said iAd was a way to have Free or low cost apps on the app store and still get the developer a little compensation.
How does that translate into a closed cloud service like Mobileme? Apple isn't trying to be Cupertino Google here.
5530-wallpapers/image/8636Apple has changed their site now to say it would ship in 1-2 months.
Yeah, that's pretty crazy now. It's clear whatever lead they had in time with the Magellan kit is now lost. It seems we'll get to compare them and then decide.
New Bell Nokia C6-01I have installed this and am running it now but I do have 1.75 TB of data on my drives to go through, I will update this when the scan is complete.
It all looks nice and simple anyway so far.
Nov 27, 06:15 AM
I want a device that I can check email on the go, sign documents, sketch a quick idea, circle an interesting part of an article for someone to look over, browse the web with ease, control my other computers/servers, take a picture and write some notes on it so that someone can get a better idea of what I'm thinking and countless other possibilities I haven't thought of.
I feel like this is the sort of market Apple would go for if they do consider going into some kind of 'tablet' machine. It doesn't have to move mountains, but be simplistic in form and function. I love the portability of my laptop, but would consider buying something like this if it let me do basic web surfing, play my iTunes music/videos, check email, and write with a slide-out style keyboard. But the challenge will be if they can get it at a $499 price point; that's my limit, at any rate. :(
Nokia 5230 Wallpapers , NokiaKnightWRX
Apr 24, 04:48 AM
Retina is clearly defined by minimum 300 px/in resolution, so distance from monitor there is nothing to do with. Sitting 10 meters from monitor don't transform your monitor to hiperRetina. Please...
Hum, no it's not. Read the article I linked to and go back to the intro of the iPhone 4. It's 300 PPI at a normal viewing distance for a phone (12 inches). Otherwise it makes no sense. The size of a pixel is relative to its distance from your eye. The further away something it is, the smaller it becomes relatively and thus your eye has more trouble seeing it. Sitting further from your monitor can make the pixels iPhone 4 size in no time at all.
Wallpaper nokia themeFull of Win
Mar 28, 11:04 AM
No iPhone 5, but there will be iPhone invisio!
ROTF. Dated. That must be why the recent mobile industry event that Apple didn't sponsor nor attend voted iPhone the best phone on the market.
The iPhone 4 is dated. It has a single core processor, just 512 MB RAM, the screen is too small and it does not support 3.5G / 4G networks. The only spec of the iPhone 4 that is not out of date, relative to similar phones, is the screen resolution. The iPhone 4 is in its winter of life; not in its summer. This is not a bad thing, it is the nature of technology.
I don't have anything against the iPhone 4, I have one myself. But looking objectively at the technical specifications of other phones sold now, I have to say the internal design is dated.
Nokia X6, Nokia C6,This would actually be the logical thing to do. (in the future) Offload more and more onto the GPU (which is way more powerful than any CPU out there anyway) and develop the CPUs in house. The customer could possibly get cheaper and more powerful macs.
Nokia C6 official 3 The QWERTYillegalprelude
Jul 29, 10:37 PM
If apple could get one of the phone carriers to go with the free song plan, maybe one of the smaller ones like Alltel, they could single handedly turn Alltel into a major player. Alltel and Apple would both win.
one problem, that will never happen. Alltel does not own their network or even remotly have any form of cash to set it up. they just rent their network. Second, you can offer as much as of a cool device as you want, but its not going to cause millions of people to just dump their plans, break their contracts and switch. Mac cool-aid, down, now!
As far as Verizon goes, they used to be ahead of the game with having LG exclusive, used to be a big thing but no more and they are late on some phones but always have LG. Now, ive been with verizon with 5 years and had it from when I was in Michigan to now in Cali and their service has always been superb. Although, due to a lack of new cool phones and the stupid menue on all the phones thatlooks the same, ive been tempted to switch to Cingular, cause I love the Sony Erricson phones.
Noticed that if you take down the HD to 160 GB you safe enough money to buy another 250 GB HD? Now 160 + 250 makes 410 GB... essentially for the work of building it into the computer, which, as Apple tells us, should be pretty easy. Hmm...
I wish they would sell a baseline version with some sort of a single Core 2 Duo CPU and onboard graphics... anything to reduce price but keep it possible to upgrade.
Nothing to see here...just the unabashed evilness of Apple shining through. I'm sure Apple will 'flash the wad' to the right people and make this issue go away...sad :( We are nothing more than chattel to Apple Consumer Electronics, where we are tracked and monitored like open range livestock. This is how they view us, as THEIR herd to do with as they please.
Welcome to the future guys. :mad:
Why suddenly use the words "we" and "us"? You been a very anti (any) apple products and simply calls anyone not in agreement with you as fanbois.
Maybe you ought to change your name that befits you, Full of -aps.
Mar 30, 08:12 PM
Given that Apple sold over 4 million Macs last quarter, that must equate to around $7 billion in revenue. Macs still make up around a quarter of Apples revenue, so while iPhones might be where the most money is coming in, Apple can't ignore $7 billion per quarter...
Very true but those Macs are portables, not iMacs and certainly not the overpriced and overpowered Xeon server driven Mac Pro's that replaced the affordable and (at the time) upgradeable G4's and G5's we all used for our work. What happened to the dedicated 20/23/30" LCD CCFL Apple Cinema Display line, or even the Apple Studio Display line before them? Replaced with ONE 27" LED LCD based off the 27" iMac (basically an iMac without a computer). Times change, I get it, but why do they have to leave us power users who supported them before the iPod and need Apple systems for work behind? It's costing us thousands to switch to Windows systems and applications such as Avid and Premiere Pro/Adobe Suites.
IDevices are amazing, but please, don't make the already dwindling prosumers systems become iOS systems for the average Joe. There are a lot of people on here that are new comers from Apple's iPod/iPhone influx that don't know/understand what this is doing to those who really need OS X and affordable mid-towers and top notch displays again… and once built in California, now "designed" in California. Man, sad times for us and the states on that change...
Finally, they'll be charging what the service is worth!
No kidding. I wouldn't mind paying the fee every year if they'd just make MobileMe web-mail work worth a damn. SO slow...freezes up constantly. It's pretty much an every day thing, I have to refresh my browser or just close it completely and log back in, because a page I click on simply won't load.
New macbook pros will be made of tungsten maybe? :p
That would be great, and after a year of using them we can all enter strongman competitions. ;)