types, KatrinaI'm definitely holding out for Merom now since it seems like it's coming within the month. Customers Christmas shopping will compare laptops across all brands and if Apple isn't sporting a Merom they're gonna lose a lot of laptop sales. And I'm willing to wait since OS X 10.5 is even more 64-bit than 10.4 is, I'd be nice to have a 64-bit processor instead of a 32-bit processor running a 64-bit OS (yes i know 10.5 will run on 32-bit processors), although the overall benefits are up to discussion.
So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna buy the memory today (long story I have to spend within the week 200 dollars store credit at CompUSA) and put it in the Macbook when I get it, hopefully within the month.
I'm correct in assuming that Yonah and Merom takes the EXACT same type/speed of ram right?
As far as I know there are now only two types of RAM in the lineup. 667 DDR2 in the Mac mini, iMac, MB, MBP and FB-DIMS in the Mac Pro and Intel Xserve. A local dealer I spoke to loves this. It really makes stocking RAM much easier.
katrina kaif boom moviespicyapple
Aug 11, 09:25 AM
Quad Xeons in the MacBook Pro, pretty please. After all, it is Apple's professional notebook line.
Katrina Kaif GalleryTime to rename a Quarter Pounder into a "Royale with cheese"! :D
Katrina Kaif#39;s Wardrobepavetheforest
Sep 15, 09:40 PM
I really hope they update the MBP with the C2D, a new enclosure would be great too, heres to hoping...
Filed under: kat, katrina kaifThat colour scheme for the Lion background artwork is hideous.
Katrina Kaif - Katrina Kaif Wallpaper (6433179) - FanpopFinallyfamous
Apr 10, 12:11 PM
I agree with I student UK using the constraints of / makes it rather ambiguos (did I spell that right) as I originally read it. I believed the 2(9+3) to be in the denominator in which case the answer is clearly 2
katrina kaif boom moviewell I installed this on both of my MacBook Airs, One is my Wife's. It found 0 on mine, but found 4 trojans on my wife's, all associated with Java. It pointed them out to me and when I found the file it pointed out, the software deleted the file for me. Not bad for free. Thanks Sophos, didn't know those were there.
Katrina Kaif Boom: Katrina Kaif Boom Photos, Wallpapers, Galleries .rwilliams
Mar 28, 10:35 AM
2012 could easily mean EARLY 2012. That would put the Verizon and AT&T phones on the same release schedule and also set a new precedent for revealing/releasing iPhones in the 1st quarter, WWDC focuses solely on software and operating systems, and the iPad being released in the 3rd/4th quarter (if the iPad 3 rumors pan out). And don't think for a minute that AT&T won't alter their upgrade eligibility dates to let people whose contracts expire this summer (without the release of a new iPhone) upgrade in 2012 for a subsidized price. They're doing everything they can to keep people from jumping ship.
Katrina Kaif Boom Video:Not PC guys, but good industrial and interface designers will. Starting with a clean sheet with little or no knowledge on the subject is an advantage; you tend to have different perceptions on how things work/could work. This gives a far greater idea base with simpler implementations as a result.
Advantage Apple.
So Apple has an advantage here because they have no experience in a market where it traditionally takes to get a device right? No, Apple doesn't have an advantage, any more than they did with the iPod - but they didn't need that advantage then either.
Apple could change the way phones are made as well, but only if they rethink the device from the ground up. Most phones have too many features that it takes too long to figure out how to use, don't have enough battery life, and are too painful to get hooked up to your computer so you can transfer photos and songs back and forth. Apple has the synchronization stuff down. If you can sync it like an iPod - and charge it in the process, its already leaps above most phones out there. But they cannot miss the interface.
If they want a camera on it (optional in my opinion) they have to make it dirt simple to use (scroll wheel to zoom, middle button to snap) and to get the photos taken on it into iPhoto. Otherwise, skip it altogether. And please don't make me fumble around to find the right button to hit to answer a call. Open it to answer the call, close it to hang up. And if you aren't going to put the number buttons in a tranditional layout - don't put them on there at all. I don't have the time or energy to learn some idiotic circular arrangement. I'd rather you put the numbers up on a touch screen and let me smudge up my phone than deal with a non-standard button arrangement. It also has to be hearty - I don't have time for a phone that stops working if I drop it 3 feet onto a carpeted floor.
It goes on and on. And that is why the interviewee is saying it's so hard. Apple does a pretty good job of industrial design, but even they may need an iteration or two to get it right. And in the mean time the current players could play some catch up.
katrina kaifYes! This Would Favor Steve Announcing Full Line Shift To Core 2 ASAP Monday. My favorite scenario may come true. :)
didn't i read this exact same thing earlier today?
anyways, i hope your right, but for some reason i don't think it will. only time will tell.....
Kaitrina Kaif in Boomsounds plausible, but i really don't see iPad 3 coming out any time this year. it's way too soon
My thoughts exactly. Our school district (ISD 482) just bought 1,465 iPads for its students, and I can see us getting really mad if Apple were to release a new iPad 6 mos. later.
katrina kaif boom movieBleubird2
Apr 25, 09:21 AM
Call me naive (or perhaps paranoid) but I've been assuming my location is being tracked since I bought my first smart phone years ago.
Yeah, I just assume if you're using a device that is connected to the internet in some way, you're being tracked in one way or another. We are constantly faced with privacy and technology issues. As someone else has already said, if you don't want to worry about privacy issues disconnect from the internet entirely http://www.theonion.com/video/google-opt-out-feature-lets-users-protect-privacy,14358/ (lol). If you want your location private, get away from smartphones entirely.
Katrina Kaif Photos, KatrinaAlso, how will they distribute the download? Will the file be an ISO or DMG file? How do you install it from that file?
I don't think it will change from the developer preview. Download an installer, double click, run and restart. (As I said above, hopefully with the added ability to make a hard backup without Disk Utility.)
Everything I heard said this image is not bootable nor usuable as a recovery media/installation media.
It's bootable (the, ahem, pirated versions of Lion are distributed as dmgs.)
Siblings, kaif wallpapers hot,Chupa Chupa
Aug 4, 11:59 AM
So when Apple does ugrade the iMac is it going to use the desktop processer or the mobile one?
You are overlooking heat dissipation. The iMac has the guts of a mobile machine. I doubt the desktop chip (Conroe) could handle being inside an iMac for very long. Also the mobile chip (Merom) is hardly a slouch. It sure beats the Celeron and some of the other weaker chips you see in $1000 PCs.
Katrina KaifApple scared of the competition and trying to sue them.
No. They're protecting their IP.
katrina kaif boom movieender land
Apr 14, 11:02 AM
Interesting article. More or less well thought out.
Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance taxes (known as payroll taxes) are paid mostly by the bottom 90 percent of wage earners.
This is such a lie, lol, social security is half funded by businesses. Those who are self employed have to pay 2x what most of us pay because they pay the 'company' portion too.
The chart under 3, with someone making 26k and paying 6k in federal tax is a bit of a misnomer; I made nearly this much last year and paid zero in federal tax. So while it might be possible to pay that much I would imagine the majority of Americans do NOT pay 6k out of a 26k income.
The "it wasn't always like this" chart seems to be indicating that average effective incomes -accounting for inflation - have dropped significantly over the past 28 years (well 31 now, presumably the author would state the trend continues). By roughly a factor of 180% (!). Literally, 1$ they had in 1980 would buy the equivalent of about $0.35 now. But then again, a chart without any sort of labels or context or clarification is not really too valid in terms of making an argument either way. Not to mention the numbers do not align with any of the figures in the "The Wage Gap Widens" chart above it.
The stuff on the Making Work Pay Credit is funny to me, this credit isn't a tax cut so much as a tax rebate - it is a refundable credit, so if you have enough tax deductions you can actually receive this $400/800 a year back from the government even if you do not pay any taxes. This is not a tax cut. This is a rebate/stimulus. A tax cut would not refund you beyond what you paid in taxes. Not taking money from one person and giving it to another.
Finally, the last section is interesting. Perhaps it is true, and other governments do it better - our government has been fiscally irresponsible for years. I do NOT want them to control that much of my income until they prove fiscally responsible. If they can bring the budget under balance over the next few years in manners other than blatantly increasing taxes (perhaps a combination of slightly increasing taxes but many spending cuts) then I will feel confident in them being able to manage money well. But until they do that, I do not have a lot of faith in them being able to handle an increase in funds any more effectively than they do now.
Overall, I think this was a fairly decent attempt. In spite of a lot of errors it does show what should be obvious to anyone paying attention to American economic tax policies as of late - taxes on the rich are less now than they were before.
Katrina Kaif Wallpapersbenhollberg
Nov 9, 01:51 PM
I am curious; I seldom find anything is free. How does Sophos recover his investment in this project?
I believe that it used to cost money but it was mainly for business users. My guess is that now they decided to also go for the average consumer and they probably want to get people to see them and recognize their name at first. I could be completely wrong though.
Katrina Kaif In Boom: ModelMachead III
Sep 16, 11:50 AM
C2D MB by Thanksgiving :D
Too late for me :(
*sheads a tear*
kaif video, katrina kaifOh the things you can do with enough money....
I'm waiting after the new year with the release of OS X 10.5 and then possibly getting a MBP. When is the Pairs show? I keep reading September but what are the exact dates? Thanks.
September 12th-16th.
Sep 11, 03:14 PM
Extremely unlikely. Or i`d say it`s impossible. We`ll definitely get DVD quality(atleast as an option). But my guesses are 720p will also be offered to those with a really really FAT internet pipe. Fat enough to fill a human body I guess:D .
I really think Apple will offer atleast 3 resolutions ie QVGA, DVD and(crossing fingers) HD 720p(may be at an extra cost and limited in number of available titles). Apple needs to do something which will set them apart from Amazon. I`ll be really disappointed if all we get is the same as Amazon.
Not gonna happen.
Apple's delivery requirements for iTMS are for an SD resolution (720x486). Many networks, in an effort to expidite iTMS availability, send Apple tapes containing content. Apple will not accept tapes in an HD format.
That being said, DVD quality downloads now (or in the near future) are a distinct possibility. Again, bandwidth is a mofo. How do you offer so much content, with such large file-sizes, to millions of customers simultaneously, while also maintaining bandwidth for music downloads.
Will there be a download queue, so we have to wait in line to download content?
Ok, I'll try this question, which is a fair question...............
Everyone says again and again, Apple does not aim for the high end.
If we put Mac Pro's to one side as they are the proper PC's of the Apple Mac world.
Let's speak about iMac's
They are Apple mass consumer, man/woman in the street computers.
They type of customers who just want to enjoy their computer and be able to get the jobs they want done in a nice and easy way.
I think that's a fair statement.
Also, as has been said, over and over and OVER again, these customers, that the iMac's are aimed at, are not Nerds, Not Tech Freaks, Not spec junkies.
They are just normal people who probably don't want to be worried about specs and to be honest as long as it looks nice and moves smoothy on screen, don't care what's inside the case.
Given this. If these "typical consumers, who don't care or really know about specs" are today, looking at their current 1920x1080 screens, or 1920x1200 screens, and they cannot see the individual pixels from their normal, let's say two feet away viewing distance, then what on earth would be the point in increasing costs, and slowing down an iMac by lumbering it with a higher resolution screen?
What is the point, for these consumers, to increase the screen resolution when they can't make out the individual pixels currently?
Aug 7, 02:56 PM
SO in the Paris expo is where we'll most likely see updated MBP? :confused:
Mar 26, 10:09 PM
What crack-addled mind seriously thinks it'd be sensible or probable that Apple would come out with a new iPad 5 months after... coming out with a new iPad?
I mean, I suppose, if they just wanted to take the biggest splashiest attention grabber product they have and not bother capitalizing on all the time & money they spent on iPad2, and just completely hamfist the frickin thing up it's own arse for the sheer bloody hell of it, then yea, sure it makes total sense.
Also, the cloud is only as good as your connection, which is usually less than wonderful, especially with every frickin app in the appstore trying to stream everything it does over wifi, not to mention, god forbid, you actually have other computers in the house trying to send data over your network too. Open that physical USB bus up already! ...or better yet light peak connectivity...