Islamic Wallpapers - IslamicKnightWRX
Apr 23, 02:51 PM
That's the nice thing about the equallogic, right? ;)
Only issue I currently have with throughput is being limited by 4gigs when there are 30 some odd VMs running in our 3 host cluster. I would love to be fiber channel but between state budget cuts and PITA systems guy it ain't happening.
On thunderbolt though, I truly believe it will be a non-starter. Sure, it's cool for those of us that know about it but people in general won't know and won't really care either way. Honestly, consumers should already be above 10Gbps because the physical hardware is already there, just a matter of market elasticity.
You do realise you can switch your multi-path policy to something like Round-Robin or Least used link or something and use both your fabrics at the same time, giving you double bandwidth (in your 4 Gig port configuration, giving you 8 Gbps, or in a 8 Gbps FC configuration, 16) right ? Actually, you should have a look at what it is set to, some versions of ESX and ESXi are completely retarded and set the default policy to use Fabric 1 only (older versions prior to 4.x didn't have a supported configuration for using both paths at the same time, the support was experimental I believe).
Or you can run FCoE or FCoIP and use dual 10 Gbps for FC on the cheap (I do realise HBAs can be pricey). Or heck, iSCSI over 10 Gbps links...
Also, looking at my current I/O statistics for one of our biggest ESXi boxes (about 20 VMs), I see we average about... 10 mbps over the fiber. ;) Servers aren't constantly writing at full bandwidth anyhow and the convenience of centralized SAN management trumps Direct Attached Storage any day of the week in a data center environnement.
Heck, I wish our DMZ servers could be attached to the SAN (stupid Security policies) so that I could actually grow the filesystems on which the file repository sits... seeing how Sun (now Oracle) wants to charge us over 10k$ for about 72 GBs of disks, just because the hardware is EOL'd and it lacks the 2nd controller so that we can use the drive bays that are free in it...
Thunderbolt brings me back to those days. It's just not something I'd ever consider for data center use. It's not going to replace iSCSI or Fiber Channel. It's a complete non-contender in that space. Consumer space or workstations ? Yeah, sure, seems it could replace Firewire and USB disks, if the price and availability of actual peripherals is good. That last part remains to be seen.
The best way to read the QuranAlmost EVERY cell phone that's ever existed has tracked your phone in some form of fashion and stored it on the device. This is nothing new but just because it's an iPhone it's a big deal.
People need to find other things to worry about cause this shouldn't be it.
Quran Kareem audio with (PTV)I thought the Woodcrest processors were unsuited for multi-processor configurations. Anyone with more info?
Download al quranC2D MB by Thanksgiving :D
Sorry, but not all here are U.S. citizens (probably the majority)...when is that famous "Thanksgiving" happening?
A woman reads from the QuranI've been running Sophos (the real version, 7.2.3, not this new free version) for years and years and years and never had problems with it, and yes I'm a Mac user, and yes it has detected files with problems. So the stick-your-head-in-the-sand approach advocated by some here seems silly.
1) I have no problems with my Time Machine backup at all, ever. However mine is a USB backup and not airport, and it isn't a Time Capsule. Perhaps those impact whether it works well or not. So just saying "It doesn't work with Time Machine" as some have stated here, is not accurate.
2) Someone way back in the thread mentioned that their appearance settings randomly reset. Interesting. I have been having this problem for months (appearance and trackpad settings randomly resetting to default) on my Macbook Pro. I've trashed prefs, and done all the other usual things one does when wacky things happen. Yet it still happens, seemingly randomly. I'll keep an eye open for whether Sophos is doing something when that happens. Perhaps that's the cause I've ben looking for!
Quran - Islamic WallpaperKnightWRX
Apr 26, 04:24 AM
You guys do realize that a 27" iMac would have to be 4K to possess a PPI over 300 and therefore be a "Retina Display?"
You sit 12 inches away from your iMac screen ? :confused:
islamic-wallpaper-23Holy crap! You know these things are going on but to read the details is nauseating.
America is getting bent over and the dummies in the Tea Party are championing for their own destruction. Here is a link to the story about the Real Housewives of Wall Street.
I strongly recommend people do whatever they can to watch the Documentary Inside Job.
It's red face enraging to see how much money was pocketed by rich *******s in this country while working americans were losing their homes.
Islamic WallpapersMultimedia
Aug 7, 07:22 PM
In the past, Apple has always issued a "White Paper" on new leading products. I can't see the link for that yet. Anyone find it? :confused:
Quran messageNot really significantly faster than the G5 Quad. Maybe 50% faster at best. As owner of a Quad G5 my motivation would be more about the 6 bays and the FW 800 on the front than the speed. :)
The G5 is almost as fast per clock cycle.
Apple COULD have released quad G5 3ghz instead, but they want us to use Intel.
The whole Intel project is beacuse of no G5 laptop.
Stupid IBM. I do not like X86, the play plattform.
But, I have changed all my PPC macs to Intel now.
Macbook pro, Macbook, macmini and today a Macpro.
Qur#39;an Kareem naazil farmayaI was kinda surprised that teh Core 2 Duo is only 10-15% faster then the Core Duo, but im not sure why im surprised. i wasnt really sure of the differences at the time..
Ramzan Shareef WallpapersGeez!!! The Intel Imac has been out since what Janurary? Should the Imac not be the next to upgrade? Will it go with Conroe or Meron? Maybe a better videocard?
I'm with you -X-
Doesn't the iMac use the same intel chip as the MBP? Why all the hoohah about an impending MBP release, when it might also mean an upgrade for the iMac - which hasn't been bumped since it's announcement in Jan?
Now before I'm lambarsted because the iMac is not a 'pro' machine, I am a professional graphic designer and I am in the market for one.
Bring on the merom iMac! :cool:
Quran Pak Wallpapers 4aIntelliUser
Apr 18, 08:27 AM
Interesting poll by Gallup:
The rich are more likely to think their taxes are too high:
And at the same time that the poor's are too low:
Most Americans think the rich and Corporations pay too little:
Holy Quran desktop wallpaperApple only went with intel because IBM was never going to be able to make a G5 laptop chip. Why are people so closed minded when it comes to change?
its not about 'closed minded' , some ppl's working with the mac's for living, and not only playing games, watching movies D\L mp3.... !
im still working with PowerMac G5 - yap you heard right, G5 !
i've got no problem to finish my projects with it, but i do have a problem with all the new programs i need for my work.... they not support the old CPU :mad:
so now i need to upgrade to new MacPro that will cost me �3000 + the extra cards (the one's im using it PCI... so i need to upgrade them to PCI-e) coz of that.
so if they will move to the new CPU's, it will append all over agin..... couple years after the move, all the programs wont support intel based macs....
Qur#39;an Wallpaper -Allah KnowsExcellent. Now it's time to wait for the sub-$2000 "Pro" desktop announcement. There's a suspicious gap in their lineup. Mac Pro Cube (http://macprocube.com), perhaps?
Keep dreaming.
Mar 27, 05:58 AM
won't it suck if there isn't a new iPhone until Oct?
that's an understatement.
Quran Shareef Eid MubarakI know this is half off topic, but I posted my predictions for Photokina in another thread here (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=2836900#post2836900).
I would gladly bet my MacBook that they announce new MBP's on the 25th.;)
Labels: bismilah wallpaperapplefan27073
Apr 24, 05:01 PM
This would be AWESOME!
I can't imagine my 27" iMac with the same resolution as an iPhone 4!:eek:
This said, it could potentially make macs more expensive in the future.....:(
Well Done Apple! You've done it again!
Green Calligraphy Quran andNot if you care about colo[u]r management. While Apple continues its love affair with shiny screens, creatives need an alternative.
Considering the market is moving towards digital distribution on these shiny screens, color management is going by the wayside, especially with a lack of standards now in HD/cable TV.
Also, it's called having a second calibrated monitor for TV like all good post houses should have.
Been doing creative for 15+ years. Apple's shiny screens over the last years haven't caused us to miss a beat.
so is the turn of the villain simultaneous to the heroes (meaning he can communicate/implement his moves at any time) or do turns alternate (and if they do, do they in singles or in pairs)?
what's the point of having 'rounds'?
They alternate in pairs. A round is two hero turns then two villain turns. By meanwhile I meant the villain can converse with the GMs at any time. But his actions will be implemented once the heroes complete their two turns.
That's how we keep the villain and the heroes in sync, and keep score of the villain's points.
And before you ask again, in the context of the villain, turns = points. Okay? :p
is there a time-limit to the villain's decision before it defaults in no-action, 1 point accrued?
No time limit, the villain must explicitly state that he is taking inaction for the turn.
well i think it'd be great if Apple released this. but i'm not so sure it'll happen. would love it if it did, but i'll believe it when i see it
Just to get attention that's all.
I doubt iOS 5.0 or the next iphone will be delayed.
I'm not sure.. I do think the iPhone 5 SHOULD be delayed a few months on their part as the iPhone 4 is still selling like crazy and they have not tapped out that market.
So... cloud computing benefits whom exactly? It's great for syncing - but even unreliable there. Caldav and Google Sync are both problematic. Dropbox works pretty well... but I use if for very specific things. Who wants to stream audio and video in when local storage is so cheap?
Let me guess, the main beneficiaries will be the companies providing the service. And customers who don't sign up for the new, expensive, glitchy service will be increasingly marginalized in terms of the functionality of their devices.:rolleyes:
I think we're entering an era of increasing instability and uncertainty, and we should be designing more robust networks and backups, not systems that will experience cascading failure when the power drops out at a sever farm or there's a natural (or man-made) disaster somewhere in the world. One last point - some countries block various cloud-streaming services based on arbitrary decisions, "national security" and "social harmony" *COUGH*china*COUGH*!
Here in civilized Connecticut we only pay 6%. LOL