Saturday, May 7, 2011

wallpaper background black. color ackground wallpaper

  • color ackground wallpaper

  • Gasu E.
    Mar 29, 02:39 PM
    Highly debatable. More than likely working conditions would be far superior to what they are in China or Japan, and everyone knows happy employees are good employees.

    Working conditions are bad in Japan????:confused:

    wallpaper background black. red heart on lack background
  • red heart on lack background

  • QuarterSwede
    Apr 25, 11:36 AM
    Puhleeeeze. We are not concerned about your average criminal or private investigator. We are concerned about the us government, homeland security, cia, nsa, fbi, etc.
    Who has easy access to that info even on dumb phones. That is not the issue here.

    All Apple needs to do is flush the file once a day(s), encrypt the file on the phone and not back it up (and if there's a reason, to have that encrypted [which can already be done]).

    Incorrect. It makes absolutely no sense to store ALL locations/WiFi data/timestamps indefinitely for what you described. The data should be processed and pruned to be used efficiently.
    That's what he said: "The only difference is that Apple left out a time based truncation feature."

    wallpaper background black. Black Wallpaper-2
  • Black Wallpaper-2

  • GregA
    Jul 31, 12:22 AM
    If this ever happens, I would bet the farm that Apple will do it with their own MVNO. I would make a reasonable guess that this MVNO would be based on Sprint.If Disney is truly thinking of shutting down their MVNO, perhaps Apple would go halves in it? It is a little outside of Apple's normal interests, but it'd be good for them to have a share. (this doesn't help us outside the US!)

    As for WiFi:
    You'd have to have an open WiFi network anywhere you wanted to make a phone call. WiFi is not NEAR the coverage level of cell service. In my opinion, VOIP cell phones are way overhyped. When WiBro is widespred and ubiquitous, then maybe.

    If Apple make a VoIP phone (via Wifi with an Airport base station), naturally you'd have coverage in your home and at work, and Apple might make some strategic deals with WiFi Networks in many cities. At home & work you'd simply have a phone with no mobile charges. As you move about the city, it could update voicemail & email (etc) where possible. That solution would not require FCC approval.

    I think the killer feature would be iChat Mobile... To be able to video chat with your friends on the go -- people would eat it up. I don't know why no one has done it yet, as it seems the technology is already there.You can already video chat with friends on the go. Are you suggesting this should be free?

    Apple will innovate a whole new concept to music and how we use cell phones. Let's not limit our thinking to just iPods and cell phones. I read an article awhile back about Apple's interest in the high-speed Internet market (for cell phones). Imagine if calling someone was more like an audio/video chat instead. Now that would be sweet.

    I think developing something for high speed internet is the answer. At the moment, wireless-Internet is an after thought in mobile phones. Always-on (via wifi or 3G) will enable new types of applications.

    Who knows, considering that WWDC is developer centric, what if Apple releases an API to allow either software to be ported to the device's OS and to allow third-party developers to write applications for the phone. I'm really looking forward to this year's WWDC more than I have past event. It's getting exciting.

    It would be interesting if Apple released a new development framework for mobile devices. Announce groupware technologies and the devices they'll work on, let developers come up with novel ideas.

    Personally, I'm hoping Apple starts really simple.

    wallpaper background black. lt;br /gt; lt;stylegt;body{ackground:
  • lt;br /gt; lt;stylegt;body{ackground:

  • johnmcboston
    Mar 28, 09:47 AM
    Maybe not at WWDC, but I don't see them waiting till Fall to put out new iPhone hardware, hold iOS5 till then, maybe, but not new hardware.

    They risk losing people to Android, WebOS, etc... as the remaining iPhone3GS people all start coming off of contract, and nobody will go iPhone4 knowing 5 is just months away.

    This waiting around also gives 3GS users a few months to check out other products (new Pre w/WebOS, etc). Apple does not want people looking around during that break time.

    I'm in that boat. although I'm most likely not willing to 'jump ship'. :) would just be disappointed at a few more months of an 'old phone'.

    wallpaper background black. GOLD BLACK WALLPAPER

  • DakotaGuy
    May 6, 12:44 AM
    Another option:

    they may include an instant-on iOS in addition to an intel OSX environment. Several other manufacturers have done something similar.

    Unless they want to make you pay for something you don't need... not necessary. The new Intel Macs that are being released right now have so much power that they could run every iOS app in emulated mode and the processor would hardly even notice it. That's today. Imagine where Intel will be in a couple of years? An ARM chip sitting next to an Intel powerhouse is not needed. As far as being instant on... I'd say my iMac wakes up from a sleep just about as fast as my iPad.

    wallpaper background black. lack wallpaper background
  • lack wallpaper background

  • carlos700
    Aug 2, 09:30 PM
    I think since they announced it so far a head of schedule, they might have those pages up and running yet.

    Ok, that makes sense. I guess Conroe is the only Core 2 Duo chip that's available today. (And Woodcrest but it's marketed as Xeon 5100)

    wallpaper background black. afi lack background december
  • afi lack background december

  • Amazing Iceman
    Apr 25, 09:57 AM
    In the meantime, government agencies in a number of countries have launched investigations into the situation, seeking explanations from Apple and details on how users can protect their privacy.

    - Just as you would do with your wallet and personal record files, don't loose your iPhone or lend it to someone you don't trust.
    - Don't hack your iPhone and then install software that could be unsafe.
    - Not necessary, but if you are too paranoid disable Location Services.

    Protecting your Privacy involves more than just taking care of your iPhone. Someone could call you saying you won a trip to Hawaii, get your personal information, and then you are doomed.
    Or when you purchase something, swipe your Credit Card into their device and retrieve most of the private information they need to steal your identity.

    So, don't come and make a big issue about the iphone tracking personal info and people's privacy invaded, blah-blah, without a certain proof.
    All this hype is nothing more than a publicity stunt .

    wallpaper background black. in-lack-ackground.
  • in-lack-ackground.

  • jaduffy108
    Nov 26, 03:24 PM
    I want a Wacom Cintiq with an Apple computer inside.... seems simple enough to *me*.....

    wallpaper background black. on a lack background.
  • on a lack background.

  • lewisdorigo
    Apr 5, 01:48 PM
    But Toyota wasn't jailbreaking. Didn't the courts rule that Apple couldn't stop the jailbreak community?Yes, but the ruling was based on the fact that it's all for 'personal use.'

    No they didn�t. They ruled that distributing custom (jailbroken) firmware wasn�t in violation of copyright law.

    Apple can�t sue people who jailbreak or distribute jailbreaks for copyright infringement. They can, however, still try to prevent people from jailbreaking.

    wallpaper background black. White lack wallpapers and
  • White lack wallpapers and

  • wovel
    Apr 7, 12:28 PM
    Just because someone brings up a counterpoint does not make them a hater.

    When you use adolescent name calling it kills your image, and destroys your credibility.

    A limited vocabulary reveals many things. Anyone can call others names, it doesn't prove a thing.

    Except in this case, his post was succinct and accurate.

    wallpaper background black. on a lack background with
  • on a lack background with

  • tokevino
    Aug 7, 03:47 PM
    Here's other point of view: I want to use OSX in everyday use (Safari, Mail, iTunes, graphic design, Dreamweaver etc... and OSX overall). But sometimes I want to play games too, and it's awesome that nowadays it's possible to boot into Windows and play games there and then boot back into OSX. Are you saying that Apple should totally forget all users who would like to use OSX but occasionally play games on Windows, and let them buy PCs? Most of the gamers do not use their computer ONLY to play games. Consumer tower would be good for Apple to get new switchers and get more marketshare.

    Bootcamp, how could you possibly miss that?!

    wallpaper background black. Black and white wallpapers
  • Black and white wallpapers

  • AidenShaw
    Mar 29, 02:20 PM
    In 5-10 years the iPod will become extinct. By then the touch will be hanging on a thin wire.

    Note that MS is dropping the standalone Zune hardware, and moving the Zune interface into Windows Phone 7.

    If your phone can do it all, why make standalone music players?

    wallpaper background black. lack crow ackground
  • lack crow ackground

  • Oilbrnr
    Apr 7, 10:47 PM
    I'm so sick of the tree hugging, let's all play nice and help everyone out attitude. How about the slackers get off their @$$ and do something for themselves.

    Welcome to MacRumors! Home of the bleeding left. :D

    Personally, I love how Apple is spanking everyone. Jobs is a visionary, and to argue differently is being ignorant.

    Sad thing, there doesn't seem to be anyone else on the horizon to fill that void when he is gone. As Howard Stern or Robin mentioned on the air a couple of weeks ago, Steve is the Thomas Edison of our/my generation.

    wallpaper background black. Black Background Wallpaper
  • Black Background Wallpaper

  • -hh
    Sep 11, 09:17 AM

    That explains London, in spades.


    wallpaper background black. lack background Wallpaper
  • lack background Wallpaper

  • wordoflife
    Mar 26, 10:10 PM
    How am I suppose to access my music via cloud via 3G? Especially if one has tiered data? :eek:

    And, why would they sell iPhone 5 without iOS 5? Thats just ... :confused:

    wallpaper background black. Beige On Black Background
  • Beige On Black Background

  • arcite
    Apr 7, 10:03 AM

    wallpaper background black. wallpaper-ackground-image
  • wallpaper-ackground-image

  • antmarobel
    Mar 31, 06:54 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; pt-br) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Some guta here are trying to stop the March of time

    wallpaper background black. on Black Background Free
  • on Black Background Free

  • slu
    Aug 7, 01:50 PM
    I think this is a great update. All Quad Core and many BTO options. I am glad there are more things you can BTO now. I wish I had enough money to get one!

    wallpaper background black. Black puma iPhone wallpaper
  • Black puma iPhone wallpaper

  • CalBoy
    Apr 15, 10:22 AM
    Sorry to break it to you but it's not me with the false premise. Money is like water, it flows to where there is least resistance. Money can be invested in anything and anywhere around the world. You can invest on Asian exchanges. Why not create a company in Hong Kong and invest through that? You can even invest in American companies because many of them list on several international exchanges. If you were a billionaire, would you invest with an individual account in the U.S. and be subject to a 35% tax, or invest through a corporation in Hong Kong and pay no taxes. In reality, they probably have many investments spread out. Some in the U.S., some internationally. Such a change in tax rules will simply cause them to make the appropriate changes to maximize how much they make.

    The real problem is a lack of growth. There's only so much Silicon Valley can offer in location. If we really start taxing at 35% and eliminated a lot of deductions, then what reason is there to start a business in the U.S. over Shanghai or Hong Kong?

    It's a sad state but we are already testing the waters for capital controls, trying to keep money in the U.S. It's a big mistake we're progressing towards. No one will want to put money into a country that makes it hard to take money out.

    I'll only add to what mcrain wrote by saying that what you're describing is a race to the bottom. If capital gains taxes were so corrosive, every government should logically keep them at 0%. Is that really the logical conclusion you'd like to make with this line of reasoning?

    Investors have already been investing in Asian markets for decades, and it has nothing to do with taxes; it has everything to do with how rapidly those markets have been growing over the past 40 years.

    Sep 15, 11:08 PM
    Thank You For This Excellent Analysis Of Santa Rosa And What It Will And Won't Be ergle2. Best I've read anywhere here so far.

    Thanks -- Glad you liked it :)

    May 4, 04:23 PM
    the worst part is that we don't know if and how many points he had at the beginning, and/or if any monster or trap was pre-placed in the mansion. Nor we know the 'price-list" and stats of monsters and trap (all of which i think we should)

    Actually, I can answer a few of those questions.

    The villain isn't given any points prior to the start of the game, so as of round 1, he has 2 turns (points). There are no monsters nor traps pre-placed in the mansion.

    As for the price-list and stats, that's secret.

    As for your re-written rules, I'm taking your suggestion and cleaning it up, then putting it in the OP. With full credit, of course. ;)

    Apr 18, 02:52 PM
    They don't already have the IP? Suing company and people for the heck of it seems like a broken system to me.
    They have patents but they HAVE to pursue infringers or they can lose the rights to the patents. That's why you see so many patent lawsuits. Unfortunately, that's just how the system works (in very basic terms).

    Mar 28, 09:56 AM
    I'm in that boat. although I'm most likely not willing to 'jump ship'. :) would just be disappointed at a few more months of an 'old phone'.

    They also will start having 3GS users come off of AppleCare contracts.

    Nobody will buy a new iPhone if their's breaks after AC is up ...knowing that maybe in the Fall we will see an iPhone5.

    Again, leaves to much of an 'open window' for defections based on frustration, etc.

    ...and as pointed out already by others... I agree, iPhone4 is already a dated design. delaying will just erode Apple's lead in the ever growing mobile hardware market.

    Everyday another competitors comes along... it is no longer 2007... their lead is not what it use to be.

    Apr 23, 08:36 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    3200x2000 is only a little higher than what the current 27" boasts.
    Also, it would depend on the viewing distance to be able to call it a retina display. Heck, a 1080p TV from 10 feet away is a retina display.


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