Saturday, May 7, 2011

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  • Free Sunset from Cumbria Beach

  • rhinosrcool
    Apr 20, 01:29 AM
    iPhone 4 with 3.5" screen: 115.2mm x 58.6mm x 9.3mm
    weight: 137 grams

    HTC Thunderbolt with 4" screen: 122mm x 66mm x 13mm
    weight: 164 grams

    I am not sure about you, but on composite that HTC with a 4" screen is noticeably larger in every possible way over the iPhone 4.

    Sure it is only 5% taller, but 12% wider and almost 50% thicker as well as 15% heavier.

    Perhaps you don't know anything about Apple, but they take the size of their devices very seriously.

    I also don't understand how some of you think it is possible to have a significantly larger screen without making the phone bigger. It is not like the current iPhone has a lot of space. Again it seems people just read a bigger number and think it must be better. If we left it up to other companies smartphones would all be twice as thick and weigh twice as much as they do now, while being massively unwieldy. Apple actually has an aesthetic set of benchmarks that are important to them as anything else. It is not only aesthetic either, but actually using the device and carrying it around, the size makes a big difference.

    My 3.5" iPhone 4 screen is pretty amazing, especially considering the size and weight of the device. Much more impressive than any 4" screened device I have seen.

    Edit: In case anyone is wondering the 4" Samsung Galaxy S specs: 122.4mm x 64.2mm x 9.9mm weight 118 grams. It weighs less, but the physical dimensions are larger in ever way.

    Please! Make the damn phone bigger! Oh no, it may weigh a few more grams. Currently, the iphone4 is a tiny phone. For us adults, please increase the screen size, and probably, the width.

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  • each layouts Wallpaper

  • bpfesq
    Mar 26, 10:26 PM
    For anyone thinking Apple will release a new iPad in the fall... don't bet on it. The last two releases have shown that it takes AT LEAST several months before supply is able to adequately meet demand--especially when you look at it from a worldwide perspective. Do you really think they'd risk a shortage during the holiday season? Not a chance.

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  • Surfing Sunset Beach Desktop

  • canolapop
    Jul 31, 03:20 AM
    couldn't they just release it as an UNLOCKED phone, sell it on their site and allow us to use it with who ever?

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  • sunset beach waters graphic

  • iliketyla
    Mar 29, 03:21 PM
    What a stupid statement. Are you aware that Apple is an American company? So is Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, GE and other world-leading companies.

    What's your alternative? Can you even name more than one world-class Chinese company?

    *rolls eyes*

    While I would tend to agree that there are good American companies and not all of them have shoddy products, you listed a lot of companies that either don't have a physical product, or their products are manufactured overseas.

    Apple's computers are assembled overseas, Google's phones are made by foreign countries, I'm not aware of any physical product made by Yahoo, Microsoft is a software on so forth.

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  • Don't panic
    May 5, 11:35 AM
    are we ready to move to the next room? anyone wants to split out for whatever reason?

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  • itcheroni
    Apr 21, 12:50 AM
    I'd love it if you could point out where you addressed this, because as a tax accountant, I'm having a hard time thinking of a time when a realized capital gain isn't income - if you have a realized net gain (ie amount realized is greater than your basis in the capital asset), you certainly have income. Certainly you could reinvest that net gain, but that doesn't mean you don't have income, that just means you realized a gain and reinvested the old basis and the gain (income). You're only taxed on realized gains that are recognized by the code (and you can net against realized losses) - sure, I could have an unrealized capital gain that isn't income, but I wouldn't be taxed on it either. Not that I don't agree with some of your points, but I'd really love the same clarification on this that most other posters have been asking for.

    I suppose what you are getting at as a trader is that you buy a capital asset for $1000 and sell two days latter for $1100, then reinvest the $1100 into another capital asset. You'd be taxed on the $100 of capital gain even though you effectively have no cash in your hands to pay the tax. Unfortunately for traders, income doesn't mean cash. But a person who was in the trade or business of being a professional trader wouldn't qualify for capital gains treatment anyways, it would all be ordinary income.

    Okay, but just for you, dude (when you disagree with me, we both can at least understand what we're disagreeing on. Other people here, well, it's just a waste of time. They start responding before even understanding my point). I guess I didn't make it clear earlier but my perspective on capital gains is in relation to inflation. If there were 100 widgets and 100 dollars, let's say the value of one widget was 1 dollar. If the central bank in charge of dollars decides to do some quantitative easing and increases the money supply to 200 dollars. This will lead to inflation with one widget valued at approximately 2 dollars. Now, why should one pay capital gains on this when, most likely, everything else costs more too. You didn't really receive any gain; the measurement of value (dollars) decreased.

    For example, let's say there was a tax for getting taller. If the measurement of an inch or foot keeps decreasing, you will have to keep paying even though you're not getting taller.

    Earlier I gave an example of the time between buying an apple and biting into it, likening it to cost basis and realized gain. We would find it ridiculous to pay a tax for any capital gain in the apple, but if I choose to save my money in gold until I use it, most people think I'm actually gaining something. If I were holding stock in a company that paid dividends, that might be different.

    So from my perspective, the inflation (capital gain) itself is a tax, and we have to pay a tax for that tax. Right now, I don't believe the economy is really improving; the Fed is just creating enough inflation to improve the numbers. Stocks may be going up, but I think food prices are going up even faster. So what is the point of a capital gains on stocks if the proceeds from the sale nets you even less groceries than at the time of your cost basis? If a 1 ounce gold coin a hundred years ago buys you roughly the same today, what is the point of charging a capital gains? In this case, the coin would have gone from $20 to $1500, adding up to a capital gain of $1480. Sure, you could have save the $20 in cash instead of gold, but then you're "taxed" by inflation. Instead of paying your rent for several months, $20 will now buy you a haircut. Forget the "tax the rich" aspect of this; this makes it really difficult for poor people to save money because they are the ones most likely to save cash.

    My concern is, how will we save our purchasing power? The government is actively decreasing the value of our money and anything we do to try and save our purchasing power is stripped away by taxes.

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  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 11:04 AM
    Google, Dropbox, Teamviewer. Good enough for me and free.

    Eric Schmidt on privacy (

    "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place."

    What Eric like posting my pics of my son up on a page yet not wanting the freakin' world to see? Or how about my list of friends exposed to the world with the automatic opt in of Google Buzz (

    Google and Facebook are nothing but data mining scavengers. Try this...if the shat hits the fan on either site tell me how quickly you can call and talk to a human? I'll wait.

    wallpaper beach sunset. is a resized wallpaper,
  • is a resized wallpaper,

  • BrettJDeriso
    May 7, 11:03 AM
    At the end of the day, cloud syncing should not be a paid service -they could easily bake it into the price of Mac hardware (and it probably already is). On the other hand, the IMAP email, iWeb, and gallery hosting it comes with do warrant a premium. Not the current premium by any stretch of the immagination (I get far better deals on web hosting and email elsewhere), but a premium of some dollar value is warranted, I think.

    But, when I really think about it, I don't use my MobileMe email for anything important, I haven't updated my galleries in months, and iWeb sites hosted on Apple's MobileMe servers run slower than steam rising off a manure pile. The syncing however, is invaluable.

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  • Beach Desktop Wallpaper 1024 x

  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 9, 07:15 PM
    Is this MacRumors or GoogleRumors?

    Do you really think the answer is 2? lol.

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  • Dark Sunset wallpaper

  • hhaydenn
    Apr 25, 09:23 AM
    Hold up, so it's just that easy to get in touch with Steve Jobs? What's his email address!?

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  • Untitled Wallpaper - each

  • mrblack927
    Apr 21, 05:22 PM
    Also, don't hold your breath for USB3 - as far as Apple's concerned, USB3 is a dead technology.

    Last I heard, Apple was simply waiting for Intel to support it natively. Intel is going to support USB3 in it's next generation chipsets (,12061.html), and they've made it clear that they don't see USB3 as a direct competitor to Thunderbolt.

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  • Live Wallpaper - Beach Sunset

  • balamw
    Apr 10, 06:06 PM
    My grammar may be terrible, but I dare say that I can do math. I do lots of it. The divide balamw mentioned really does seem to exist, and is a little disappointing.

    It has been mentioned before in the thread, but it bears repeating.

    Addition and Subtraction can't have different precedence because they are the same operation. "Subtraction" is just shorthand for adding negative numbers.

    Similarly division is just multiplication by the reciprocal. They MUST have the same precedence.

    You can't take PEMDAS literally if you know what you are doing.

    balamw & dukebound85:
    You guys are making too many assumptions.

    Following your thought process, the original post is not properly written then?

    No we're not, we're using the language of math as we know it. x/y(a+b) has a definite meaning and it is the same as (x/y)*(a+b) not x/(y*(a+b)). You would NEED the extra parentheses to change the meaning.

    The * multiplication is assumed if there is no operator provided, though most would probably add it in or rewrite the equation to make it even clearer it's very far from unclear.


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  • Sunset Wallpaper 1600x1200

  • ArizonaKid
    Jul 23, 12:05 AM
    recent AppleInsider story[/url] had indicated that Intel may have plans to move up Merom's formal launch to next Monday, July 23rd, to coincide with the Core 2 Duo Desktop variant ("Conroe") launch.

    Monday is the 24th. This is the third post on this. How long does it take for an admin to correct a simple mistake?

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  • Stinson Beach Sunset wallpaper

  • socamx
    Aug 11, 09:01 AM
    Why would they give the Macbook that but leave the iMac with the original Core Duo? Doesn't make sense. I would think all three would get it or just the Macbook Pro.

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  • I took this photo at sunset on

  • cactus33
    Apr 23, 10:36 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    As I said a while ago, the next gen of MBP's will have a really good screen as a main selling point.

    No one listens!

    Maybe good screens, but NOT retinas. :P (Although I wish they would have them)

    wallpaper beach sunset. Beach Wallpaper screenshot 2
  • Beach Wallpaper screenshot 2

  • WestonHarvey1
    Mar 31, 09:30 AM
    What the heck is a "golden master candidate"? Google search only hits on this story and a story about iOS 4.0. As far as I know, Apple doesn't use the term. Someone made it up and ran with it.

    It makes no sense. There are Release Candidates, and there are Golden Masters.

    wallpaper beach sunset. iPhone Wallpaper: Beach Sunset. 320x480 - suitable for use on an iPhone. See original. Note: Creative Commons licensed; free to use non-commercially.
  • iPhone Wallpaper: Beach Sunset. 320x480 - suitable for use on an iPhone. See original. Note: Creative Commons licensed; free to use non-commercially.

  • Casiotone
    Apr 24, 02:53 PM
    Anyone knows the terminal command to activate the HiDPI mode under Lion?

    I know it can be done using Quartz Debug in Xcode 4, but what about doing it via the terminal?

    wallpaper beach sunset. Sunset-Beach-Landscape.jpg
  • Sunset-Beach-Landscape.jpg

  • Chundles
    Sep 11, 01:00 AM
    Common mate, the Gong isn't a city ;)

    I get ~8000kbps so Movie downloads works for me - if the price and quality and DRM are right.

    I totally agree - the Gong isn't a city, it's just a big ex-steel town with no redeeming features other than some nice beaches. I'm serious.

    Trust me, if I could get 24mbps ADSL2+ I'd be screaming from the highest peak in the land (actually, Kosci's not that high, let's go "highest peak in Australian sovereign territory" - leave out Antarctica because not everyone recognises our claims there - and go with Mt. Mawson on Heard Island.) for Apple to bring movies and iPhoto photobooks and TV shows and all the whizz-bang stuff to the wide brown land.

    For now however, I'll simply rise and give a "standing meh."

    For those of you who don't know what a "standing meh" is, it's like a standing ovation only expressing total disinterest.

    EDIT - And don't say "Common" when you mean "Come on."

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  • Free 3D Beach Wallpapers

  • ender land
    Apr 14, 11:08 AM
    So we have websites that allow us to track where a dollar goes, how about letting us see where all the money the government spends is going

    You mean like

    or any other websites easily found via google?

    Sep 11, 11:19 AM
    Hoping there's a new iPod worth buying. I just sold my 5G iPod and 4GB Nano last night!


    Mar 27, 11:42 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Problem I have is timing. Why does Apple continue to release the new iPhone / iPad yet we have to wait months afterwards for the iOS update to take advantage of them? :confused: Last year it took until November for the original iPad update. Now they're going to offer the iPhone 5 with a several month lag for the iOS 5 upgrade?

    Hardware and software have little to do with each other in the large. That is at the low level each new piece of hardware requires it's one special software, but this is low level. The services and functionality rumored to come in iOS 5 are high level abstracted away from the hardware. I would much prefer that Apple took it's time with iOS 5 and actually get it right.

    On a side note I could see an iPad 3 in the fall. It wouldn't be a massive upgrade though. As I see a model optimized for 4G coming. There is also the potential for an even lower power variant of A5 coming built on 32/28nm tech. Such a processor would show up in an iPhone first and then move to iPad to replace the big chip there.

    Mar 30, 07:47 PM
    Downloading now! :)
    Been waiting for this!

    Apr 20, 08:53 AM
    I just upgraded to a (2011) 13" MBP and I'm still trying to get a 32 GB iPad 2 (Wi-Fi only) as my first iOS device. I'm giving my old (2010) 13" MBP to a friend.

    But later this year, when my mortgage is paid off, I might spring for my first iPhone (although i'm still concerned the small screen may be unmanageable for me... due to vision issues which may, or may not, be resolved later this year).

    Also, when my mortgage is paid off, I'll consider getting a MobileMe account and next year perhaps a 128 GB iPad 3 (Wi-Fi + LTE/G3 GSM). If I get that iPad 3, I'll give my old iPad 2 to a friend.

    But all this is a matter of treating myself to toys that I do not really need. First I need to focus on financial fundamentals like paying off my mortgage.

    Mortgage? Ahhhhh, MORTgage mortgage mortGAGE.


    Apr 9, 07:22 PM
    Yes, if you assume the (9+3) is a power.

    No, if you assume there is a fantom multiplier between the 2 and the (9+3).

    It's a loaded question, due to incomplete specifications, yet again.

    Takes me back to my User days. Kill them all!!! :mad:

    It's cut and dry simple math that you are over thinking. Why would you assume (9+3) is a power? 9+3=12 simple as that.


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